Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Xu Sanduo's famous sayings

1. Don't give up, don't give up.

2. To live well, to do meaningful things, to do meaningful things, is to live well.

3. People can't be too comfortable, too comfortable will be a problem.

4. Days are a problem with overlapping questions.

5. Are there people in the world who can drink? No! Only those who can be jealous.

6. Every little thing he did was like grabbing a life-saving straw. In the end, you discovered that he was already holding a big tree.

7. Faith This thing is not said, it is made. Glory lies in dullness, and arduousness lies in length.

8. Don't get rid of the days, be careful to confuse you.

9. You have a life, your squad leader has to play.

10. The squad leader, I don't want to be a top, when the top is too tired; I want to be a fool, the fool is not sad.

11. The quilt should be neat and tidy, flat and square. The flies fly up to the fork, and the mosquitoes fly up and slip!

12. Obviously a strong man, born with a bear-like!

13. Today is better than yesterday, this is hope.

14. I have already seen myself very lightly, why can’t I fly with you?

15. A dog is not alone. I want a dog to be alone.

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