Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

Girls confess to boys 2019

1. Your figure appears more and more frequently in front of my eyes. Gradually, it means breathing, and it doesn't break for a second, making me eat badly and sleep well.

2. It is blue, the sea is deep, my love for you is pure, 啥 testimony, the sea 呗!!!

3. The road to life is long and long, let me go with you. I am willing to build a sky that belongs to us.

4. I want you to know that there is someone in this world who will wait for you forever. No matter when, no matter where you are, you know that there will always be such a person.

5. The sky is blue, the sea is deep, I love you is true???

6. Even if we are separated, I still believe in this relationship because I love you and trust you.

7. See your name excited; hear your voice heartbeat; ask you three times and five times; fear that you will act rashly; oh!...not move when you see you.

8. The Buddha said that after five hundred years of returning, the shoulders of one achievement, maybe you are a shocked head, I accidentally hit it, and send me a message when I am willing to talk!

9. I am dying! You don't say it, I don't say it, you have to have one to pick it up! Forget it, I don't go to hell and go to hell. I said "I love you"!!

10. With you, my life is full of happiness. Let's have dinner together tonight?

11. On the first day of knowing you, I was conquered by your eyes. At that time, I already knew that I was already a prisoner of your life!

12. No one saw me standing on the edge of love, only I wanted to jump into the abyss of your love, comfort... I found comfort, even if I smashed me.

13. No matter where I am, please believe that in this ever-changing world, there is a constant heart, thinking about you all the time! I am thinking of you!

14. When can I take your hand and watch the sky together?

15. I can clearly recall every movement, every expression, and these images that I have with you, have been written into my life.

16. You are my shadow, there is sunshine in the sun! You are my sunshine, there is a stormy day to take you! You are my storm, the days of the same road do not forget each other!

17. I don't care to send you "I love you". If you accept it, save it. If you don't accept it, send it back to me.

18. Do you mind sending me to school every day? Do you mind accompanying me every day when you are okay? Do you mind comforting me when I am sad? Do you mind if I need your care? Do you mind again? I am happy with me when I am happy? Do you mind if I think you can find you at the time? You are the only one who wants you alone, but because you want to be alone. It’s not because you’re handsome, but because you’re chasing you to be more handsome. It’s not because I’m remembered, but because my heart is full of memories!

19. XXX! I, XXX, except you, are not married! Although our feelings are not very stable sentences, I believe that one day I will conquer you. I definitely want you to agree with me and believe me. If one day, we are separated. We are not together. We have unspeakable hardships. No matter what it is, no matter where you are, I will definitely save you! Because, I will spend a lifetime with you! I will always be with you. Forever guarding you forever. Adding clothes for you, cooking for you, washing your shirt for you, etc. are willing. As long as you can be with you. Love words. [I miss you for being alone, but because I miss you alone. It’s not because you’re handsome, but because you’re chasing you to be more handsome. It’s not because I’m remembered, but because my heart is full of memories!

20. XXX! I, XXX, except you, are not married! Although our feelings are not very stable sentences, I believe that one day I will conquer you. I definitely want you to agree with me and believe me. If one day, we are separated. We are not together. We have unspeakable hardships. No matter what it is, no matter where you are, I will definitely save you! Because, I will spend a lifetime with you! I will always be with you. Forever guarding you forever. Adding clothes for you, cooking for you, washing your shirt for you, etc. are willing. As long as you can be with you. Love words.

21. I love you! If one day, I turn into a cup of loess. The spring grass that grows on the loess is green for you. The flowers on the loess are also beautiful for you.

22. Since I met you, my calm heart lake can no longer be calm. Your style, your Li Ying, your smile makes me unforgettable, I have been deeply attracted by your wonderful style!

23. As long as I can meet you often, I feel happy; as long as you are leaning against your petite body, I will not be lonely.

24. Don't fascinate me with a gentle call. Don't use Tingting's shadow to make my heart move. Don't use my affectionate eyes to make me suffer.

25. I have a little secret in my heart. Do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, really like it...

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