Inspirational quotes

Classical Chinese inspirational quotes

1. The pen is falling into the storm, and the poem is a weeping ghost.

2. The palace woman is not a private king, the courtier of the court is not afraid of Wang Mo not afraid of the king; within the four realms, there is no demand for the king.

3. Those who can succumb to the city's dynasty and hear the ears of the widows are rewarded.

4. The old man is squatting, and his ambition is a thousand miles;

5. For a long time, calm down, take a step back, and broaden the sky.

6. If the wood is roped straight, the gold will be profitable, and the gentleman will learn from the Japanese and participate in the province.

7. Appreciation and appreciation, thick and thin hair.

8. Bao Jianfeng smashed out the plum blossoms from the bitter cold.

9. Green, taken from blue, and green in blue; ice, water for it, and cold for water.

10. The three armed forces can win the handsome, and the husband can't be ambition.

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12. Forgetting to eat, happy to forget, I don't know how old is coming.

13. The mountain does not resign, so it can become its height; the sea does not quit, so it can become deep!

14. Helping the crisis is a good thing. Can not boast, then its virtue is thick!

15. Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improving.

16. The establishment of a great cause of life is not known, but it is possible

17. When the river reaches the sea, when will it return to the west? If you are young, you will not work hard, and the boss will be sad.

18. If you don’t ask for it, then you’ll be safe, don’t do it, and you’ll be safe.

19. Learned, interrogated, deliberate, clearly identified, and carried out.

20. Evil, fearful people know, it is a big evil. Good, want to know, not true.

21. Man is good, but if the blessing is not there, the evil is far away; man is evil, but the evil is not yet, and the blessing is far away.

22. Don't cut off the pros and the pro-family, and transfer to the multi-teacher is a teacher.

23. Self-cultivation, family, governance, and the world.

24. When you meet the situation, you will be indifferent, in case of adversity, you will be calm.

25. People who are not born to know, can not be confused, not confused from the teacher, it is also confusing, and ultimately does not solve.

26. If you don’t think twice, you will always be defeated.

27. Wealth cannot be lascivious, inferiority cannot be moved, and mightyness cannot be bent.

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