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My youthful dreams of glory years

The annual rings of time always bring us to an unknown world. In the face of the unknown, we are full of expectations and fantasies. At the same time, we are afraid and embarrassed. Perhaps we are always chasing because of such passion. However, when we look back, we find that youth has already disappeared. Those people and things that have made us unforgettable have quietly become memories. Between freedom and reality, we are pulling back and forth. At that time, we can’t be alone, we are unrestrained, we always feel that we Life will never change, love will last forever, so we can enjoy the joy of family in our own nest, but the slap in the face of reality, wake us up from that fantasy, youth has been gone, dreams are still carry on……

In my youth years, there have been many dreams of big and small. I once dreamed that one day I could have a strong body and superb technology with the NBA basketball league, Shaquille O’Neal, and I dreamed that I could be like a book. Like the King of the Kings, he wrote a book that is like a cloud of water and an extraordinary mood. However, today I want to talk about the memory of an era. A palace-level band that has made countless people crazy, even if it has been 30 years, their songs are still being Inheritance, still occupying a pivotal position in the entire Chinese music scene, they are Beyond.

Beyond is a famous rock band from Hong Kong, China. Founded in 1983, the Chinese name of the team is “Beyond”. The band is original and its works are mainly based on realism, reflecting the shortcomings of society at the time and their place. As I heard, the works attracted a lot of discussion from countless social media at the time. However, they always insisted on their own dreams and sang their own songs. All the melody and arrangement of the works were done by their own hands, but since the soul of the band After the accidental death of the character Huang Jiaxuan in Tokyo, Japan in 1993, the band did not find new members to fill. In 2005, the "Beyond The Story Live 2005" world tour farewell concert was held and the dissolution was announced. The three continued to develop themselves in a personal attitude. Music career.

I listened to Beyond's song for the first time. It was when I was in the second day of class. A band's classic "I love you" written to my mother made me deeply like this band. Maybe it was him. The lyrics were touched, and perhaps it was infected by his melody. Now it is not important. Just after that, the tape recorder at home, most of the MP3s he carried are his songs, slowly in his music. I found the resonance of the soul. What he sang is what we think in our hearts. What we do is what we want to persist but is awkward. Under the accompaniment of his music, my youth is full of too much happiness and sorrow. When I didn't know how to make a choice about the road ahead, it was his music that gave me the heroicness of "No More Hesitation". Let me go on what I want. When real life is full of my youthful dreams, it is still his. Music gave me the idea of ​​"Broad Sky", let me keep going, and let us have feelings for each other, singing his music, as if listening to my youth...

Nowadays, we have a year of work, we all have our own work, and even have our own family and children. The pressure of reality makes us feel anxious. The familiar ones are gradually strangers because of the distance. The beautiful years of youth have quietly become memories. They are treasured in the softest corner of our hearts. When we are old, we can only be used as a kind of comfort to the soul. Let us know that we have been young, but the years will not stop. The youth that belongs to us has gradually drifted away, and has been shattered and shattered by reality. What we remember and do not remember has become a commemoration of being treasured. However, the dream of youth is never changed for me because it Has become a kind of faith, a spiritual pillar stands in my heart, although youth has been gone, but the dream continues...

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