Inspirational article

Ambiguous conductor

Once upon a time there was a young violinist named Toscanini, a member of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Although he is very talented, but born with amblyopia, every time you practice the piano, the score must be seen in front of your eyes. To overcome this obstacle, Toscanini began to recite the score of each symphony, so that he did not need to watch the score on the spot during the concert. Although he spent many times the practice time of other members, he was happy because he found himself more aware of the true meaning of the music; so he used his leisure time to recite the scores of other instruments. After two or three years of hard work, he has been able to play various instruments in the symphony orchestra.

One time the Vienna Symphony Orchestra went to Brazil to perform, but a serious problem occurred the night before the performance: the conductor of the symphony orchestra disappeared and no one could find him. So all the members immediately opened an emergency meeting to discuss what to do. Some people proposed to cancel the performance, but some people strongly opposed it and thought that it was irresponsible to cancel the performance. When there was a lot of discussion, some people suggested that Toscanini should be the conductor because he knew all the instruments of the symphony. Everyone thought that this person was joking, but Toscanini actually agreed. In the absence of a better way, everyone had to let him give it a try.

Since Toscanini really learned all kinds of instruments with great care, he played the various instruments played live: at the end of the game, the audience applauded, Toscanini had to end the curtain five times before ending, many critics Think this is one of the most successful performances of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. The next day, all members made an important decision: they dismissed the former conductor and elected Toscanini as the commander of the symphony orchestra, and he became a contemporary conductor.

After Toscanini’s retired journalist visited him and asked him if he could become a contemporary conductor under the obstacle of amblyopia, would he be lucky? Toscanini pondered and replied: "Yes, I am a very lucky person. I think that to be a lucky person, we must constantly strive to prepare. When the opportunity comes, you are ready, you are a lucky person. So if we can spend a little more effort to learn to grow, give more than others to grow and progress, and develop their potential; when the opportunity When you come, you will also be a lucky person.

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