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Kindly sad story

Meng Fei: This is Jiangsu Satellite TV's large-scale life service program "You Are the One". Hello everyone, I am Meng Fei. You are welcome, please come to the beautiful 24 list of female guests tonight! Our rewards are for the first round of the male guests, who won no less than 22 lights. After the female guests leave, they will get a trip to the Aegean Sea. Now, let us have the 1st male guest to come on stage!

Beijing guy: Teacher Meng Fei is good! Teacher of God of Wealth is good! Teacher Huang Hao is good! 24 female guests are good! The audience on the spot and in front of the TV! Hello everyone!

Meng Fei: Introduce yourself

Beijing guys: 24 female guests are good, Meng Fei is good, I am coming to the Chinese capital - Beijing.

Meng Fei: Please introduce your hometown.

Beijing guys: There are many people! There are many cars! There are many foods! If we succeed in hand, then I will take you to eat 1, Quanjude: roast duck; 2, old Beijing: fried noodles; 3, imitation meal: Pea Huanger; 4, Dong Lai Shun: copper pot mutton; 5, Dashun Zhai: sugar fire; 6, Longsheng: honey three knives; 7, Tianxingju: fried liver; 8, explosion belly full: explosion belly, enema; 9, Nancheng Jinfang:驴 Rolling; 10, Qingfeng Baozi Shop: Chairman's Package... Take you to taste the food of Beijing, I don't want you to be slim, as long as you have a lot of happiness and happiness...

Meng Fei: Don't say good food on our WeChat program? Eat too much.

Beijing guy: Hey, I know, everyone, I am from the capital Beijing, my Chinese name is Huang Di.

Meng Fei: Emperor? This name is too domineering. You must have no English name?

Beijing Guy: Who said, I have an English name called "Jacky". .

Meng Fei: Tell me about your work.

Beijing guy: I didn't work. I have been following my dad until now. I am accompanying him to buy food every morning. Check the variety, quantity and price of the dishes. We will only ship to the restaurant. Every day, my work is very fulfilling. I rarely take time off. I am serious and responsible. I also handed in several girlfriends during the period and finally broke up.

Meng Fei: Can you tell me specifically why you broke up?

Beijing guys: They all think that I don't have time to accompany them. Now I think it's a pity to think about it. I am very saving. I usually buy clothes from street shops. I will save money. I don't know if they will not want me.

Meng Fei: What kind of woman do you want to find?

Beijing Guy: I like a woman with a gentle appearance and a wild heart.

Meng Fei: Hey, your statement is quite straightforward!

Beijing guys: Beijing guys have nothing to say, I don't like to force people, I hope that the future daughter-in-law will get the kitchen under the hall, and in my heart, I can't look good.

Meng Fei: You are very demanding on girls, so let's talk about your strengths.

Beijing guy: In fact, my biggest advantage is patriotism, support for domestic products, use Dabao skin care products, open Chery QQ, use Xiaomi's first generation mobile phone, love Anta, basically all dresses are this brand. I live in the courtyard of the old Beijing. There are many people living in a large courtyard. Everyone comes from Tiannanhaibei. I can chat with you regardless of the age, so I also asked me to chat with my brother!!

Meng Fei: Please ask 24 beautiful girls to recite male guests. Please invite male guests to choose a girl.

Meng Fei: Have you chosen a male guest?

Beijing guy: Okay.

Meng Fei: Please choose 24 beautiful female guests.

At this time, 24 female guests extinguished the lights at the same time, and the scene sounded "It’s a pity that you are not accompanying me to the end."

Beijing guy: What does this mean?

Meng Fei: . amount. . . Male guests, what restaurant do you give to the restaurant every day, and you didn't say where you live?

Beijing Boy: My dad's company is specializing in food delivery. There are no less than 100 restaurants in the restaurant, including Quanjude, South Beauty, Tang Palace Seafood, and Da Zhaimen!

I live in the courtyard of Dongzhimen. I am an only child at home. So I am too lonely. I rented the entire yard to people from different places. It was a lively event. My current yard has a total of 15 families. I am quite a number. satisfied. When I didn't rent it before, I lived alone, the yard was big, and I lived with caution. . . Now the rent is about 50,000 in a month. I have 5 suites under my name, so I can have 50,000 in one month. Plus, my dad gave me a pocket money of 100,000 a month. I also have an annual salary of 2 million. It’s gone.

It was at this time that a miracle appeared, and 24 female guests requested to light the male guest again.

Meng Fei: May I ask the male guest, are you willing?

Beijing guy: I don't want to

Beijing Guy: I just want to tell you that you are now with the rich men. A lot of money is not their money. The money is earned by his father. Why can he earn so much because his father is young? I found a woman like his mother who was willing to accompany him to start from scratch, so today I only want to tell you that a man who loves you will hurt this woman for a lifetime, and a woman who loves you will keep this. Men can live for a lifetime, the handsome guys on the scene can you do it? Men will only respect those women who accompany him from the bumps, if you can do it, the man will respect you, until you are not in love with this man.

At this time, if you are the one, you will be silent on the stage.

At this time, the Xiaomi 1 mobile phone of the male guest rang. I only heard a rude voice on the mobile phone. "You are honest, please don't bother. The daughter of Quanjude wants to eat with you. You are a little rabbit." Give me back!"

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