Inspirational article

Gao Yi students inspirational article: Thanks to two trees

Gao Yi students inspirational article: Thanks to two trees

A young man, a child who is a child, is a child. At the time of school, he was a good student and a class cadre. In the second year of the second year, he participated in the national Olympics competition and won the first prize.
When he was less than 17 years old, he was sent to a university for further study. Destiny gave him a big joke during the summer vacation when he received the college admission notice: When he crossed the road, a speeding vehicle relentlessly took his legs and left hand. In the face of this catastrophe, he was not defeated. He eventually learned all the university courses with amazing perseverance. Later he founded his own company and became a private enterprise boss with tens of millions of yuan in fixed assets. He was elected as the city's " Ten outstanding young people." I interviewed him that day and asked him how to overcome the unimaginable pain and to achieve today's results.
Completely beyond my expectations, what he most wants to thank is neither a parent who gives him great care, nor a friend who has always encouraged and supported him. In the face of my question, he answered very quickly: I want to thank two trees!
After a car accident, he is worthy of the end of the world for him who has been outstanding since his childhood and has a strong self-respect. Looking at his incomplete body, he didn't want to live. He felt that his life was ruined. There is no more goal and meaning worth pursuing in life. He once wanted to commit suicide. Even in the hospital, hearing one or two car horns that are far from the street can cause him irritability and anxiety, and his mood is extremely unstable. In order to distract him, he shifted his attention. After he was discharged from the hospital, the family deliberately sent him to the aunt's house in the country to retreat.
There, he met two trees that determined the meaning of his life.
My aunt's family lives in a small village far from the city, quiet, comfortable, and even a little backward. He was in the aunt's small yard, eating, sleeping, sleeping, eating, and day-to-day sending out the time he thought was no longer precious, and people were more discouraged and lazy. Half a year passed.
One afternoon, my aunt's family went to Shimoda, who went to school, and he was alone at home. He was bored, and he walked out of the small courtyard by shaking his wheelchair.

In this way, it seems that there are arrangements in the dark, he and the two trees meet unexpectedly.
What kind of two trees are that! In the place of fifty or sixty meters away from the aunt's house, there are two eucalyptus trees that look very weird. They twist their limbs like rattan, but they stand up tenaciously. Between the two trees, a thick wire of seven or eight meters long is connected, and the ends of the wire are deeply embedded in the trunk. No, it is simply wrapped in the tree! Live like a long bag, tightly tied to a rope, showing a strange shape with two thick, medium thin.
Seeing his curious look, the neighbors on the side told him that it was originally for the convenience of drying clothes. Seven or eight years ago, someone pulled a wire between two small banyan trees. Over time, the longer and thicker the trunk, the part that was entangled by the wire could not be shackled, and the deep scars were pulled out, and the two small trees were dying. Just when everyone thought that these two banyan trees could no longer survive, they did not expect that after a winter rain in the second year, they issued new sprouts, and as the trunks became thicker, year after year, they would be hungry. The wire on his body "eats" in!
Inexplicably, his heart was stunned by a strong earthquake: in the face of violence and misfortune exerted by the outside world, Xiaoshu still knows to fight, and as a person, what reason is there to give up his efforts in life! In the face of these two banyan trees, he was ashamed, and at the same time provoked the unsatisfactory deep inside. He saw that he used his only remaining right hand and struggled to prop up the whole body from a wheelchair that had been sitting for more than half a year. Respectfully respecting the two eucalyptus trees that are ordinary but not strong enough, they are deeply stunned!
Soon, he took the initiative to ask to go back to the city, picked up the long-lost textbooks and had confidence, and started his own new life.
Listening to him calmly finished the story, I have been speechless for a long time.
On the way to life, some are inescapable, such as fate; some are unchangeable, such as love; some are indelible, such as memory; some are difficult to put on hold, such as love... and passively bear, it is better to face up bravely It is better to fight with the wind and the wind and rain; instead of being lonely in silence, it is better to break out in the struggle... The harder the road, the bigger the resistance, the more dangerous, as long as you walk, life will be more exciting.

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