Inspirational article

Inspirational article: With ideals, life will shine

Inspirational article: With ideals, life will shine

In the long history of human history, the life of a person seems so short. However, how does it make sense to live in this world? Some people, life is not long, but their English names are always in history. Some people, despite their longevity, are still alive. Doing nothing, vain a lifetime. Why are these two kinds of life results so different? The reason lies in what kind of ideals a person establishes and how to fight for it.
Ideal belief is a concentrated expression of world outlook, outlook on life and values. The concept of happiness is part of the outlook on life. What kind of happiness concept a person has will directly affect the establishment of his ideals and beliefs. Some people say that happiness is an objective state, and that you can enjoy happiness by enjoying wealth and status. It has also been said that happiness is a subjective feeling, and when the heart is full of sunshine, nature will be happy. Materialists believe that happiness is the unity of subjectivity and objectivity. From a subjective point of view, it is the result and reflection of the level of economic and social development. It is inseparable from certain material conditions and social environment. From a subjective point of view, it is the external A feeling in the world depends on your own value orientation and mental state.

Feeling happiness requires a state of high spirits. Struggles are often fulfilling, and devotees are often happy. It's hard to imagine that a person who is full of food, idle, and emptiness can truly feel the happiness of life. To establish a lofty ideal of loftyness, one must have a correct view of happiness. To establish a lofty ideal, it is necessary to link the personal ideal with the needs of the motherland and the interests of the people.
Ideally, it was also called "Chi" in ancient China. The ancients attached great importance to the ideals. They have always emphasized the importance of "study from a young age". Even if they are in a place where they are poor, they must abide by the belief that "people are invincible" and stick to their ideals. Throughout the history of mankind, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, the great success of all careers, are determined from childhood, establish ideals, and ultimately contribute to society, thus achieving their own goals in life. It turns out that only people with ideal ambitions can make a difference and have a wonderful life.
Young people must have ideals. If they lose their ideals, their lives will lose their brilliance, and their lives will wither. Contemporary teenagers should not spend time and energy on playing games online. They must know how to have an ideal life to shine. The process of achieving the ideal is more important and harder. To achieve the ideal is to pay the price, to persevere, to have perseverance of confidence and perseverance, let us work hard to achieve lofty ideals!

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