Inspirational article

High school students' inspirational article: the value of suffering

High school students' inspirational article: the value of suffering

The preciousness of life lies in that everyone only has one time, and it should be lively and relaxed. However, most people cannot get what they want. Hunger, illness, loss of love, wandering and other troubles are often entangled in life. Therefore, some people say that life is not as good as usual.
Life tells people that the seasons in nature can be repeated, the strings that can be broken can be replaced, and the plays that are bad can be rearranged, but there is no second time in life. How to face the suffering of life, this is a subject that a living person must answer. Of course, different people will have different answers. In the week from Christmas 1944 to New Year's Day in 1945, the death rate in German concentration camps increased significantly. Why? People analyze this phenomenon not because of the bad environment, but because most of the prisoners have a naive hope that they will return to their hometown at Christmas. When the festive season approached, the good news was still stunned, so they burned all the way, greatly weakening the body's resistance and causing a large number of deaths. The philosopher Nietzsche has a famous saying: "A person who knows why and lives can bear almost any pain." On the contrary, the goal of personal life cannot be seen, and those who feel that it does not make sense to live is the most tragic. The typical reaction of such people when they hear encouragement and urging is: "I have no hope in my life." If a person feels like this in a difficult situation, it will be an elegy of life.
I remember a teacher who said to me when I was in adversity: "The first voice of a person is crying, not laughing!" After more than ten years, this profoundly philosophical statement is still fresh in memory. Yes, there are no perfect things in the world. It is natural to endure hardships in life. Dr. Frank, the author of "Live a Meaning", was a prisoner in the concentration camp in World War II. His parents, brothers, and wives were not dead in prison, they were sent to the gas chamber, and only the family and his sister survived, but his spirit and enlightenment smelt the real gold in the fire. After studying and studying in a terrible environment, the psychiatrist finally wrote this spiritual product that reveals the destiny of mankind. After a young college entrance examination in Liaocheng, Shandong Province, faced with a poor family and sick parents, they resolutely went out of their homes to go to Jinan to break through the ruin. For eight years, they often lived without a fixed place, and their food was not enough. Often something. In order to maintain the life of the whole family and to study for his younger brother, he actually controlled his daily living standard below one yuan, and his hard living conditions reduced his weight to 45 kilograms. However, it is hard to rely on the confidence in life. While he is desperately making money, he studies hard and has published dozens of poems in influential newspapers and magazines across the country. The Writers Publishing House also published a special collection of personal poetry for him. He went to the Chinese Department of Shandong Normal University with the help of good people and rounded off his many years of college dreams.

It can be seen that suffering and misfortune are the companions of life. People often do not know how to cherish the happiness that is easy to get; only those who have experienced unfortunate know the preciousness of happiness. The meaning of suffering is here.
Life scientists tell us that time and space are constant masters, and people are just passing passengers. Only by ourselves becoming the true master of life can we calmly face suffering and create a life without regrets in order to pursue a high quality life.

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