Inspirational article

Inspirational article: afraid of hardship, hardship for a lifetime

Inspirational article: afraid of hardship, hardship for a lifetime

Lao Luo said: Like everyone else, I am lazy, easy to give up, can't keep going, and have no perseverance. Everyone is like this, you don't have to be inferior, because we are genetically designed to be like this. You don't have to feel sorry for this, we are all controlled by this. If we want to achieve continuous progress in life and maintain a beautiful and exciting state, it is best to listen to a bloody inspirational lecture every three days.
Like everyone else, I am lazy, easy to give up, can't keep going, and have no perseverance. Everyone is like this, you don't have to be inferior, because we are genetically designed to be like this. You don't have to feel sorry for this, we are all controlled by this.
I believe that you have had such an experience. When you were young, you might have heard a bloody inspirational lecture. After listening to it, you couldn’t sleep, and decided to recite words overnight. I took out a Longman dictionary or a Webster's dictionary, and I started to back in the night, my eyes lit up, and I felt like a brass bell. Friends in the same dormitory call you to play mahjong, and you look at them with contemptuous eyes and say: "Vulgar." Continue to recite words. I only slept for 3 hours at night. The next day was especially exciting. The tigers and tigers were so angry. How long can this beautiful and progressive state last? It is usually two or three days. On the third day, as soon as you look at the dictionary, you will scream in your heart and wonder how it is you! There is a saying called three minutes of heat, which is the case. In fact, everyone is like this. If we want to achieve continuous progress in life and maintain this beautiful and exciting state, it is best to listen to a bloody life motivational lecture every 3 days. But you think about it, how could there be such a condition? Therefore, the second best thing to do is to look at some so-called inspirational, successful books.
When I was young, there were still a lot of such books. I am not very successful in learning books, what is Carnegie, who moved my cheese, what are some of the high-performance people's stinks, the greatest salesman, and so on, these books, I have been since I was a child. I don't look at these things very much because I know that these things are unthinking, contentless, and nutritious. There are hundreds of millions of successful books in the world. In the final analysis, it is a sentence: as long as you work hard, you will succeed.
Although I don't usually read these books, you have to understand that when you set a difficult, phased plan, there are so many books on the bedside that you are definitely the best spiritual opium. When can't you stick to it, pick it up and roll it up, just like giving you a shot of stimulant, and you can stick to it for 3 days. I went to the old books of Haidian Book City and bought the cheapest book. In the Chinese bookstore, there are two kinds of old books: one is two cents, one is collected, three cents is sold to you, and the other is sold. I carefully selected it there, went it a total of three times, bought a bunch of it back, piled it at the door, prepared it as a war, and then began a hard review.
As much as I thought, it was OK for the first time, and it lasted for 4 days. All of them will be abandoned in 3 days. The reason for insisting on the first four days was that the weather was bad, it rained every day, so I closed the door to study. Anyway, it didn't want to go out when it rained. It was good to do the words at home. On the morning of the fifth day, the sky was clear, blue sky and white clouds. My house is on the 6th floor, and the nearby houses are very low. I look in the direction of the city and feel the red dust rolling far away. There is an auditory hallucination in the ear. It seems that there is an evil voice saying: "Young people, come in and play, roll the red dust, do you do it in the suburbs? Great youth, yes." I thought, yeah, so I took out my mobile phone. Call the friends in the city, then they said, come out, don’t say anything. I said that I went to eat at night, then sang and pinched my feet. It was very lively.
After packing up and going out to the door, I saw that the books were covered with ash, bought them for 5 days, and I never touched them, so I thought I should give them a chance. Then I picked up a book and turned it over 3 pages. There was a sentence that hit me like a lightning bolt. It was a sentence that Li Wei said when he was young: he was not afraid of suffering, he had suffered for half a lifetime; he was afraid of hardship and hardship for a lifetime. I saw that sentence at that time, I thought it would be better. You think, I was a twenty-something person, and nothing happened. Now I have just developed a phased life plan, and I am ready to give up in less than a few days. At this juncture, there is actually a person who is far away from Taiwan who said such a sentence, how can I see it when I am wrong? This magical feeling is a bit like a love affair. When you hear any love song on the road, you feel that the lyrics are sung to you. I was ashamed, crying, kneeling on the ground and hitting the wall and rolling, twitching, tears, cold sweat, all out, and finally rushed into the bathroom and took a cold shower. Then I took a dozen of my ear slaps, went back to the computer, calmed down, first recited the words, then did the questions, did the questions to do the disgusting words, and recited the words and disgusted the questions. It was a light and easy day. On the second and third days, I hesitated, but I stopped.

On the fourth day, exactly the same, and want to give up, I feel that I am doing this, the great youth is consumed here, so I want to give up. Going to the door to see the books, I thought I should give them another chance, so I picked up another one. note! At this time, there is a technical problem. If you take the last one, turn to that sentence, "I am not afraid of suffering, and suffer for half a lifetime; afraid of suffering, suffering for a lifetime", does it work? Certainly no use. Maybe you will look at your mother when you look at your heart. The heart says that it is when you say this sentence. I have been sinned for three days! Otherwise, I have already gone red! Therefore, the lessons of history tell us that we must never touch the book again. Why did I buy a bunch at the time? It is because of this, otherwise it is not enough. Picking up another one, just flipping it over, turned over 3 pages, another warning, saying: There is only one type of failure, that is, halfway. I thought, wow, how good! Then I cried and cried, and I couldn't do it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom to take a cold shower. It was extremely extreme this time that even the sleek clothes were cut off, and only the autumn clothes sanitary trousers were left, and they could not go out to meet people.
It is never exaggerated to give up on average every 3 days. One or two times in the middle, the friends of the fox and the dog couldn’t bear it, and they went to the suburbs and took me out of the air. But basically relying on the pile of books, I stuck to the end. In fact, when I left the house, there were only two or three books left in the pile of books, and the others looked. In other words, it is very important to master the quantity. If you have two or three books, you may have to give up.

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