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The power of play

The power of play

Woz sold the calculator, and Jobs sold the Volkswagen, made some money, and made a personal computer. The world changed.
Apple is the most powerful technology company. From the iPhone to the iPad, what to sell. In the words of the movie line, the company is looking for two fish hooks, wrapped in tin foil, can be sold to Queen Elizabeth as an earring at a high price.
However, the two founders of Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Woznik, were two urchins, and at first they were fascinated by the world of invention and creation. Jobs advised Woz to say that we started a company to get a computer out. Even if nothing happened, we could tell the grandson that Grandpa had also opened the company. After the two were together, Woz sold the calculator, and Jabes sold the Volkswagen, made some money, and made a personal computer. The world changed.
These two people are born with player temperament. When they started their business, they also engaged in mischief. For example, using early hacking techniques, posing as Secretary of State Kissinger to call the Pope, all the way to an archbishop in Rome. The pioneers of the Internet include such players. To be precise, it is not a "player", but an expert with a playful spirit.
Nowadays, many technology companies that sell big prices are also "playing" at the beginning. Harvard's Zuckerberg created Facebook, which began to compare the most "hot" "Facebook" network of girls in each dormitory; the origin of YouTube, it is said that three co-founders took a lot of videos after a party I don’t know how to share it, so I’ve drummed out this website that was bought by Google’s high price.

Although this is a legend, there is a saying in the Analects that is correct: "The person who knows is not as good as the one who is good, and the one who is good is not as good as the one who is happy."
Someone asked Freud how to live a happy and productive life. Freud said: Love, work. In the book The Power of Play, author David Elkend adds a word--play, which makes the golden triangle of life: love, work hard, play. The tragedy of a person after adulthood is to separate the three, or the three are missing one.
Like, hard work, but no play, you are tired and tired. If you like, play, but don't work hard, you don't grow up, your heart is tired. If you play hard and don't like it, you will be entertained, and you will be physically and mentally exhausted.

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