Inspirational article

Middle school students inspirational future: now decide the future

Middle school students inspirational future: now decide the future

In a small country in New Jersey, a class of 26 children was arranged in a very inconspicuous classroom in the school building. They are all children who have "missed", some have taken drugs, some have entered the small management. Parents, teachers, and schools are very disappointed with them and even want to give up.

It was at this time that a female teacher named Fira took over the class. Instead of reorganizing discipline like the previous teacher, Fira gave everyone a multiple-choice question: pick someone who would later benefit humanity. There are three candidates, they are:

A. I believe in witch doctors, there are two mistresses, have a history of smoking for many years, and are addicted to alcohol.

B. I have been driven out of the office twice, getting up at noon every day, drinking about one liter of brandy every night, and having a record of smoking opium.

C. He used to be a fighting hero in the country. He has always maintained a vegetarian habit, does not smoke, occasionally drinks a little beer, and has never done anything illegal in his youth.

Everyone has chosen C.

Fira announced the answer: A is Franklin Roosevelt, who has served as the fourth president of the United States; B is Winston Churchill, the most famous prime minister in British history; C is Adolf Hitler, the fascist demon.

Everyone was shocked.

At this time, Fira said: "Children, your life has just begun. The past honors and shame can only represent the past. What truly represents a person's life is his present and future work. From now on, try to be yourself. You will become a great person in the most wanted things in your life."

A few words changed the fate of these 26 children in their lives. Among them is Robert Harrison, the youngest fund manager on Wall Street today.

★Educator says ★

“The past glory and shame can only represent the past.” Fira’s philosophical words made us feel the flash of an educational concept.

Among our educational objects, children who have received honors or made mistakes abound. "Honour" or "wrong" can only represent their past, and must not be used to determine their future. The ancients cloud: The hour is over, the big is not necessarily good. Similarly, children who have had a disgraceful experience may not be bleak in the future. Because things always change and develop, this is the basic essence of materialist dialectics.

- "What truly represents a person's life is his present and future work."

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