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Life sentiment article: Life is hard to get drunk a few times

The small rivers of the years quietly flow slowly, and unconsciously have already driven out of a long way in life. Looking back, the road is calm and calm, sometimes blue waves, red dust in the storm, lightning and thunder, there are bright spring, sunny, cold, and warm.

Life is like a cup of mellow five-flavored wine, which makes people sometimes drunk, like drunkenness, fluttering. Sometimes I use alcohol to eliminate my cockroaches, and I will be stunned by my heart. As a song for wine, the geometry of the years, the discretion of poetry as a friend, the night drink Mingyue, can not understand life, can not understand life. Only by walking out of the trivial environment of disturbances, leaving the red and green dust, leaving the fields, mountains, rivers, ponds, body and mind free from the interference of the world and material desires, let the heart and nature blend into one, the heart is clear. Clear and quiet. It is only in this unintentional mood that you can truly enjoy the intoxication of the delicious wines of life. That fragrant, that smell, that color, that rhyme, that feeling, stayed by the side, echoed for a long time.

Childish wine, like a high-grade drink filled with honey, drink a bite sweet in the bottom of my heart, dry a cup full of earth. It is the giggling laughter in the sleep. It is the satisfaction of catching fish and shrimp in the small river. It is the peach pink cheek. It is the scream of the child climbing the treetop. It is a small farmhouse with chickens and ducks. It is an orchard with apples, pears and branches. Take a cup and take a cup. The more you drink, the warmer you are. The more you drink, the more intoxicated you are. The childhood dreams are so poor, but they are very fulfilling. Although they are not amazing, they are very kind. Although they are not earth-shattering, they are very pleasant, and they are really cherished. Childhood dreams are pure, honest, and unhappy. Listening to the holy beauty in the depths of the heart, how to make people forget to return, self-indulgence. The simple world is exquisite, and thousands of cups are not returned. What a luxury, life will always be fixed in this carefree moment.

However, the spring is so short that the cravings have not yet flourished, and the hot and raging palms of summer have pushed the adult track without any mercy, the increase of the body, the expansion of the annual rings, and the face of the colorful world. It’s really a bit of a hand and nothing to do. Bringing up the spirits of youth, looking around, looking into the future, full of curiosity and embarrassment, with the help of alcoholic rush into the harbor of the secret exploration, the ambition of the eagle eagerly spreads The horse is rushing to the world.

The wine of the first love, the soul is full of intoxication, the feeling is blue, the dream is sweet, the cloud is color, everything in the world is mine. Before the flower, the Qingqing I and I, if you are in the ocean of love, indulge in the world of love, the wine is not intoxicating, people are drunk, they are the darling of fate, the treasure of career. Stay in the harbor of love, fascinated by the intoxicating scenery, pray for time to stop, and life will always spend a good month.

Autumn, it should be the harvest season, who knows what is given is the helpless ending, bitter wine. The carpets piled up by the yellow leaves drowned the laughter and laughter of the past. The drizzle drenched the soft feelings of the past. Under the bright moonlight, the past gracefulness was lost. The wind in the red dust, the rain in the material, scraped away the pure love, drenched the hot feelings, the beautiful fairy tale has been blurred. I thought that as long as there is a result of love, there will be a beautiful picture. The facts declare that you are not the harbor where I have been calling for life. It is just a tourist who walks in a hurry. Drunk, many years of aging broke a place, hurt a heart. Thick alcohol, long time lingering with drunken loneliness.

Drunk in the late autumn, a piece of fallen leaves all yellow, a trace of cool and cold, repeated tides and tides, once again returning to the joys and sorrows. Passionate is always hurt and drunk, why not be chic. There are too many regrets in life, too much helplessness, too much loss. At this moment, I was really drunk, and I was so drunk that I had nothing to do.

In winter, the snow fluttering with the sky is on schedule. It lacks the childishness and innocence of spring, without the warmth and perseverance of summer, but inherits the calm and maturity of autumn. In the world of whiteness and innocence, the lake in the world has suddenly become calm and calm, calm and quiet. Only the inner heart is truly calm, facing the unpredictable life, facing the test of the fate of torture, it is also comfortable and courageous to accept.

It’s hard to get drunk a few times in life. After you get drunk, you know that you have a strong wine. After you have loved it, you know how to be cherished. If you don’t give up, you can cherish it. Only after hardships can you cultivate a firm character and cherish every sway in your life. Cherish every scene around us, grateful life, smile and continue, all the way to life, a smile, let the wine in life always exude a lingering fragrance.

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