Inspirational speech

Don't be sad, because life will continue.

I just encountered the failure of the fifth interview this month. I stood alone on the side of the road and looked at the crowds who were bustling, happy or laughing, thinking that they were experiencing one or the other life, but I still have to live. do not know. I am desperate for the disappointment of the past and the panic about the future. For a moment, I even want to give up, give up everything I have and everything I have, and even give up my life, my life and my life.

But this feeling is only a moment, the next second, I blinked, squeezed the tears that still flowed out in the future, reorganized the makeup, and then strode forward to take the next step in life. Because I understand that sadness can bring me tears, can not make any glory for me, addicted to sadness is just a cowardly act, and escaping from reality will only make me and dreams across the sea.

1. Don't be sad, because the world doesn't understand you.

In fact, everyone in this world is lonely, because everyone has their own lives and sadness that others do not understand.

Colleague Xiao A fell in love, and a person was crying in the office. At the beginning, people would still hear the past comfort, but after a few words, they still returned to their seats. Because my colleague B is also worried about her family's relationship, her colleague Xiao C is still anxious about this month's performance appraisal. Colleague Xiao D is still busy calling the children's schooling problem, and I will continue to cast a resume. . No one really feels heartbroken for Xiao A’s love affair, because we also have all kinds of things that we have to be sad.

In the world, we are small, and for ourselves, the emotions of the waves are actually just a statement for others. Since no one knows, why bother to see it to outsiders? It’s like you are speaking French to an Englishman. Even if he nods frequently, you know that he doesn’t understand. It’s natural that there is no need to talk to him anymore.

So instead of infecting others with bad emotions and disgusting others, it is better to put them in your bed, at least no one will laugh at your fragility.

2, don't be sad, because you are responsible for your own life.

Perhaps you don't know that bad emotions are the most terrible of all diseased and even fatal factors. But when I took the hospital's diagnostic form and was told to take it for life, I knew.

I have experienced a period of depression for a long time. At that time, I thought it was almost a blank of my life. There is no trace of it. There is no chaos walking every day. Every day, I have the idea of ​​suicide.

But before I even committed suicide, the disease was first wrapped around me. When I was diagnosed with an immune disease, the doctor’s deepest entrustment to me was “must be happy”. According to health psychology, mental health plays a vital role in human health. If people are immersed in sadness, pain and sorrow for a long time, including immune diseases, stomach diseases, heart disease and even cancer, they will come to the door. So from the time of illness, I will never allow myself to be addicted to sadness for a long time. Even if I encounter something that is sad or a big setback, I insist on eating, drinking, supplementing nutrition, regular work, and asking myself to be happy in the shortest possible time. "Happy" is not a right, but a task for me.

Full of emotions, you may now sing "Life is precious, love is higher, if it is free, both can be thrown." But you really don't have to wait until you regret it. There is really nothing in this world that is more important than life and health.

3. Don't be sad, because you still have parents and family.

Many people say that people want to live for themselves. But I always feel that people, whether as a cluster animal or as a social person, do not really live for themselves. Of course you must have your own independent will, ideas and pursuits, but you also have the family's responsibility and responsibility.

When I was sick, I couldn't help but cry, but as soon as I cried, my mom would cry. Then I never dared to cry in front of her. Even now, no matter what happens again, I have to go to work every day after work, quickly digest the sadness, and then continue to face the parents with a smile, because I really don't want them to feel bad for me.

In fact, I used to indulge myself and be comfortable with the status quo. But since my mother's body became not very good, I was awakened. Because I know that as my parents get older, the family will need more and more money. Recently my friend will ask me how suddenly I am so hard to buy a big house? I said with a smile, "Make money to save lives!"

I was deeply touched when I read Jiang’s whale’s “I want to tell you why I love money” a few days ago. Why is money, the most fundamental purpose for me is to save lives, save my life, and save my parents' lives. Therefore, no matter how many setbacks I encounter, I will not give up because of my sadness. I don’t want to give up. I really don’t dare to give up.

4. Don't be sad, because life will continue.

Life is cruel because it never gives people a chance to breathe. No matter how the world subverts and flows, no matter how many generations of the earth have changed, the time is still the same, and the pace of life has never stopped.

When I was saddened by the poor writing of the article, others had already used this time to write two more articles. When I was desperate because of the failure of the interview, others have used this time to sum up the lessons and even voted for 10 resumes. When I am languish because of a love affair, others have used this time to do a lot of things that they like but have not tried.

One third of your life has been wasted on sleep. Is it more than a third of your time wasted on dealing with various emotions? What's more, no matter how sad you are, life will continue. You have done a day of work because of your sadness today, and tomorrow you may not be able to eat because you have less time to work. I have always believed that a person who can quickly stand up from setbacks is not because of how tough quality, or how extraordinary the will, but because of the pressure of life and the desire to survive. But where life is not so difficult, no one is willing to let themselves be so tired. So if you want to live, you can't stop.

5. Don't be sad, because the dream has not been realized.

I don't really know why Xiaojia always insists on walking on the road of photography. Especially when many people think that she has no talent and wastes time, she is still taking pictures one by one. In order to capture the action of a pedestrian, I stood in a station for several hours. In order to capture the most beautiful sunset, I went to a lot of places.

"My dream is that one day I will be able to do a photography exhibition. The dream has not yet been realized. Why should I give up?"

"Does people say this to you, are you not upset?"

"If I believe in what others say, I will not live so much."

"But if it can't be realized forever?"

"How far is it? If you don't get to the end, where is it forever?"

Later, I did receive an invitation ticket for the Xiaojiao Photography Exhibition two years later. She smiled and said to me, "How about it, 2 years is always far from it!"

When my interview failed, my friend comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't succeed, it means that the next one will be better." This is not self-deception, it is also a possibility. And the size of all the possibilities in this world depends on the degree of human effort. I believe that as long as I work hard, the next one may be better. But as long as I struggle with the setbacks I face now, I will never come.

If you have not fulfilled your dreams, you should never stop your own way. You must have the perseverance of not going back to the south wall, and you will have the surprise of another village.

So, if you are saddened by some things at this time, then you will cry a lot, but don’t you cry for too long? You see, there is not only life in front, but also a holy light full of hope.

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