Celebrity famous words

Linyuan famous sayings

1. Choose a fast-growing company and share the fun of making money.

2. A company that has not cut prices in the past 20 years is a really good company.

3. The essence of investing in the stock market is to invest in companies that make money.

4. My money-making cheats are deterministic! Still certain!

5. Bear market, you can't believe it when you fall down; bull market, you can't believe it, the bull market is coming, no one can say anything.

6. The characteristic of the bull market is that the stock index continues to innovate. Of course, there will be countless drops in the middle, but once the trend is formed, it is difficult to change.

7. Run wild in the wrong direction, and you won't get any better results than making serious mistakes.

8. Buying stocks is the same as doing other industries. If you choose the right direction, you have to go down the road. Those who change the order will not make money.

9. A stock may rise only 10% of the time, while the remaining 90% of the days are not adjusting or falling. If you hold this stock in that 90% of the time, but before the last 10% comes, because it can't stand the 'long-term suffering', it can only be a kind of sorrow.

10. The law of the stock market is: the bull market blows bubbles, the bear market squeezes bubbles; the bubbles will be blown sooner or later, and the bubbles will eventually be squeezed out, and they will start again. But no matter how the market looks for itself to determine the stocks that make money, holding it firmly can achieve the final victory.

11. Investment must sometimes make money, sometimes lose money, and there will be fluctuations. The road will be very tortuous, so make money in pain.

12. The company at the bottom may not be at a small risk. A company that is constantly innovating may not be at risk, because there is only one at the bottom and the top, and no one knows.

13. The risk of the stock market is actually the risk of business operation. As long as we can grasp the risk of business, we are doing something we know, and making uncertain things certain.

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