Celebrity famous words

Feeling the famous sayings of life

Feeling the famous sayings of life

1. Recognize the world and love it.

2. For you, I don't necessarily know a lot of things, but I am studying hard.

3. I have never provoked you. Why are you coming to provoke me? Since it has been provoked, why is it halfway?

4. The most sad person in the world is that there is no advantage to show off, but it has concealed its poor inferiority complex with arrogant arrogance and boastfulness.

5. Learn to calm yourself, immerse your mind, and slowly reduce your desire for things. Zeroing yourself often is a new starting point every day. There is no age limit. As long as your desire for things is properly reduced, you will win more opportunities to win.

6. Everything will be a good thing at the end. If not a good thing, that is not the last.

7, anything, just make you feel heavy, let you have a bad feeling for yourself, hinder you from moving forward, throw it away. Anything, if it only takes up space, has no positive contribution to your life and throws it away. Anything to be lost or to stay, you have to spend a long time weighing the pros and cons, or worrying about what you are wrong, then throw it away.

8. The reason why people are suffering is to pursue the wrong things.

9. Yang Lan: I should be able to make some adventures when I am young. The greatest wealth in your youth is not your youth, not your beauty, your energetic energy, but the opportunity to make mistakes. If you can't follow the strong desires in your heart when you are young, take the risk of doing what you think you should do, even if you make a mistake, how pale your youth is!

10, feelings for a long time, it is not love, but dependence; lost that, it is not pain, but not giving up.

11. It is a very happy thing to love someone and be loved by one person. The world's things are just fair, and there must be something to lose. Just as you love someone, you get him, but you lose the feeling of mysterious yearning, you can't get him, but you get the freedom to imagine. Therefore, when you fall in love with a person, you must think clearly, what you want to do is the most perfect and the least let you regret.

12. When I am more and more polite to you, we may become more and more strange.

13. Some people love your body, some love your thoughts, some love your soul. You are like a shining diamond, people love you different faces, but they are all love. So it doesn't matter what others love you. What matters is what they are willing to pay. Some people are willing to pay for money, some are willing to pay romance, and some are willing to pay for their lives. Love is a choice, not the most expensive, but the one you want most.

14, sometimes, not the other party does not care about you, but you see each other too heavy.

15. Don't say like me, if you still like a lot of people. Don't say love me if you love others at the same time. Don't tell me to be old, if you have promised others. I only like to be single-minded, only love to know how to cherish, only stick to the oath that is really worthy of persistence. I met everyone who liked it, not romance, but a prodigal son. At the same time, love the love that several people love, not love, but estrus. For those who confess to many people, it is not passionate, it is a flower idiot.

16, the story of meeting is more like a meteor, only you and me, eye to eye, to return to the body.

17. People should control their own desires, not be controlled by desires. Pursuing comfort and pursuing enjoyment is a human instinct, but it must also be restrained. Desire is like water, it is just right, and when it is too much, it will flood. The reason why we live tired is often because we mistake our desires for needs, and we are exhausted and deeper.

18, you look at me with a smile, do not say a word. And I know that I have been waiting for this for a long time.

19. Don't think there is better behind, because now you have the best; don't give up because you are too far away, love can go with you; don't give up because the other is not rich, hard work can make you rich; Don't give up because of your parents' opposition. You will find that the love that is abandoned for this reason will be the regret of your life. In fact, for love, the more simple the more happiness.

20, take your hand, quietly teach you a dance.

Source: Beauty Network

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