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a famous saying about dreams

a famous saying about dreams

1. No matter how vague the dream is, it always lurks in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet until the dream becomes a reality.

2, dream is a desire, thinking is an action. Dreams are the crystallization of dreams and thoughts.

3, dreams, is a goal, the driving force to let yourself live, is the reason to make yourself happy.

4. A person who realizes his dream is a successful person.

5, hopes, happiness will come to you; heart will save your dreams, opportunities will cover you.

6. No matter how vague the dream is, it always lurks in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet until these dreams become a reality.

7. A person who has a career pursuit can make his dreams higher. Although it is a dream at the beginning, as long as you keep doing it, you don't give up easily, and your dreams come true.

8. Dreams are never dreams. The difference between the two usually has a distance that is worthy of deep thought.

9. If a person has completely devoted himself to power and hatred, how can you expect him to have a dream?

10, dream is the mind of the mind, is our secret truth

11. As long as the dream can last, it can become a reality. Are we not living in a dream?

12. Once the dream is put into action, it will become sacred

13, all activists are dreamers

14, the most painful thing in life is that the dream wakes up and there is no way to go. The person who dreams is happy; if you don’t see the way you can go, the most important thing is not to wake him up.

15. The shortcoming of a dreamer is fear of fate.

16, the dreamer lives long, the hard work is short

17. Dreams are the opposite of reality.

18. What will humans do if they lose their dreams?

19. Use strong desires as a backing to achieve your dreams, and make desires become fanatical, making it the most important thing in your mind.

20. A person who has a career pursuit can make the "dream" higher. Although it is a dream at the beginning, as long as you keep doing it, you don't give up easily, and your dreams come true.

21, it is difficult to say what can not be done, because yesterday's dream can be today's hope, and can also become tomorrow's reality.

22. Those who want to write their dreams should be more conscious.

23, each person's life is a small boat, the dream is the sail of the boat.

24, ordinary and simple dreams, we use that only persistent belief to support that dream.

25. No matter which era, the characteristics of youth always embrace various ideals and fantasies. This is not a problem, but a precious quality.

26. Prepare materials when you are young, want to build a bridge to the moon, or build two palaces or temples on the ground. When I lived in middle age, I finally decided to take a shed.

27, work hard, the stars will hide in the depths of your soul; make a long dream, each dream will exceed your goal.

28, a person has money, no money is not necessarily, but if this person has no dreams, this person is determined.

29, in order to achieve great cause, in addition to dreams, must act.

30. The poor do not mean those who are penniless, but those who have no dreams.

31. Everything is now weaving our wings for future dreams and letting our dreams fly high in reality.

32. No heart will be hurt by the pursuit of dreams. When you really want something, the whole universe will unite to help you.

33. The most pitiful thing about human nature is that we always dream of a wonderful rose garden on the horizon, instead of admiring the roses that are open in our window today.

34. Those who dream not to abandon their hard-working pursuits, as long as they do not stop pursuing, you will be bathed in the glory of dreams.

35. People have material to survive, and people have a dream to talk about life. Do you want to understand the difference between survival and life? Animals live while people live.

36. Many times, we have rich pockets, but we have a poor head; we have dreams, but we lack ideas.

37. Sometimes your dream is a kind of happiness, sometimes it is a kind of happiness.

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