Celebrity famous words

Inspirational quotes from various entrepreneurs and celebrities

1. Humor is a moisturizer that prevents me from rubbing a lot of friction and pain.

- Lincoln's famous sayings of American President Obama's worship

2, no self-respecting neck, can not support the confident head; without background, it will run forward.

——The 2006 essay essays widely spread on the Internet

3, people have joys and sorrows, this can not be avoided. I now think that three things should be done: the first is restraint; the second is modesty; the third is persistence.

——Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier Group, on character

4, the cultivation of good habits lies in the temptation of not being bad habits.

- Arabic slang

5, planting ideas, achievement behavior; planting behavior, achievement habits; planting habits, achievement of character; planting character, achievement of destiny.

——Li Jiacheng’s speech in Shantou University’s speech for nearly 300 EMBA students at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

6. The most common courage is to be honest and upright in daily life, to resist temptation, to dare to tell the truth, to express one's true side, not to be hypocritical.

——American success master Ollison Madden

7, can put themselves in the position of the other side, rationally analyze the reasons for failure, help the other side to restore self-confidence, out of the shadows, that is the person to do big things.

- Jiang Guangyu "After the explosion accident"

8. In today's times, advocating courtesy is probably the first step in rebuilding civilization. Perhaps the first step in civilization is to turn a little while talking; to be polite when writing a letter; to be polite when you are picking things up.

——Study of American scholar Shen Rui

9. When a person is in danger and dilemma, we just take off the hat, say "good morning, bye bye" to him, and then leave him. This is shameful.

- A Everest climber expressed strong dissatisfaction with the indifference of some people

10, to tell the truth, do not tell lies; to tell the truth, do not play virtual; to speak people, do not play official.

- Yi Zhongtian's lecture and speech principles

11, be honest. Maybe you can't get anything by being honest, but once you are not honest, life will give you a slap in the face.

- Iron mouth Dou Wentao thinks he is an honest person

12. One, try to tell the truth; Second, keep silent if you can't tell the truth; 3. Don't hurt others when you have no right to remain silent and have to tell lies.

- Qian Liqun "The Three Bottom Lines of Talking"

13. Those who have no filial piety and conscience are those who have lost humanity. They are people who are difficult tolerate in the heavens and the earth, and those who are cast aside by society.

- Anonymous

14, the so-called embarrassment, in fact, is to torture others with the success of others.

- I am digging my heart.

15. For a person who lacks self-esteem, no one can give him his dignity.

- Self-esteem is the cornerstone of life

16. The amount is like a mirror. As long as there is a crack, it cannot be integrated as it is.

- Amiel

17. If he has no sense of responsibility, his illness will be fine.

- Cui Yongyuan’s psychologist said that Cui Yongyuan’s prescription for himself is: I have to lose my conscience, my illness will be fine.

18. I would rather be considered a person who solves the problem in the right way, rather than just being a popular president.

-- US President Bush said in an interview with CNN that he will not be affected by low public support ratings.

19. If I start chasing a luxurious life, then I will only let others follow suit. As a leader, setting an example is very important.

-- Invar Kamprad, the founder of the Swedish IKEA company, which is worth tens of billions of dollars, has a simple life and looks like a "poor man" who lives on pensions.

20. He drove a helicopter to the garden of his girlfriend's house, and then took another helicopter to attend the men's party. When is this kind of thing a head?

- Prince William of England was wasted money by driving a Royal Air Force helicopter to land in the back garden of his girlfriend

21, able to face the reality calmly, with the conviction that "life has its meaning" values, with the amazing ability to solve problems immediately.

- People with strong positive thinking usually have these three qualities.

22, the cultivation of civilized behaviors in childhood, is equivalent to opening the door to all wealth for us; all of which can be easily obtained without any effort, it will even take the initiative to find the door.

- Emerson's theory of good education to achieve future life

23. Responsible for the joys, sorrows and sorrows of others who are primed, is a kind of training method of responsibility.

——Yu Qiuyu said in a speech at Nanjing University that the first charm of men is a sense of responsibility. In order to create a sense of responsibility for men, “you may wish to be a cadre after graduation”

24, modest people, because they look through, so do not hesitate; because they want to go far, so don't be embarrassed; because they stand tall, they are not proud; because they do well, they are not afraid.

- Modesty makes people progress

25. Modesty is not to think of yourself badly, but to completely avoid yourself.

——Luvis's theorem

26, people can be ordinary, do not smell, but can not lose their ambition; people can be dull, can be easily submerged, but no one can ruling deprivation.

- Writer Liang Fenglian

27, virtue is like fuel, do not ignite it, the hot air balloon of life can not lift off.

- Jiang Guangfu

28, the backbone, is the lightning rod of your life. To avoid lightning, just straighten your spine.

- Jiang Guangfu

29. There is still a dirty place in this world, but it should not be a reason to make yourself dirty; there are ugly people in this world, but it should not be an excuse to make yourself ugly.

——Learning is not bad

30. Character is your being in the dark.

- Anonymous

31. Sincerity does not mean blaming others for their shortcomings, but it means that they will not compliment others' shortcomings.

- What is "sincere"

32. Elegant and decent manners can help to make a good impression.

- Anonymous

33. There is no need to worry about the lack of funds. What should be worried is the insufficient amount.

- Anonymous

34. When you meet new and old friends, be honest and reliable, and avoid making big words. If you want to say it, don't let go of the gun, you can't do it.

- Li Ka-shing

35. Talents are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. You are good to people, people are very natural to you, and anyone in the world can be your core figure.

- Li Ka-shing

36, I am full of injuries, I want to break through my own difficulties.

- 86-year-old Bo Yang recently announced the closure of the pen. His last work is the preface for the upcoming "Bai Yangxi" published in the mainland. He wrote such a text in it: "Do not sing praises for the king, but only speak for the people."

37. I use my facts to smear my lips. I soften my voice with kindness. I use my sympathy to decorate my ears. I use alms to care for my hands. I use integrity to shape my image. I use my true love to beautify my soul. I use prayer to treat people who don't like me.

——The beautiful secret of Mother Teresa, who is deeply loved

38, when I grow up, I must still!

- 9-year-old girl Wang Yingchun relies on rice to support her family. Every time she borrows rice, she has to say this sentence, everything is design, nothing can not be designed.

——The success of the famous designer Pierre Cardin for his own design诀窍

39. Money is not the purpose of my coming to the NBA. For me, the salary for the first year is enough for me to spend a lifetime.

- Yao Ming

40. Trust is a mechanism to reduce the complexity of society.

——-Sociologist Nicholas Luhmann

41. Character is not determined by what you already possess, it is precisely what you lack.

——A netizen forum

42. The mountain is self-respecting, without losing its prestige; the sea is self-respecting, without losing its majesty; the person is self-respecting without losing his dignity.

- User's heart quotation

43. Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, and wisdom can never fill the defects of morality.

——A corporate person’s understanding of wisdom and morality

44. I am so versatile in my thoughts that I can stop in my life.

——Zheng Yuanjie

45. If you meet people and talk about people, you will lose money when you say ghosts. If you see people talking about ghosts and telling people, you will lose.

- just the speed of time

46. ​​A chain, the most vulnerable one determines its strength; a wooden barrel, the shortest piece of wood determines its capacity; one person, the worst side of the element determines its development.

——Life development “bucket law”

47. Writing a bad article is not a big deal. It is a big thing to be a bad person.

- a writer's language

48, work can be part-time, a person can only be full-time.

——It’s much harder to do a full-time job than to do a lot of part-time jobs.

49. People who use movement to integrate others cannot forgive; those who harm others and self-interest cannot forgive; those who are ruthless and unrighteous cannot forgive.

——The three “can’t forgive” of the master of Chinese studies, Zhang Zhongxing’s life

50. Nearly half of the young people said that in order to be able to make a profit or make more money, they will take immoral means, as long as they are not found. I think this is very problematic. I advise graduates to use morality as the cornerstone of their career. Just asking "Is it possible to be discovered" is not enough, or even just asking "not legal" is not enough. To succeed in business and life, we should follow a higher standard: “Do you do this right?” In my opinion, those who follow this standard will live a richer and more fulfilling life. More lasting.

——Dirker CEO Jim Quigley

51, see things clearly; listen to understand; face to be gentle; face to be dignified; speak to be sincere; do things cautious; do not know when to ask; calm when you want to calm; see the money to be awake.

——Yu Yujun, the chairman of a listed company in Shanghai and a special professor at Fudan University, talked about the gentleman’s “Nine Wants”

52. The great wisdom must be modest, and the good ones will be tolerant; only the small wise will be aggressive, and the little good will be preoccupied.

—— Zhou Guoping

53. Being a man can be a "kind lion" and you will succeed.

- Li Ka-shing believes that managers must not only have the ability but also compassion

54. In today's environment, it is easy to be sensational; it is easy to please such a force; it is easy to fall down on fun; but it is hard to stick to your own thinking.

- Wang Hui, executive editor of "Reading" magazine, talks about the experience of doing magazines for many years.

55. Goodness is not desirable if it is not combined with courage.

——Famous economist Yu Guangyuan

56. What you see with colored glasses is not the true color of things. People can only see what they want to see.

- one of the habitual psychology of human beings

57. Many people think that they are thinking when they reorganize their own prejudice.

- Successful Master Dale Carnegie

58. Seeing that people's walls are going to fall down, if you can't help, then pushing is also kind; seeing people drinking porridge, you are eating meat, if you don't want to, then not grinning is kindness; seeing people crying, if you don't want to comfort So unfortunately the disaster is also a kindness; as a teacher, if you can't be full of the world, then the children are not kind.

- Kindness is not so hard to do

59. Conscience is a sharp corner in my heart. I didn't do bad things, it just stayed still; if I did bad things, it turned back, every corner tinged me; if I had been doing bad things, every corner was flattened, it didn't hurt.

- Someone explained this to the conscience

60, this face is very unrecognizable, but it does not matter; very cool, very kind; a face of bitterness, straight, calm, but the body is full of romantic and playful.

——Chen Danqing's evaluation of Lu Xun's appearance

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