
Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang Introduction

Zhuge Liang, the word Kong Ming, No. Wolong, Fuyang Du Ren, the Shu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms period, outstanding politicians, military strategists, inventors, writers. In the world, he was named Wuxiang Hou, and after the death he chased Zhongwu Hou. In order to promote Zhuge Liang’s military abilities, the later Eastern Jin Dynasty regiment specially sealed him as Wu Xing Wang. Zhuge Liang was the help of the Han regime, and he worked hard, squandered, and died. His masterpieces include "Former Teacher's Watch", "After the Teacher's Watch", "Zizishu", etc.; it has invented wooden cattle and horses, Kongming lanterns, etc. Zhuge Liang was greatly respected in later generations and became the model of later loyal ministers and the embodiment of wisdom. Chengdu has Wuhou Temple, and Du Fu made a famous article in the ages, "Zhu Xiang" praised Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang famous words

If you want to think about it, you must think about it, you have to think about it, you must think about it.

The husband’s ambition is high, and the emperor is eager to succumb to the sorrows and sorrows, so that the ambitions of the sorrows are unrecognizable, and there is a sense of sorrow and grief; In the interest of the United States, why not suffer. If Zhizhi is not strong, he is not generous, he is stagnation in the vulgarity, silently in love, and eternal in the mediocrity, it is inevitable.

If you don't love the ruler wall and love the inch, you will be vulnerable and easy to lose.

You are not arrogant, you won't win, you can do it, you can bear it.

If you want to think about it, you must think about it, you have to think about it, you must think about it.

The knowledge of the priests, the temperature does not increase the temperature, the cold does not change the leaves, can not be ruined for four times, and it is beneficial to the economy.

If you want to learn, you must learn, and you will not be able to learn.

Do your best and die.

The journey of a gentleman, quietly to cultivate, to cultivate morality, not indifferent to Mingzhi, non-quiet and far-reaching.

No scholar, although it exists, it is said that the walking dead is the ear.

Not proud of being proud, not being favored by pets.

It is not appropriate to be arrogant.

Folk language

Cao Cao Zhuge Liang, temper is not the same - folk

Hi should not be happy with nothing, anger should not be angry and angerless.

Big things start from difficulties, small things start from easy - Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

If you are slow, you can't do it. You can't be rational.

Three smugglers, together with Zhuge Liang - folk songs

There must be martial arts in the literary affairs - the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

Good deeds, there must be a fascinating wise man for the heart, from the Shen dynasty to the ear, the courageous and good enemy is the minion - the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

The whole life is in troubled times, and it is not to be heard in the princes.

You are not arrogant, you won't win, you can do it, you can bear it.

Hi should not be happy or unhappy, anger should not be angry and angerless. - Zhuge Liang

If the gentleman is far away, he will have to wait; the three countries Zhuge Liang

If you don't love the ruler wall and love the inch, you will be vulnerable and easy to lose.

It is not appropriate to be arrogant.

If you want to learn, you must learn, and you will not be able to learn.

The snobbery is difficult to pass. - Zhuge Liang

The ruler must have the temperament of the outer softness - the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

If you want to think about it, you must think about it, you have to think about it, you must think about it.

Will not be arrogant, arrogant is rude, rude is left, and people are rebellious.

The picture is easy, it is bigger than the fine - the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

The governance of the saints, An Qiju, Le Qiye - Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

The country’s general affairs, Mo is ahead of the alert – the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang

The knowledge of the priests, the temperature does not increase the temperature, the cold does not change the leaves, can not be ruined for four times, and it is beneficial to the economy.

If you don't love the ruler wall and love the inch, you will be vulnerable and easy to lose.

If the penalty is known to be added, then the evil knows its fear. "Cheap 16 Policy, Reward and Punishment"

Don't be arrogant and arrogant, don't violate the public by yourself, don't lose your faith.

Advise agriculture, no time.

A famous poem about praises Zhuge Liang

1. The cover of the three countries is divided into eight figures.

2. Receive two rivers, eight rows, six out of seven, five feet before the original, point to the forty-nine lights, one heart only for the reward of three. Take Xiqiao, Dingnan, Dong and North refused, the Chinese army account, change the gold Woody grasshoppers, the water surface can be used for fire attack.

3. Three 頋 烦 烦 计 计 计 计 两 两 两 两 两 两 计 计 计 计 计 老 老 老 老

5. Zhuge's name is hanging in the universe; --- Today, Shen Yinmo extracted the sentence and wrote.

This faculty is taken from the fifth of Du Fu's Five Poems. The last sentence praised Zhuge Liang's name and the longevity of the universe. The next sentence is that Zhuge Liang is a national elder and a minister, and his portrait is extremely high. It is very admirable.

6. See Yilu between the bosses; --- Today's Feng Guan father picks up a sentence and a book.

This link is taken from the fifth of Du Fu's "Five Masters of Historic Monuments", which means that Zhuge Liang passed the political and military abilities of the state. It was better than the name of Yi Yin and the early Zhou Dynasty. , comparable. Yi Yinfu Zuocheng Tang, Taijia two generations, Lu Wangfu Zuo Wen Wang, Wu Wang two generations, Xun Lao Te, Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei, Liu Zen two generations, the situation is very similar. As for the ingenuity and the command, if the command is as determined, it will be higher than the famous ministers Xiao He and Cao Shen.

7. The heterogeneous phase knows how to chisel; --- Nearly Zhong Rong wrote a book.

Shanglian is to say that the descendants know Zhuge Liang, and the Jin people are eager to learn. He followed the "Han Jin Chun Qiu", first abandoning the general historian's practice of using Wei as the orthodox, pushing respect for the orthodoxy, and vigorously praised Zhuge Liang's honour.

The lower league is said that Zhuge Liang of Zeng Fengwu’s township Hou, who has been treated well and loved the people, has come here for thousands of years to pay homage to him. Lianwen praised the Zhaolie Wuhou colleagues.

8. The public literate cultivating people, for the special feelings to relax, to start with three points, to the end of the six, unify the ancient and the present is difficult, the effect is not dead, the resentment of the name of the two tables;

The world is also Chen Qiang, the old man, should be laughing with the roots, who is sincere? Who is broad and loyal? In the days of safety, Mr., in the past, cherish the memory of the shackles.

Nearly Wang Tianpei wrote a book.

Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was studying and ploughing the fields. He felt that Liu Bei’s three-country Mao’s knowledge had started from the middle of the Longzhong, and the three-pointed to the end, until the Northern Expedition of the Central Plains, the six out of the mountain died, and always worked hard for the state. What I hate is that the unification of this ancient and modern world has not been successful. I only want to see his masters before and after.

The down link is that there are now Chen Qiang and Gu Yezi in the world.

The brave man, who does not hesitate to succumb to the roots, kills himself. Which one can be like "Zhu Geliang", "open heart, fairness, collective thinking, wide loyalty", is it safe in the world? I am reluctant to cherish today, to wipe out the ruins of the sage, and to think of the sage of the sage of more than 7,000 years ago.

9. Three stinkers, better than Zhuge Liang

10. Yigan loyal, two tables since the Sixth Classic; after the orphan sent, three generations and then one.

11. There are thousands of autumns in the land, and the south is looking for a sacred hall.

Bridge to Wanli, east to Xiangyang to ask old, several people recalled in Jianglou

12. Two watches are rewarded, a pair of feet

13. Three-pronged, troubled the world, and met with the past and the present.

14. The cloth 吟 吟 足 千 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The name of the bamboo 帛 垂 垂 两 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 两 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛 帛

15. Zhizhi’s appearance is good for Liang’s father.

16. If you can attack the mind, then the opposite side will eliminate itself. From the ancient knowledge, the soldiers are not belligerent; if they do not judge the situation, that is, the strictness and the strictness are all wrong.

17. The heart is in the court, regardless of the name of the Lord, the main name is high, why should you argue that Yang Yangyang

18. The three-point plan is based on Jingchu; the two tables are so good that they are so poor that they are pure and good, and they are good at the world. Both Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

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