Classic Quotations > Annual Classic Quotations

80 super classic quotations collected with heart.

1. Know that behind the people is a gentleman; knowing that people are behind the scenes are villains.

2, wait for the first class to be safe, let one let it pass, and endure a reconciliation.

3, the people ran around, the leaders approved to go, the department turned around, the meeting opened and opened, and finally the question is where to go.

4, the status quo of contemporary physical exercise: the elderly rise, the middle-aged people wake up, the teenagers sleep.

5, wine, packed in a bottle like water, drink haunted haunted, talked to talk, walked up to flash legs, get up in the middle of the night to find water, regretted in the morning, the end of the noon glass is still pretty.

6. Those who don't dare to be angry are cowards. Those who don't get angry are wise men.

7, the first hand said one, the second hand said two different, three handles said three-four, four handles is yes, five handles and six handles, light notes do not open.

8. The best way to comfort yourself is to look at other people's shortcomings; the best way to encourage yourself is to look at your strengths.

9. Know what things should be, indicating that you are smart people; know what things are actually, indicating that you are an experienced person.

10, good luck has a good fate: love needs courage, friendship needs loyalty, family needs peace, work needs strength, career needs luck, life needs good temper.

11, can give love is wisdom, can eliminate trouble is wisdom.

12. The lamp of life is ignited by enthusiasm, and the boat of life moves forward because of hard work.

13. Having a dream is just an intelligence, and realizing a dream is an ability.

14, officials say clichés, experts say ghosts, businesses tell lies, stars say nonsense, rich people say mad words, poor people say anger.

15. People who lose money lose little, people who lose health lose a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.

16, go out and take a good road, export good things, and do good things.

17, you can choose such a "three hearts and two minds": confidence, perseverance, determination; creativity, willingness.

18, you have to live freely, you can only live more ordinary; you have to live a little more brilliant, you can only live painful and complicated; you have to live longer, you can only live simple some.

19, the ability to lead people, the law can only serve people.

20. High talkers may not have high opinions, and may be pondering when they are silent.

21. When you do the right thing, you are often not mentioned by people; when you do something wrong, you are often not forgotten by people.

22, investing love in one person, taking risks; investing love in many people is dangerous.

23, three-stream makeup is the makeup on the face; second-rate makeup is the spiritual makeup; first-class makeup is the makeup of life.

24, single is comprehension, love is a mistake, breakup is consciousness, marriage is wrong, divorce is awakening, remarriage is obsessive, no lover is waste, lover is more animals.

25, location can increase people's power, but can not increase authority; position can increase people's energy, but can not increase ability; position can increase people's reputation, but can not increase knowledge.

26, the gift of people to speak, heavier than Zhu Yu; hurt people to speak, even more than swords.

27. Compared with people suffering from diseases, health and strength are naturally happiness; compared with people suffering from disasters, peace is nothing but happiness.

28. Friends who are tolerant of each other must be in the same boat for a hundred years. The couples who are tolerant of each other must be shared for a hundred years. The world of tolerance will be peaceful and beautiful.

29. What is the difference between celebrities and mortals? The things that celebrities have used are artifacts. The mortals used waste. The celebrities used words to call for eloquence. The mortals are sophistry. Celebrities call people to call people. People are mortal people. Celebrities don’t dress up, they have the temperament of artists, and mortals are streams. The celebrity drink is called a drink, the mortal is called the greedy cup; the celebrity is called Wang Lao, the mortal can only call the pharaoh.

30, we can not be beautiful, but we are healthy; we can not be great, but we are solemn; we can not be perfect, but we work hard; we can not be eternal, but we are sincere.

31. Learning is the source of wisdom, and morality is the foundation of the cause.

32. At the right time, meeting the right person is a happy life; at the right time, the person who meets the wrong person is a heartache; at the wrong time, it is absurd to meet the wrong person; at the wrong time, It was a sigh to meet the right person.

33. The place without water is the desert. The place without sound is lonely.

34. Successful people do things that others are not willing to do, do things that others can't do, and do things that others can't do.

35. Successful people find ways, and failed people make excuses; there is no excuse to succeed, and it is impossible to succeed without an excuse.

36, the enemy becomes a comrade is mostly to survive, comrades turn into an enemy is mostly for money.

37. Money can help the poor solve problems, but help the rich create problems.

38. Being alive is a kind of luck, and youth itself is a kind of happiness.

39. Love is not a charity, and you can't just give alms.

40. The person who creates the opportunity is the brave. People who wait opportunity is stupid.

41. Although the sun is warm, it can be exposed for a long time.

42. Even if you smash the clock, no one wants to tie the time to half a second.

43. There are no scenery in familiar places; there are traps in unfamiliar places.

44. True love is not a temporary touch; it is the aftertaste of a lifetime.

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