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Job negligence review

Part 1: The work negligence review book essay

I was very dissatisfied because of my negligence, and I went to the dell headquarters. The company leader asked me to review it carefully, and I finally got the essence of each road. It’s a pity to think about it. It’s better to give it back. I have a sample of people who have the same experience!:

Today, I wrote this review book with embarrassment and remorse to show you my deep understanding and determination of this bad behavior.

As early as I told you last week, I would like to explain the specific situation of Fubang’s customer’s machine. As a result, I forgot it on Monday morning... This is a big loss for me. At the same time, everyone’s concern also makes me deep. Deeply moved, my grateful tears can fill the entire Tarim Basin; I am so excited that the heart that jumps can be compared with the Tangshan earthquake; my prodigal son's determination to go back to the son-in-law's perseverance. I firmly We will ensure the implementation of our party's line, principles, and policies, and will not live up to the expectations of the broad leadership. Therefore, I believe that everyone will deeply reflect on the mistakes I made unintentionally this time. Although this may be just a reason for not being false, the truth is truth. The fact is that my work is negligent, but I still yearn for the leadership to alleviate the mistakes I made. depth.

Sorry, this time I am committing a serious principled problem. The error has been told all the facts like the weapons in the sky.

Everyone’s criticism repeatedly teaches that the words are still in the ear, and the serious expression is still in front of me. I am deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of the matter.

Nowadays, I am deeply remorseful when I am in a big mistake. I deeply believe that I have hidden fatal mistakes in my own thoughts: I am not aware of the high level of consciousness, and I am seriously concerned about important matters. If it is not because I have not checked the machine carefully. As for this.

As a mistaker, I feel that it is necessary to review my behavior, to dig deeper and find out the root causes of my mistakes, and to recognize the serious consequences.

I can read the fact that I am a first-time offender, a deeper understanding and a good performance in normal times. From the light, please take care of my leaders and colleagues to continue to supervise and help me correct my shortcomings and make greater progress.

Part 2: Review of Work Errors

In the financial check-up work of the Finance Department of the xxx City Bureau, he found a "Administrative Punishment Decision" that was altered for the amount of fines and penalties. Upon verification, I am one of the undertakers of the corresponding case of the penalty decision, and also the reformer of the penalty decision.

After verification, the total amount of fines and penalties recorded in the case documents approved by law in xxx case is 3,500 yuan; the total amount of fines and penalties recorded in the case documents served on the parties according to law is 3,500 yuan, but the parties actually paid the amount. A fine of 3,000 yuan, so the fines and penalties issued by the financial personnel to the parties are also recorded as 3,000 yuan. At the same time, the financial personnel of the industrial and commercial office usually require the case undertaker to provide a corresponding "Administrative Punishment Decision" to the financial office of the branch office for the record when the bill is cleared. When the bill was settled in the xxxx case, as the organizer, I provided the financial personnel with an "Administrative Punishment Decision" for the case. The financial staff found that the total amount of the fines and penalties recorded in the "Penalty Decision" was 3,500. Yuan Renminbi, which was recorded in the amount of RMB 3,000 recorded on the fines and penalties issued to the parties, reminded me of the check. I personally, without careful verification, simply and blindly believe that the amount of discrepancies is caused by the proofreading mistakes, and the legal awareness is weak, and then blindly use the amount of 3,000 yuan recorded on the fines and penalties as the standard. The total amount of fines and penalties recorded in the "Administrative Punishment Decision Book" was 3,500 yuan, and the number of penalties was changed to 3,000 yuan, which caused the administrative punishment decision to be seriously embarrassed, resulting in extremely bad consequences.

The ancients often said that "there is no way to go, but they are seeking for themselves", but at the beginning, I failed to carry out self-reflection in time. The ancients also said that "the gentleman has a good deed, and he is a leader." Therefore, in the process of self-reflection, it is necessary to find out the root cause of the mistake. If the root cause cannot be found, the perfunctory thing will not help. More serious mistakes will be made in the future. After repentance, the reasons for the return are as follows:

1. Responsibility is not strong, work style is not deep, and it is not practical. As a law enforcement officer, no matter how many reasons, it should correct the attitude of law enforcement and law enforcement, strictly enforce the case of law enforcement, comprehensively and accurately grasp the case, ensure the facts are correct, the program is correct; the questions raised by colleagues should be carefully verified, check. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance their own legal awareness and avoid the arbitrariness of work. There is a parable of the maxim that says "the devil is out of detail."

2. After the incident, you can't calm down and face the mistakes, and you have the feeling of escaping. In the beginning, I was thinking about pushing many questions to others, and I couldn't immediately think about finding reasons from myself. Why can't you be calm, because it is a "face": I feel that I have read books for so many years, at least an authentic undergraduate degree, and psychologically established a concept that "undergraduates are not allowed to make mistakes."

Part 3: Cashier's work negligence review book

Dear Manager:

I wrote this review book with you with 120,000 points and 120,000 points of confession. I felt deeply embarrassed and upset about my mistakes. Here, I made a deep impression on the manager. Review:

In view of the misrepresentation of the information reported on July 23, 2019, due to personal negligence, the amount was wrong. Originally, the amount of 10,600 yuan with Honghua Jin was miswritten as 10,000 yuan. The difference is 600 yuan. Actually made such a low-level mistake, the reasons for the conclusion are as follows:

1. Responsibility is not strong, work style is not deep, not practical. I am eager to get things done without doing it well. As the manager often said, "do things well and not finish it."

2. Do things with carelessness, not careful, you should carefully check the amount and then write.

Through this incident, I rethinked my attitude of studying, doing, and doing things, and I realized that:

1. The most important thing in a person's life is the ability to be a person. Be a person, be focused, and concentrate on things. If you don't concentrate on doing things, you won't be able to get things done and you won't be able to grasp the details clearly. Learning is just a matter of being a person and doing things. The classic is not in the book, but in the work of doing things and doing things. "Study is like reversing the water, not going in, then retreating." After reading so many books, if you don't integrate it and don't combine it with life, it's hard to have joy. It's what the ancients said, "learning from time to time, it's not a pleasure." ”

2. "The most important realm of learning is comprehension. If you can't understand it in your studies, it's just a matter of learning." It's like people who eat something without digesting, of course, they don't help the body, and even harm it.

Therefore, what happened this time made me not only feel my own mistakes, but more importantly, I feel sorry for the manager’s trust in me and the concern for the manager.

At the same time, I would like to sincerely thank the manager. If it is not the manager who discovers it in time and asks himself to reflect deeply, and let himself continue to indulge and develop, then the consequences are extremely serious, and it is impossible to imagine what kind of work mistakes will occur. Therefore, through this incident, I feel lucky when I feel deeply sad, and feel the timeliness of my awakening. This is undoubtedly a key turning point in my future life growth path. Therefore, at this time, while I am reviewing the manager, I also express my heartfelt thanks to you.

Part 4: Work Negligence Home Review

Dear company manager:

At this moment, I am self-confident and deeply blame myself for the mistakes I made. With incomparable heart, regret, and beg the company can give me a chance to change, let me use actual actions to make up for my dereliction of duty.

I know that because of my own negligence, I almost brought irreparable damage to the company, and it was unintentionally, seriously damaging the company's sacred image. I have turned away from my duties and I feel that the matter is serious and the impact is bad. I am willing to accept the punishment of the company.

As a company employee, I should always keep in mind the company's rules and regulations and fully serve my position. Reward the company's trust in me with all kinds of enthusiasm and care. At this time, I was terrified, and every minute was repenting for my fault. I will remember this lesson and cherish the opportunity to work for the company. So please ask the company to give me another chance, let me bring a grateful heart and reshape the perfect image for the company!

Pt 5: A review of the work dereliction of duty and negligence of work

Dear Leaders:

Hello, I am submitting a review of the job dereliction of duty to you with great enthusiasm and regret. Regarding the supervision work of the comprehensive building construction project of Hangzhou Xiasha Supermarket, due to my personal negligence, I have not been able to fully check the samples of all the materials of the project. I did not carefully check the books, nor did I report them to you truthfully after the inspection.

I can say that I have committed a minimum and most principled mistake. I am guilty. Even the basic work is not done well. I did not report the progress of the project to the leader according to your requirements. It has caused a great negative impact on the company, and it has also caused some losses. At the same time, it also cherished the trust and care of Mr. Chen.

But this time, through self-reflection, I must find out the root cause of my work mistakes. I have reflected on it. The root cause of my mistake is that my own sloppy character is half-hearted and perfunctory. I know that this style of work is extremely dangerous, and this style of work continues. It is likely to cause more serious errors in the future.

In response to my mistake, I reflected on the following corrections:

1, my sense of responsibility is not strong, work style is lazy, not practical. I deeply understand that as a person in charge of the Materials Department, I should personally ask many things, regardless of the quality of the treatment, should give a clear report and account to the superior. Out of the correct attitude, work hard, I also have to take time to improve my study and professional level, while maintaining the details of the work.

2, I must strictly ask myself to do things in the future, to be a serious and responsible, diligent staff. I must always understand the intentions of the organization's leadership, and I can't make the leadership's meaning a thousand miles. I must do my work well.

Through this profound review, please trust me. In the future, I will seriously work hard to position my company to do my job and provide my own meager strength for the company's development.

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