Secretarial knowledge > Review

No cleaning review

Part 1: No cleaning review essay

After finishing school on the evening of July 31, in order to celebrate the birthdays of the four students, my classmates negotiated a small party for them. As a result, the classroom was made a mess. For this matter, we made a deep impression here. The review hopes that the teacher will give us a chance. As a student, we should understand that the school is the place to learn. We only affect the normal rest and study of the students for personal happiness. As a college entrance examination student, we should understand the importance of learning more than other students. Sexuality and urgency, we should cherish the remaining time and study hard; as an adult, we should understand the importance of safety and should understand the impact of such activities. Hereby write this review!

We admit that we are all too impulsive, but we begged the teacher to give us a chance, we will do this as a lesson, will change the past!

Part 2: Review of unqualified dormitory hygiene

Today, I wrote this review book with embarrassment and remorse to show you my deep understanding of the bad behavior of the dormitory, and the determination to make a move without opening the door.

As soon as I stepped into the school gate, the teacher had already made three appeals and five orders. I repeatedly stressed that we should pay attention to maintaining the health of the dormitory. The school leaders will check the bed from time to time, but I should inform the squad leader and explain the serious consequences of the unqualified test. I still made such mistakes. I didn’t clean up my bedroom when I was sleeping. I was not in the dormitory. I didn’t care about the honor of the bedroom. This is a very serious mistake.

This is a very profound inspection. I am very embarrassed about the mistakes I made this time. I should not violate the teacher's regulations. We should completely obey the teacher's words as a student, and I did not pay much attention to the teacher's words this time. . I am very sorry, I hope the teacher can forgive my mistakes. My regrets are really profound. I want to avoid such mistakes, I hope the teacher can believe my remorse. However, people always make mistakes. Of course, I know that I can't use this as an excuse. We still try to avoid such mistakes. I hope the teacher can believe my remorse.

I believe that the teacher’s attitude towards me can also know that I have a very deep regret about this incident. I attach such importance to this incident and hope that the teacher can forgive my mistakes. I can assure the teacher that I will keep the dormitory in the future. Hygiene, making the bedroom look clean and bright. My behavior of not doing well in bedroom hygiene has caused bad influences among school classmates and destroyed the image of the bedroom. And my performance, brought a bad head to the students, is not conducive to the construction of the bedroom.

I am committing a serious principle problem. I know that the teacher is very angry about my lack of cleaning up the bedroom. I also know that for a member of the dormitory, it is a basic responsibility and the most basic obligation to ensure the cleanliness of the dormitory. But I didn't even do the most basic. Afterwards, I thought about it for a long time, and I gradually realized that I was seriously wrong. The teacher repeatedly said that the words were still in the ear, and the serious expression was still in front of me. I was deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of the matter. Nowadays, I am deeply remorseful of the big mistakes. A profound review believes that a fatal mistake has been hidden in my own thoughts: I don’t have high ideological consciousness. I don’t care about the honor of the bedroom. In the future, I will pay attention to the hygiene of the bedroom and ensure that the bedroom is clean and tidy. Usually life style is lazy, if it is not because it is too lazy, it is not so. In order to better understand the mistakes, it is also to let the teacher you can believe that the students can really correct their mistakes and ensure that they are not repeated.

The ancients often said that "there is no way to go, but they are seeking for themselves", but at the beginning, I failed to carry out self-reflection in time. The ancients also said that "the gentleman has a good deed, and he is a leader." Therefore, in the process of self-reflection, it is necessary to find out the root cause of the mistake. If the root cause cannot be found, the perfunctory thing will not help. More serious mistakes will be made in the future. After repentance, the reasons for the return are as follows:

1. Responsibility is not strong, work style is not deep, and it is not practical. This time I made such mistakes, I felt that I should not be too bad. This proves that my style of thinking is not correct and my sense of responsibility is not strong. The bedroom is the "face" of each of our bedroom staff and should not be messy. Attitude determines everything. This is the minimum requirement for doing anything. Without a good working attitude, we cannot face up to the problem. Regardless of the reasons, we should correct our attitude and strictly regulate the school. We should treat the health of the bedroom more seriously!

2. The mistake of this time lies in my inertia. I have made a mess of my living environment. I don’t care about the teacher and I have a chance to be lucky. When the teacher checks, I haven’t opened the door yet, making the mistake even bigger! Every time I think of the idea at the time, my heart is very ashamed.

Through this incident, I reconsidered my attitude towards being a man and doing things, and I realized that:

1. "The most important thing in a person's life is the ability to be a good person." Be a person, be focused, and concentrate on things. If you don't concentrate on doing things, you won't be able to get things done and you won't be able to grasp the details clearly. Learning is just a matter of being a person and doing things. The classic is not in the book, but in the work of doing things and doing things.

2. The most important realm of learning is comprehension. Things have two sides, and if they don't develop, they will naturally develop to the bad. After listening to the lectures, think about yourself, and it’s very embarrassing!

In short, my behavior has had a bad influence, and my behavior is very heavy and shy. I will learn wisdom from past mistakes and no longer simply repent. "It is easy to get a teacher, and it is difficult for a teacher to seek." I sincerely thank the teacher for his teaching and hope to learn more wisdom in the future growth process.

According to the above, I decided to have the following personal rectification measures:

1. According to the teacher's request, pay a review of the quality and quantity! Thoroughly dig into the roots of your own mistakes and recognize the serious consequences that may result.

2, seriously overcome the shortcomings of life lazy, careless, and strive to do a good job in bedroom hygiene, to make up for my fault with a good bedroom environment

3. Strengthen communication with roommates to ensure that the above errors no longer occur.

I really feel sorry for this incident. I hope that the teacher can forgive me. I can recognize my attitude of admitting mistakes. I have really profoundly reflected on my mistakes. I hope that the teacher will give me the opportunity to change my mistakes.

Just over 3,000 words, I can't express my condemnation of myself, more scolding, deep in my mind. I was wrong, I should not clean the bedroom, making the bedroom very messy. I hope that the teacher can give me the opportunity to re-do it. Therefore, I would like to thank the teacher for letting me write this check. It is the teacher who made me realize my mistakes and gave me the opportunity to change. I will take a step further from success. I will work hard to make my own bedroom. Live to make your bedroom more clean.

Please pay attention to my teacher to continue to supervise, help me correct the shortcomings, and achieve greater progress and success!

Part 3: Review of the issue of cleanliness in the bedroom

Dear College Leader, School Student Union, Department of Student Branch, Department of Housing Management:

When I was shocked to know that the dormitory was cleaned last Friday, our dormitory was unfortunately drawn and deducted, which was listed as unqualified. We are deeply sorry about this. Because of our negligence, the scores affecting the cleanliness of the boys’ dormitory in the ** college this week have affected the results of the dormitory hygiene assessment of the dormitory at the school’s student council this week, which is detrimental to the image of the college. We feel deeply embarrassed, we are sorry for the model bedroom title obtained during the military training, I am sorry for the hard work of the brothers and sisters who led us in the housekeeping, and I am sorry that the teachers of the college have repeatedly taught us. We express our most sincere embarrassment and apology. What we have done is contrary to the spirit of contemporary college students' positive and enterprising spirit.

In the study of life, we must be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and arrogance, and both internal and external, as a qualified 21st century college student.

The bedroom is a home on our university campus and is a small space shared by 6 people. We have to clean up our homes and clean up to live comfortably. Just like when you first entered the university gate, when you were in military training, there was no trace of debris on the wall. The schedules, address books and various management systems were not attached to the wall to ensure that the walls were clean and tidy. With sandpaper sand, it doesn't matter if the hand is broken. As long as the blood does not drip on the wall, it does not deface the wall of our bedroom. For the corners with serious pollution, we use white toothpaste to make up, dye with white pigment, we must let us at all costs. The walls and ceiling of the bedroom are as white as new, and we strive to be whiter than the rice we eat. Let's talk about the bedroom floor, we must also strictly demand ourselves in the harsh conditions of military training, and squat the noble body, whether it is underarm or kneeling, even if it is under the body, wipe it with a rag, inch by inch, wipe it again. Wipe it twice, wipe it twice and wipe it three times. As long as the rag that wipes the floor is not cleaner than our face wash, rinse it with water and continue to wipe until the rag is as clean as the washable face. It is not enough to wipe with a rag. To prepare a sticky adhesive tape, stick the floor one inch and one inch, and stick a hair on the floor with a hair and a piece of dust. It is truly spotless. Let the leaders and teachers who come to see our lives care about the clean and tidy brothers and sisters wearing new white socks and walk into our bedroom. When they go out, they are still white. The bedroom doors and windows are the focus of cleaning, clean and not clean, you can see through the glass door, so this is our key cleaning area, like the glasses or the computer, mobile phone screen, with soft cotton and special nano-level cleaning Wipe the agent to prevent the glass from being scratched and stained with fine dust. Our goal is that the cleaned glass looks like no glass, and the students who stumbled into the night directly hit the head and broke the blood. It doesn't matter. It only proves that we clean the glass, and the students who are hitting must be quick and can't let the blood splash on the glass, the floor and the wall. This is the minimum requirement to respect the labor results of the members of the dormitory including themselves. The cleaning of the balcony is also very important. At that time, it was exposed to the eyes of the opposite bedroom building. It is a window to showcase the style of our college. The internal work is done well. It is also necessary to pay attention to this part of the exterior. The roof of the cable is absolutely inaccurate. Hang the clothes so as not to appear disorganized from the outside. The two-layer cement board that stacks the washing utensils must be required to be higher than the floor. It should be cleaned and not contaminated with a trace of dust and a drop of water, because it is our life. Appliances are directly related to our health problems. Toothpaste, toothbrush, and cup are all unified in brand and style. They are lined up on the cement board. Toothpaste and toothbrush are inserted in the cup, and the direction of inclination should be the same. Washing towels must also be uniform and not allowed to hang. They must be folded according to the style of the army and placed on a uniform soap box to achieve uniformity. There is a small problem with this. It is not easy to distinguish. This is not difficult. Everyone is a classmate in a dormitory. There is no such thing as mixing. Everyone is a brother and family. The sink and toilet bowl must also be used to absorb every drop of water after use. Anyone who has been to a star hotel knows that dripping water and cleansing new washing utensils will give people a comfortable feeling. We are We must introduce such standards into our bedroom and make every effort to create our eight-star living space. The guardrail outside the balcony is also highly susceptible to contamination, not only with a rag, but also with a small brush to clean every small corner until the brush is more clean than our toothbrush.

Do a good job in these appearances, maintain the image of the ** college, and show our glamorous side. Going back and talking about the bed in the bedroom, it is the most closely related item in the university, so we must ensure that the bed is clean and tidy, the sheets should be laid, and the corners should be fixed with several pins to make the sheets stretch tight. The lines of the square format sheets should be parallel or perpendicular to the outline of the bedside. The pillows should be placed between the second and third grids. The height should be uniform. The students who like to sleep on short pillows and those who like to sleep high pillows should consult each other. Adjust the height of the pillow to a suitable position to emphasize the unity and beauty. Every day after getting up, the housekeeping should be arranged. The quilt is placed and placed neatly. There are two tables in the bedroom. The tabletop must also be kept clean and tidy. Nothing can be placed. Everything must be stuffed into the table drawer or everyone's cabinet. As for how messy inside, whether the unwashed socks and the uneaten are finished. It doesn't matter if the biscuits are put together, as long as it does not affect the appearance of the outside.

Not only is it necessary to do the above requirements on Friday's sanitation inspection, but it is also necessary to run through everyday life. We know the good intentions of the school. We are a normal university. "Only, our students in school can develop excellent living habits. After embarking on the teacher's job position, they can strictly demand themselves with such high standards and standardize the education of students with self-improvement. As a teacher, you can't ask students for the requirements that you can't reach. Such a request is an unreasonable request. Such a teacher is an unqualified teacher.

Since we were young, we have learned the truth of small and medium-sized schools. Although clean and hygienic inspection is a trivial matter, we should look at the essence through phenomena, and treat the problem objectively, comprehensively and realistically. The above is our review of the sanitation inspection. If there is anything wrong, please criticize and correct, we must accept it with humility.

Part 4: Dormitory Health Review

Dear students,

In the dormitory inspection on October 28th, I apologized for the fact that I did not deduct 2 points from the bookshelf. . As the head of a class committee and 233 dormitory, I should thoroughly review myself. Because of my own negligence, I did not strictly demand myself. This incident has affected our team's dormitory cleaning and sanitation inspection scores and the results of the dormitory civilization month, which is detrimental to the image of our class. We feel deeply embarrassed. . We are sorry for the expectations of our classmates, and I am sorry that the squad leader has repeatedly taught us. . We express our most sincere embarrassment and apology. In the future study and life, we must be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and arrogance, and both internal and external, as a qualified 21st century university student.

We thought that we passed the 28-day inspection, so we had a good sneak peek, because the dormitory inspectors came in without a word, and left without a word, without writing any words in the deduction board. The expression was a standard one. One type, no change, and quickly entered the door to the dormitory. . . After this lesson, we know that we should not believe what we saw. . .

After deducting points, we immediately reviewed ourselves, reorganized the housekeeping, and made the surface of the bookshelf home. At the same time, we also sorted the ground, let the ground have no hair, let the desktop have no debris, let the garbage bins have no garbage, do By the time we made our dorm look like an unoccupied guesthouse, only the neatly hanged clothes on the balcony proved our existence.

In fact, I don't want to write such humor, but for personal reasons, I have tried my best to write it like this. Please believe that we are really sincerely changed. We have changed it with practical actions, and please try to accommodate me as much as possible. A serious written review can feel the seriousness of our heart.

Finally, I hope that everyone can smile and accept our review on such a night. .

In the dormitory inspection on October 28th, I apologized for the fact that I did not deduct 2 points from the bookshelf. . As the person in charge of the 233 dormitory, I should thoroughly review myself. . Because of my own negligence, I did not strictly demand myself. This incident has affected our team's dormitory cleaning and sanitation inspection scores and the results of the dormitory civilization month, which is detrimental to the image of our class. We feel deeply embarrassed. . We are sorry for the expectations of our classmates, and I am sorry that the squad leader has repeatedly taught us. . We express our most sincere embarrassment and apology. In the future study and life, we must be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and arrogance, and both internal and external, as a qualified 21st century university student.

As a class committee member, I forgot my duties because of my own negligence, and deducted points because the bookshelves were not neat.

First of all, whether the bookshelf is neat or not is a partial performance of personal hygiene. If it is not well-organized, it shows that I still have many shortcomings in personal internal hygiene. From now on, I must strictly demand myself, from personal hygiene. .

Secondly, this deduction also affected the honor of the class. I felt embarrassed to make the class's interests damaged. As a member of the class, I should continue to add glory to the class. I was black for the class.

Finally, and most importantly, as a class committee, there are auxiliary squad leaders and group support books to manage class affairs. Together with the squad leader and the party branch secretary, they shoulder the important responsibility of driving the development and progress of the whole class. I have not only played a leading role, but also played a role. The opposite, this is what it should not be.

We have to change this and do the housework in the dormitory. Please believe us and give us time. We will rise steadily and strive to be a civilized dormitory.

Pt 5: No review of the value of the day

Dear Teacher Zhuang:

First of all, I submitted this review to you with a very guilty and embarrassing mood. Regarding the fact that I am not doing the value date, leaving early is indeed a big mistake. The following is the case:

On Friday, March 5, 2019, it was our turn to clean up the day. I left school at 5:30 in the afternoon, but I did not stay to do the date, but took the bag and ran to the house. Regardless of the obstruction of the team members, Zhao’s classmate who stopped me from escaping was pushed down, and his hand was scratched. Then I went to class this morning, and I was reported by my classmates that I still lived and did not promise the mistakes I made at the time.

First of all, at this moment, I have already deeply realized that I am not doing the value of the day, the mistake of going home early, I should not be so lazy. However, I realize that my behavior is not just as simple as laziness, but an act of evading responsibility and ignoring the collective. The seriousness of his actions and his bad attitude made his teachers and classmates feel awkward. At this moment, I feel no sense of self-confidence, but the 1 meter 5 head is really not drilled into the ground. If I can, I really take a brick and shoot myself.

To say that the work of the day is carried out in turn. Everyone is working hard for a clean classroom and a collective place, in order to create a clean and harmonious learning environment. Our team is the turn of the week every Friday, and it is precisely this week's value week that is especially critical, because no one in our classrooms was cleaned on Saturday and Sunday, if the classroom was not cleaned on Friday. Then everyone will come back to class on Monday, which will greatly affect the learning environment and affect the mood of teachers and classmates.

Some of the above, I realized until now that I am really hopeless. Fortunately, I have realized it now, and I am very aware. I hope that the teacher will give me a chance to re-change, so that I can make a contribution to the collective cause of the class.

teacher! Dear respected teacher Zhuang! Please call me in the future class activities. I can participate in the tug-of-war competition of the school, participate in the school basketball game, and participate in other competitions. Please ask the teacher a lot. I have to work hard to correct my own deficiencies and become useful people in society in the future!

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