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Escape class online review book

Part 1: Escape the class online review book essay

Today, I am writing this review book with you and my regrets to show you my deep understanding of the bad behavior of skipping classes and my determination to skip classes.

As early as I stepped into the school, the teacher had already applied for three orders and repeatedly emphasized that the whole school students should not skip classes. But this morning, I still escaped the incomparably vivid class that the teacher had prepared for us. I missed a knowledge meal that the teacher gave us a lot of pains. Art is a course that reflects personal appreciation and cultivation. I should cherish this opportunity, but I missed it. This is a big loss in life. At the same time, the teacher, your concern also deeply touched me. I know that a few people are good at learning and there is no loss for you, but you still find and teach me in time so that I will not commit crimes next time. How kind and how great you are! My tears of gratitude can fill the entire Tarim Basin; my heart that jumps too excitedly can be compared with the Tangshan earthquake; my mother’s determination to turn back can be played by the son-in-law Perseverance. I am steadfast in ensuring that in the future, the sketch class will be carefully listened to in the classroom for very special reasons. If I pour the water out of the entire Pacific Ocean and I will not ruin my angry flame, then the water in the entire Pacific Ocean can be poured out, so I can't hate you, so I believe you can forgive me this time. The mistakes made between them are unintentionally because they really didn’t figure out whether they were sketching out. Although this may be just a reason for not being false, the truth is real. The truth is that I didn’t go to the sketch class, but I Still yearning for this can alleviate the depth of the mistakes I made.

Sorry, teacher! This time I am committing a serious principle problem. The error has been told all the facts like the weapons in the sky.

The teacher repeatedly said that the words were still in the ear, and the serious expression was still in front of me. I was deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of the matter.

Nowadays, I am deeply remorseful of the big mistakes. A profound review believes that a fatal mistake has been hidden in my own thoughts: my ideological consciousness is not high, my respect for others is not enough, and I will have more respect for teachers in the future. Paying serious attention to important issues. Usually life style is lazy, if it is not because it is too lazy, it is not so.

I have let go of your hard work and nothing. Seeing the micro-knowledge, from small to big, I did not take time off as a college student, and made a bad influence on the bad example of the whole class. I made a profound reflection on the serious consequences caused by my skipping class:

1. There is nothing to do this, so the teacher is worried about my safety. I should be able to appear on time, and I will not worry about the teachers who care about every student. Such fears are likely to distract the work of the coming class and cause more serious consequences.

2. It has caused bad influence among the students. Because of my escape from class, it is possible to stimulate the firm determination of a classmate who wants to skip class. The class discipline is also irresponsible to the parents of other students.

3. It will affect the improvement of the individual's comprehensive level, so that it can improve under the condition of instinct improvement. Now that the mistake has been made, I deeply regret it and thoroughly review my mistakes.

4. I don’t have a high level of consciousness and I don’t know enough about mistakes. Imagine that if I realized the seriousness of the matter at that time, mistakes would not happen. All the problems are blamed on the level of understanding that I should have in order to achieve a modern college student. In order to repay the hard work of the teacher, I feel more and more clearly the seriousness of the mistakes I made. Therefore, I will certainly ask myself more rigorously in the next few years. While earnestly completing my homework, I will make my words and deeds consistent with a modern college student.

Part 2: Student online escaping class review book

A very respected teacher.

Hello! Here I am going to make a profound review with you in a very heavy mood. When I forgot to bring my homework before, I also wrote several review books, but I didn’t write deeply every time, and I didn’t touch the depths of my soul. To this end, I have learned the code of primary school students. Among them, obeying the rules of the school regulations, I did not comply at all. Serious violation of school rules and school discipline. It’s really not guaranteed at night. After you have taught us today, I have had a deep understanding. After painstaking thoughts, I decided to wash my mind and be determined to be a new person.

I have been underperforming since you were in class. Many shortcomings have not been removed, such as the lazy heart of writing homework is still retained by me. Through this writing check, I have identified the key to the problem. The teacher can let me write a check, indicating that the teacher still trusts me. Here I feel sincere admiration for the teacher's high-spirited festival. It is really: Ma Yubo, and the confidant.

Punctuality and trustworthiness have always been regarded as the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. It is the principle of the people of the Yellow Emperor and the morality of the students. Contemporary students should regard the school rules as the most basic criterion. I went online several times, and I spoke a few times in class, and my homework was lazy several times. How much learning time has been delayed. Mr. Lu Xun said: Time is life. It seems that I have not yet seen the road under my feet, but went online and indulged in the Internet. I only need to seriously reflect on it before I can find the problem and give myself and the teacher an explanation and progress.

Think about it, if I am not on the brink, the consequences will be unimaginable. The teacher’s criticism is like a charity in the snow.

I am very respectful of the teacher's approach. I am very grateful to the teacher for his bitterness. I am trying to tell you through my own practical actions that I will make me a pillar of society at an early date.

Chapter three:

The last time I went online on the "Farewell Internet Cafe" was caught, I really don't know if it is lucky or unfortunate. This reminds me of the story of a tramp: In the winter, the tramp wants to go to jail for a month or two to spend this cold winter. The tramp wants to do something to sin for a month or two, but it is not successful. When he came to the church and wanted to repent and be a man again, he was arrested by the police for disturbing the order. I am like this tramp.

In fact, I used to seldom access the Internet. When I got home, if I had spare cash, I might go online, but I almost didn’t go online at school. One is afraid of being caught by the teacher, and the other is that there is no spare cash. This time, the Internet is the first time to bid farewell; the second is that during the "10. 1" holiday period, the state stipulates that the Internet can be accessed. Third, it is difficult for others to treat guests. Unfortunately, the Internet was caught in a short while, and even my "No, Internet Cafe" poems have not been posted.

I have never felt that there is anything wrong with the Internet, and I will not be ashamed of being caught this time. Everyone knows that the 21st century is the information age, inventing computers, connecting the world, and sharing resources. Everyone should be a beneficiary, and this time I became a "victim." Of course, there must be a degree of Internet access, and everything should have a degree. "More is necessary," is such a truth. I also talk about the Internet, last time in a month or two, each time for up to two hours. I believe that many people will agree that I am online. In this information age, if the teacher is also online, if the teacher has grasped the pulse of the times, there is new consciousness and creativity; if not, it can only show that the teacher is rigid, only according to the text, only to face several The outdated texts left by the generation educate students. I am afraid to meet such a teacher!

It is undeniable that there are many students who spend a lot of time in Internet cafes. Students like this should be educated and criticized. The measures implemented by the school have a certain impact, but they are also flawed. They should be classified and managed by students. "Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" has existed since ancient times, and there are very few teachers who can really do it. The national policy has made provisions for surfers to bring ID cards, and those who can apply for identity cards have certain thinking ability and must identify young people who are incapable. If you refute me and say that the Internet is a spiritual opium, this falls to the most boring and unremarkable but most convincing argument that "guns can destroy people and protect people." The same is true for the Internet. It is impossible to generalize. Is it really blaming people who are online professionals, saying that they are executioners?

I am not a person who is obsessed with the Internet. I will not eat it online in the future. Internet access can only be regarded as a need, a kind of mental food and entertainment that integrates knowledge and entertainment.

Why do we always have to refrain from violating the school rules?

When the school's rules are adapted to each and every student, we no longer violate it.

When the school no longer uses the words "disposition" or "dismissal", we will no longer violate it.

When the school cares about caring for every student and no longer evaluates students who are under-represented by poor standards, we will no longer violate it.

When the school is full of confidence in every student and no longer sighs when the scorpion is not teachable, we will no longer violate it.

When the school treats every student fairly, treats students as their own children, and treats students as hopes for the future, we no longer violate it.

We are all students, students with different aspects, to the school is to make up for the shortcomings, if the students are very good in all aspects, then we still come to school to do anything, stay at home and learn.

We should not be ridiculed, we should not scorn, we should not ignore it. We are not animals without feelings. We want genuine care, and we want the eyes of "discovery."

Part 4: Review of college students' skipping classes

Dear Teacher Du:

First of all, I deeply regretted the mistakes made this morning. I missed the 1-2 Chinese classics because of my laziness this morning. It caused serious influence in the class. After the teacher’s teaching, I knew myself. The mistake is where I feel deeply embarrassed and upset about my behavior. As soon as I first entered this school, the school and the college have already made three orders and five applications. I have repeatedly stressed that as a university student, class should not be late, no. It should be absent from class. However, now I am absent from school.

The teacher repeatedly said that the words were still in the ear, and the serious expression was still in front of me. I was deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of this matter. So I repeatedly told myself that I should take this matter as a top priority and can’t live up to the teacher. I am painstaking, but in actual life, due to personal inertia, I still leave the teacher’s teachings behind me. I wrote this review today not only because of the need for a school-disciplined program, but more precisely, I want to use this review to keep myself in mind the teachers' teachings and let them ring the alarm!

I don't want to find any reason to excuse myself. Because it is wrong, it is wrong. Finding reasons to escape will only make you sink deeper and deeper. Shifting responsibility can easily become a habit, and it is difficult to change this habit. It is not a trivial matter to absent from class. When Teacher Du talked to me, I felt very embarrassed about the teacher and even more worried about my family. After entering the university, I feel very fresh and feel that I have a strong momentum. There is no such thing as a failure in the world. Therefore, in life and study, I am not strict with myself and indulge myself. Like the weeds on the wall, where does the wind go? I want to go down for a while. I am interested in what I feel. I am busy with what I am doing. It is always three minutes of heat. Even the most important learning has fallen, and the discipline is also sloppy. . This state has continued, I am a sophomore now, and now I feel that I am awake. Now, when I applied to the disaster-stricken areas to reduce tuition fees, I should have become more strict with myself. I fell down. I feel very ashamed because I am stupid. After all, if you want to get these help, you need to work hard. You need a student with good academic performance, so I have a deep review of myself.

Because of this kind of situation before, I was criticized by the teacher, so these hearts are very uncomfortable. I feel that I have failed the teacher’s teachings to myself and wasted my teacher’s energy and time. I really shouldn’t, but this time the teacher I didn’t get angry with me, and patiently persuaded me to make me deeply reflect on my mistakes. I feel very embarrassed. This kind of introspection is particularly profound. It makes me feel that it is a matter of urgency to correct mistakes. After several hours of deep thought, I decided to express my determination to the teacher to admit my mistake with the following behavior:

1. Admit mistakes to the teacher and write an examination book. Since I have made a mistake, I should face it, recognize my mistakes, and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

2. Improve discipline. I should study the school's school rules and regulations carefully, and I will consciously abide by them. Not late, don't leave early, don't miss class. Something should be taken from the teacher first.

3. Improve your own ideological consciousness. It is important to pay attention to each course and develop a good study and life style.

4. 'Learn to handle the problem correctly. In the future, things need to be dealt with calmly. Everything needs to think twice before doing things. Weigh the pros and cons from multiple angles. We can't act as impulses as before. This is very important for you to be a person or a person. I have already profoundly realized the seriousness of my previous mistakes. I have a close look at this review, let the teacher criticize, and hope to get the teacher's forgiveness. And assure the teacher that I will not make the above mistakes again, especially if I will not be absent again. I hope the teacher can give me a chance to correct it and accept the teacher's criticism and teaching. At the same time, I hope that the teacher can supervise me in the future and remind me. I will definitely not let the teacher down again.

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