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Hospital work review book essay

Part 1: Review of hospital work dereliction of duty

Dear Academy Leader:

The incident occurred on the evening of xxx xx xx, due to the unfamiliarity with the operation of the new system, which caused the year-end medical insurance settlement work to be delayed and could not be completed during normal working hours. So the leader of the hospital arranged for me to work overtime to settle the patient who was not discharged from the hospital in the same year. I worked overtime until half past six, and there were three medical insurance patients who had to go through the discharge settlement in the future. I wanted to explain it to the staff on duty. However, the staff on duty that night also need to handle the middle of the rural cooperative patients and take care of them. However, I did not continue working overtime due to unnecessary personal factors, which delayed the year-end settlement of the hospital, and the financial work of the hospital was not carried out normally. In this regard, my mood is very heavy and sorry!

In the process of self-reflection, it is painful to think of the reasons for mistakes as follows:

1. Responsibility is not strong. The so-called "food prince, the sorrow of the prince", as a fee-paying staff, should have done their duty to assist the financial completion of hospital statistics. It is necessary to correct your own work attitude and avoid the arbitrariness of work.

2. Discipline is not strong. We must act in strict accordance with the hospital's rules and regulations, and believe in the old saying of "do not rule, it is difficult to become a square" from beginning to end. Whether you are doing things or being a person, you must follow the rules. Only by following the rules can you become a circle.

After this incident, I regretted my behavior and also had a bad influence on the toll collection. In order to be responsible for my fault, I am willing to accept the punishment. Through this lesson, I will learn as an invaluable wealth of experience, and I will deeply remember it and always alert myself. For the future work and life, I also want to put a positive attitude, ask myself to reflect deeply, and do things from beginning to end.

I really appreciate the teachings of the leaders. I hope that in the future growth process, I will learn more wisdom from you and get your teaching and help. I am very lucky! And to ensure that similar situations will not occur again in the future. If there are recidivisms, the hospital leadership will be severely punished.

Part 2: Fan work dereliction of duty review essay

Dear Academy Leader:

The incident occurred on the evening of xxx xx xx, due to the unfamiliarity with the operation of the new system, which caused the year-end medical insurance settlement work to be delayed and could not be completed during normal working hours. So the leader of the hospital arranged for me to work overtime to settle the patient who was not discharged from the hospital in the same year. I worked overtime until half past six, and there were three medical insurance patients who had to go through the discharge settlement in the future. I wanted to explain it to the staff on duty. However, the staff on duty that night also need to handle the middle of the rural cooperative patients and take care of them. However, I did not continue working overtime due to unnecessary personal factors, which delayed the year-end settlement of the hospital, and the financial work of the hospital was not carried out normally. In this regard, my mood is very heavy and sorry!

In the process of self-reflection, it is painful to think of the reasons for mistakes as follows:

1. Responsibility is not strong. The so-called "food prince, the sorrow of the king", as a fee-paying staff, should have done their duty to assist the financial completion of hospital statistics. It is necessary to correct your own work attitude and avoid the arbitrariness of work.

2. Discipline is not strong. We must act in strict accordance with the hospital's rules and regulations, and believe in the old saying that "it is not a rule, it is difficult to become a square". Whether you are doing things or being a person, you must follow the rules. Only by following the rules can you become a circle.

After this incident, I regretted my behavior and also had a bad influence on the toll collection. In order to be responsible for my fault, I am willing to accept the punishment. Through this lesson, I will learn as an invaluable wealth of experience, and I will deeply remember it and always alert myself. For the future work and life, I also want to put a positive attitude, ask myself to reflect deeply, and do things from beginning to end.

I sincerely thank the leaders for their teachings. I hope that I can learn more wisdom from you in the future growth process. I am very fortunate to receive your teaching and help. And I will not see similar situations in the future. There are recidivisms, and the leaders of the hospital are heavily punished.

Part 3: Review of nurses' work dereliction of duty

Dear hospital leader:

I wrote this review book with your 120,000 points and 120,000 points of confession. I felt a deep sorrow and anxiety for a nurse who had caused pain to my patients for misuse. Here, I have made a profound review of the leaders of the hospital.

Through this accident, I feel that my sense of responsibility is not strong, but at the same time, it is also the inevitable result of long-term relaxation of my own requirements and work style. As a person on behalf of the post, you should be strict with the law and strict requirements for yourself! However, you can't restrain yourself well. Because of your own dereliction of duty, it brings serious safety hazards to the hospital. If an accident occurs, the consequences are unimaginable~ ~~ This also shows that I don't have enough responsibility for my work, and I don't have to do my job better and get on the new level of ideological motivation. In my own thoughts, there are still coherent thoughts that have passed and lived together. Now, I deeply feel that this is a very dangerous tendency and an extremely important sign.

Therefore, what happened this time made me not only feel my own shame, but more importantly, I feel sorry for the trust of the hospital leadership and the concern of the head nurse.

At the same time, we must sincerely thank the leaders. If it is not the leaders who discover them in time and ask them to reflect deeply and let themselves continue to indulge and develop, then the consequences are extremely serious, and even no one can imagine what kind of work mistakes will occur. Therefore, through this incident, I feel lucky when I feel deeply sad, and feel the timeliness of my awakening. This is undoubtedly a key turning point in my future life growth path. Therefore, at this time, while I am reviewing the leadership, I also express my heartfelt thanks to you.

Part 4: Review of hospital work dereliction of duty

Dear leaders:

XX XX XXXX late in the day, due to unfamiliarity with the operation of the new system, the medical insurance end settlement work was delayed and could not be completed within normal working hours. Therefore, the leader who arranged for me, the medical insurance patient who has not been discharged from the hospital, worked overtime at the hospital's X-year nighttime. I worked overtime until 6:30, and there were three remaining time to complete the medical insurance patient's discharge settlement. a process. But that night, I still need to cooperate with the node patients, too busy, can not take care of the VE. I did not continue, because of unnecessary personal factors, overtime, delayed by the end of the hospital, resulting in the financial work in the hospital can not function properly. In this regard, my heart is very heavy, sorry!

In the process of introspection, the reasons for the painful experience are summarized as follows:

1, the responsibility is not strong. The so-called "fresh big traffic, the only monarch who is worried" as a charger should strictly assist the financial completion of hospital statistics. Correct their work attitude and avoid the arbitrariness of work.

2, the discipline is not strong. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the hospital and begin to believe that the old adage "no rules, difficult square meters". Whether it is work or a person, the behavior should be. Only a straight line, square into a circle.

This matter, I feel that my actions are regrettable, there is a bad influence on the office, responsible for my fault, I am willing to accept punishment. Through this lesson, I will be regarded as an invaluable wealth of experience, and I will go deep into my heart and often wake myself up. For the future work and life, I also hope to take a positive attitude, ask for my own deep reflection, and work conclusions.

Part V: Review of hospital work dereliction of duty

Dear Academy Leader:

The incident occurred on the evening of xxx xx xx, due to the unfamiliarity with the operation of the new system, which caused the year-end medical insurance settlement work to be delayed and could not be completed during normal working hours. So the leader of the hospital arranged for me to work overtime to settle the patient who was not discharged from the hospital in the same year. I worked overtime until half past six, and there were three medical insurance patients who had to go through the discharge settlement in the future. I wanted to explain it to the staff on duty. However, the staff on duty that night also need to handle the middle of the rural cooperative patients and take care of them. However, I did not continue working overtime due to unnecessary personal factors, which delayed the year-end settlement of the hospital, and the financial work of the hospital was not carried out normally. In this regard, my mood is very heavy and sorry!

1. Briefly describe the mistakes made and define them.

This is the first shot for yourself. It must be violent and loud, and it must not be painful. But remember, the gun must be placed in the air, not to fight in the real place. It’s the kind of review in the chat room. It’s like this review--"I haven’t changed my habits in the single-person era, it’s not a good man." Don’t say -- "I just want to change the taste."

Second, describe the process of making mistakes.

This part of the content must be solid, solid, and solid, and the five Ws of the news can not be less. But don't miss it, it's the psychological activity in the process of making mistakes. To highlight the struggle between good and evil, the struggle between spirit and flesh. The more fierce you fight, the more cruel you struggle, the more you can understand and tolerate.

Third, analyze the cause of the error.

This is the most powerful part of it, and it is the key to determining the success or failure of a review. To completely overturn, smash, grind, and cook yourself, uncover the scars, touch the soul, let the cuckoo shed blood, and let the rock shed tears. This mistake was formed early, and the long-term development, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by the ant colony, the Great Wall was poured out by self-touch, and a hundred thousand turns should not go this way. Thousands of mistakes can't be wrong! Of course, don't criticize and accuse the surrounding environment - - How strong, how heavy, how dangerous, how dirty! I am out of mud and not dyed, but the mud is over the head; I am pure and innocent, but everyone has a flaw. Unless you want to imply that you are right.

Fourth, analyze the impact of the error, assuming the consequences of continued crimes.

The mistakes are serious, the expectations are met, the impact is very bad, and the lessons are profound. If the leaders are not pointed out in time, the teachers will find them in time, the parents will promptly remind them, the girlfriends will be aware of them in time, and the relevant departments will intervene in time, the consequences will be unimaginable! The word "unconceived" is used well. Ah! Not only saved a lot of pen and ink, but also shirked a lot of responsibility. The so-called unimaginable, to put it plainly, no one has time to think about it.

Fifth, the table is determined.

It's very simple, think about what you usually look like, and then say it all over again. Also write a description of what you should do in the future.

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