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Water purification project proposal

The quality of drinking water and domestic water is critical to the health and safety of the people, and drinking water purification is very important. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of human diseases are related to water, and poor water quality can cause a variety of diseases. There are still 900 million people in China who drink the total coliform bacteria, 380 million people drink iron with excessive water, 200 million people drink water with excessive oxygen consumption, and 9.48 million people drink water with excessive fluoride. Water is closely related to human health. A wake-up call to life.
With the advancement of science and technology and the rapid development of industry and agriculture, the degree of pollution of the earth has become more and more serious. The groundwater purified by nature has no longer been used, and it is no longer suitable for direct drinking.
Common sources of pollution in groundwater are:
1) Industrial wastewater and other industrial wastes;
2) Agricultural pesticides and fertilizers penetrate into the ground with irrigation water;
3) Domestic sewage, septic tanks and drainage facilities;
4) Other pollutants infiltrate through rivers and lakes;
5) Leakage of landfills and other pollutants;
6) Seawater intrusion.
The pollution of the water source in Fuqing is also very serious. It turns out that there are fish and shrimp in our river, and we have rarely seen it now. Industrial development has led to the discharge of a large amount of industrial wastewater into the stream. The residual pesticides for agriculture and the feces of livestock such as chickens, ducks and pigs are injected into the streams through rainwater, causing unprecedented pollution of the stream water quality.
The substances that are harmful to the human body in our daily water use are summarized as follows:
1. Industrial wastewater 2, animal waste 3, heavy metal
4, filter virus 5, bacteria, E. 6, chemical drugs
7. Pesticides 8, chloroform - carcinogens
9. Excessive hardness, especially in coastal areas, is prone to stone disease.
For the above problems, we have proposed a series of solutions, including: using bottled water, precipitating and filtering daily water. The most scientific and effective method is to use r/o reverse osmosis equipment for filtration. The water directly consumed by the human body; and from the economical analysis, direct drinking water is also more economical than bottled water.
Bottled water vs. straight drinking water economic benefit analysis Bottled water + water dispenser mode consumes an average of 2 liters per person per day, monthly consumption: 30 × 2 × 30 = 1800 liters;
The average volume of barreled water per barrel is 18 liters, and the monthly consumption is 1800/18=100 barrels;
The average manufacturer is calculated at 10 yuan per barrel, 100×10=1000 yuan/month;
The required cost for the unit in one year is: 1000 × 12 = 1XX yuan;
30 people need at least 3 water dispensers, each of which is based on 300 yuan;
300 yuan / Taiwan × 3 = 900 yuan The total cost of this model is: 12900 yuan + 1XX yuan ×
Direct drinking water mode Lian'an environmental protection provides you with two options: one is the central water purification project, that is, “one central business machine + several pipeline machines”, and the other is the vertical straight drink machine x. For a 30-person unit, the amount of water per day is calculated based on the above 60 liters of total drinking water:
Option One:
If the user is a public open type, you can choose the central business machine, according to the frequency of 30 people concentrated drinking water, at least 3 line machines, pd-200g type central machine + 3 sets of gs6 ice heat line machine combination, for example The cost of sexual input is 13,345 yuan, and the cost of replacing the filter element is about 1,100 yuan per year. Water cost: If calculated according to the ratio of pure water to water 1:3, the total water consumption is: 30 people × 6 liters × 30 days × December = 64,800 liters / year, calculated according to 2.5 yuan per ton of water, one year of water The cost of the fee is: 162 yuan. The total cost of this program is: 14707 yuan + 126 yuan ×
Option II:
If the user is a small office type, then choose the vertical vertical straight drink machine program, taking 5 people and one office as an example, a total of 6 straight drinking machines will be installed. According to the general style, the vertical straight drink machine market price is 2880 yuan/set. The one-time investment is 17,280 yuan, and the cost of replacing each filter element is about 600 yuan per year. The water cost is the same as that of the plan one.
The total cost of this program is: 21042 yuan + 3762 yuan ×
Total contrast barreled water: early year + renewal year × 4 = 12900 + 1XX × 4 = 60,900 yuan direct drinking water program one: early year + renewal year × 4 = 14707 + 1262 × 4 = 19,755 yuan Option 2: early years + continued Year × 4 = 2104 + 3762 × 4 = 54900 yuan

in conclusion:
In the economic mode of investing in direct drinking water by units and other groups, investing in direct drinking water only accounts for between 32% and 59% of the cost of investing in bottled water. The economic benefits are huge, and the direct drinking water can bring added value such as health, fashion and convenience. .

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