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Proposal for educating good children

I am very worried about the learning situation of Ji Chen, so I analyzed some of his backward learning. There are suggestions for what to do in the future.
First, the family environment will directly affect the child's learning, and even a lifetime.
The first teacher of the child is the parent. Many children's interest and hobbies depend on the parent's counseling. Especially the child's psychological acceptance is particularly sensitive. In addition, the child's ability to imitate is very strong, in the child's life, the child's The world is learning the behaviors of adults. So, when the children are with whom, he will learn from whom. Especially in his early years, he used to learn the habits he developed when he was not in the family. Parents should pay attention to the children's learning every day. Parents have to ask themselves, do they have more criticism of their children, or praise more? In the case of education, children who are praised every day are better than children who are criticized and beaten every day. Why, because the child's psychology is fragile, it is easy to lose the self-confidence of learning under the criticism of adults. Thus going to school and rebellion. When children are tired of learning, they need to solve problems from psychological support.
A fairly stable family environment is the biggest pillar of children's learning. A good family atmosphere will make the child feel safe inside and have the spiritual support of meditation. On the contrary, in a chaotic family environment, it will have a negative impact on the child's psychology. So good father and mother are not easy to do. A few schools were changed before the performance, and the school environment was unstable. Family factors are also unstable. Parents were not with their children before, causing psychological trauma. The behavior becomes more savvy and embarrassing than the average child. Did you find out? He imitated and learned the real thing in life. He will be very early. This is the performance of his own self-improvement mentality. When he lacks the love of his parents from a young age, his heart will begin to build his own castle, become self-centered, and simply say self-cultivation. What do you want to do, no one can stop it. No matter how you fight, he doesn't care. This psychological habit has been developed in the early years. Therefore, the first factor and important factor for the growth of children - parental education can not be ignored.

Second, the education of the school has not been taught according to their aptitude. This is basically difficult to do because there are many students in the school and there are few teachers. It is difficult to take care of every child. In addition, if the child with poor grades is divided into poor students by the teacher, then Ah Ji will be finished at that school. There is absolutely no chance of turning over.

Third, the child is a naughty character. Active children are very smart children, because their brains are always thinking about new things, just thinking about the problem is not in business, but in tricks and play.
Ways to solve the above problem:
Change the concept of parent education.
Education is guided and inspired by life. Do not teach children with command tone. When the child is doing something wrong, don't sternly scold or criticize it. It is necessary to change the angle to think about why the child will do the wrong thing. It is not good for adults or other factors. In addition, we must shift the angle to think about how to guide the child to do well after doing the wrong thing. Parents should go to the good side to think for their children. Although they are wrong, they are also a lesson for children. Use the reason to convince the child. As long as the parents' attitude is good, the child's psychological obstacles will be slowly unraveled for several years, and he will slowly feel the warmth of the parents' love. This is not a one-night event. The psychology of a child is generally what she likes and who he listens to. Whoever praises him the most, who he likes, does things when he does things. If a person is criticized and turned into a fool every day, that person really thinks he is an idiot, and finally has no self-confidence. Adults are like this, not to mention children. So you have to start practicing and praise the performance every morning. Every day he comes back from school and praises. No matter what, you always want to find something to praise. Whether he does a very simple topic or assignment, you have to look and praise. Genius is praised. Play is a child's nature, to use the children's play to become the way they learn.
Take time to chat with children, tell stories, and don't talk about buying books to read to him. This can improve the relationship between mother and child and enhance the language organization ability of his language. You forcefully force him to recite what is useless, and forget it when he has passed, even if he does not recite it. It is better to tell him a story. Tell the story of a child's good reading, or the story of some great people. Fairy tale, etc., this is very important for children's worldview education. Turn off the TV and tell the story to him before going to bed. Create a good child concept for him. Let him go to do things with good children's example. to form a habit. You can develop a good habit in 28 days.
Do not easily change the school environment and living environment. The child's ability to adapt is not as strong as that of an adult. He has to establish his interpersonal relationship for a long time. For children, it will affect him.
Parents are in close contact with the school class teacher. Don't be fooled into thinking that all education will be pushed to the school. Familiar with the child's situation at school, tell the truth of the teacher, and work together to find a solution. This allows the teacher to focus on the performance.
Establish a mutual respect relationship with your child. Adults must be trustworthy in front of their children, lead by example, and apologize to the children for doing the wrong things. Let the children use the parents as an example for learning. I grew up and grew up and he knows how to behave.
Parents should also continue to learn. Learning with children is a very effective way to motivate children to learn.
Develop the habit of writing a diary every day, which can improve the performance of the language. A diary can be a sentence or a few words, describing what you saw today, what TV shows you watched, what you thought of, and so on. Be guided at the beginning, it will take a month or so to let him work independently.
Mathematics, every day you give a life example of his study of mathematics to let him think. The correct answer is praise, if the answer is wrong, tell him how to calculate it. Every day.
This is the most important thing to build a harmonious and good family environment. Otherwise it will affect the child's life.

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