Secretarial knowledge > Recommendation

Proposal for adding a ball game to the Games

Dear White President:


Do you know? In our school, 54% of students love to play, and 36% of students love track and field. On behalf of all the golfers, I am asking you to add basketball and football matches to our games.

We need such a competition to keep fit; we need such a competition to fight for it; we need such a competition to prove the team spirit and strength of our classes. So please give us such a sacred game!

On the afternoon of October 8, 2019, when I was playing basketball in the playground, I stumbled upon the scene: some of the lower grades were playing basketball or playing football together. I saw their spirit of hard work and triumph. They saw their happiness playing on the ball on their cheeks. Although they are not so high, they can see their future wonderful. So please give us such a sacred game!

Whenever I finished the meal at noon and walked to the playground, I found some senior students playing on the playground. Look! The shots they shot, the baskets they cast, how accurate and fast! Look at how united and cooperative they play, tactical, civilized and harmonious. This is our proud game. Please give us such a sacred game!

After the end of the first session of the Games, those students with superb skills could not get what they wanted, they could only go home with regrets, and the ball games were also sports! Why can't you give the ball lovers a chance? They watched other students win the championship, and they could only watch... Please give us such a sacred game!

They are obscured, only looking forward to such a sacred game at the Games; they are diligent and hardworking, only looking forward to such a sacred game at the Games; they... as long as you give us such a sacred game, we will be in the game Bring you surprises, bring joy to you, bring us our style! Please give us such a sacred game!

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