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Water Affairs Bureau work ideas

In 2019, the overall idea of ​​water work in our county is: guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the overall arrangements of the state, provincial and state water work, combined with the requirements of the central government to expand domestic demand, in-depth practice of the scientific development concept, adhere to the "reform Guarantee stability, promote development with projects, grasp management and promote harmony, and focus on implementing a series of projects such as reinforcement of dangerous reservoirs, flood control, irrigation, soil and water conservation, drinking water safety, river management, etc., speeding up the construction of drinking water safety guarantee system, flood control and disaster reduction System, synergy guarantee system, water ecological environment guarantee system, optimize water conservancy development environment, promote the transformation of water conservancy work in our county to environmental water conservancy, resource water conservancy, benefit water conservancy, and provide strong and rapid economic and social development in the county. Water support and security. In 2019, we must focus on the following tasks:
To carry out the regular work of water affairs, one is to grasp the construction of water conservancy projects on the surface. It is ensured that 4,742 pieces of various water conservancy projects will be completed within 2019, the investment will be 800.614 million yuan, the newly added irrigated area will be 0.71 million mu, the irrigated area will be improved by 5.07 million mu, the soil erosion area will be controlled by 10.55 square kilometers, and the rural area will be solved and improved by 3.13 million, 1.12. Dingtou big livestock have difficulty drinking water.
The second is to conscientiously grasp the construction of construction in progress. The Babao Reservoir Project was approved by the superiors in June this year. The four-sick and dangerous reinforcement project of Naima, Weimo Reservoir, Longgushan, Sand Dam, Bomo and Muyi was completed and accepted by the project and delivered for use.
The third is to prevent floods and droughts on flood control and drought resistance. Further strengthen the implementation of the flood control responsibility system, strictly guard against discipline and discipline, strengthen the flood control duty, and strictly guard against death during the main flood season. Within the scope of normal flood standards, ensure that one medium-sized reservoir, 13 small reservoirs, 28 small reservoirs and important The river section is safe. Continue to strengthen the construction and management of water projects, strictly control the quality, carry out safety inspection activities in a solid manner, ensure full production, and conscientiously implement various drought-resistance measures to ensure that agriculture increases production and income.
The fourth is to effectively carry out the basic construction of farmland water conservancy based on winter and spring repairs. Find ways to raise funds through multiple channels, further increase investment in rural water infrastructure construction, serve the construction of a new socialist countryside, accelerate agricultural and rural development, and increase farmers' income.
The fifth is to focus on the people's livelihood and strengthen the construction of rural drinking water safety projects. Accelerate the construction of drinking water projects, build a rural drinking water safety system, adhere to the rural drinking water safety issue as a breakthrough in the construction of new rural water conservancy projects, and increase the construction of rural drinking water safety projects. The plan solves the drinking water safety problem of 31,300 people.
Sixth is strict water administrative law enforcement. Strengthen the publicity of water laws and regulations, and raise the awareness of the county people's water law. Focus on standardizing management and investigating cases, and do a good job in law enforcement management of water administration and soil and water conservation. Seriously do a good job in approval, supervision and management, collection of fees, and resolution of major water disputes. Increase the intensity of crackdowns on illegal activities, effectively stop and investigate violations of water and fishery.
The seventh is to pay close attention to soil erosion control. Actively strive for project implementation of small watershed comprehensive management projects. At the same time, it is necessary to further strengthen the law enforcement of water conservation, strictly control the quality of water and soil conservation plans, prevent humans from causing new soil erosion, and promote a virtuous cycle of ecological environment in our county.
Do a good job in water conservancy project work to promote development by project, actively coordinate with relevant departments, strive for funds, and implement a number of water conservancy projects.
First, actively promote the preliminary work of the medium-sized reservoir, and strive to enter the central and provincial projects to expand domestic demand.
The second is to strive to implement the project to reinforce the four small reservoirs of Mawiao, Khantan, Xiluo and Songshupo, and strive for a national and provincial investment of 16 million yuan.
The third is to strive for the implementation of five small-risk reservoirs to reinforce the dangers, and strive for a national and provincial investment of 12 million yuan.
[nextpage] The fourth is to strive for the implementation of a comprehensive watershed management, with a total area of ​​193.5km2 and a management area of ​​103.35km2. The total investment is 37.128 million yuan.
The fifth is to strive for the implementation of a river management project. The total investment is 20.632 million yuan, and the state investment is 20.632 million yuan.
Sixth, actively strive to implement the project to implement the construction of Xiluo Irrigation District, improve the irrigated area by 2,500 mu, increase the irrigated area by 2,589 mu, and benefit 4,210 people. Strive for national and provincial investment of 6.145 million yuan.
Seventh, it plans to implement 160 small water rafts and 122 self-flowing water supplies to solve the problem of unsafe drinking water for 31,300 people in rural areas. The total investment of the project is 15.7886 million yuan.
Pay attention to people's livelihood, serve the people and continue to do a good job in people's livelihood, and ensure stability and promote harmony. In 2019, it is necessary to solve the treatment of internal self-supporting units and the implementation of water conservancy and benefit-free measures as the main direction of people's livelihood work, to create conditions for the gradual realization of the industry's poverty alleviation and the prosperity of workers, and to provide reliable water protection for the production and life of the people. Social services.
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