Secretarial knowledge > Other letters

Letter format

The general format of the letter mainly includes: title, main delivery unit, body text, payment and time.

The title of the title letter is the full-element title, which includes the issuing unit, the cause, and the language. The reason should be a refined and refined summary of the main content of the main text.

The body of the text is the main part of the archive. Emphasize that things should be straightforward. The first part is the narrative and the second part describes the hopes and requirements. The body of the letter first writes the matters of negotiation, request, inquiry or notification, and then makes a request, request or request. Finally, it is clearly stated that "the above opinions can be answered, please reply", "Please reply to the letter", "I hereby inform you". The "Materials" section is basically a way of writing narratives and explanations. Whatever is written, it should be simple and concise, and it must be clarified. The "requirements" section can be more or less. If the matter is very simple, and there are not too many requirements, write the same thing together, in one go; if the matter is more complicated, or ask for more than one paragraph to write, or even to write the column, And no matter what kind of content, no matter which level, the tone of the request is modest. The general structure of the body of the reply is: first quote the letter, the name of the file that can be quoted, the text number, and the main content. For example, the format of "Your Factory × Word × Number of Texts" can also directly write "Electricity" and "Letter", and then write the main items of the reply. The content of the reply should be around the letter and accurately express the opinions of this organ. The attitude must be clear. At the end of the reply, it is generally possible to write such words as "this complex" and "report". In the reply, we should answer the questions raised in the letter: agree or disagree, agree what to do; disagree with what the reason or what should be done, what should not be done. The language used in the article should be concise.

After the text of the payment and date letter has been written, the final sign and date must be signed and the official seal must be affixed.

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