Secretarial knowledge > Responsibility

General manager responsibility book

Direct superior: Directly attached to the board of directors: general manager of the operation department, head of the finance department, executive chef, and head of the human resources department.
The duties of the first responsible person, under the leadership of the board of directors, can understand and understand the instructions issued and execute; lead all employees to work hard to complete various operational and management indicators, comprehensively improve the service quality and management level of the club, and undertake the orders issued by the board of directors and Announcement, complete departmental coordination for the release and operation, and link up and down;
2. Handling the company's external and internal business, administrative affairs, and information exchange;
3. According to the authorization of the board of directors to preside over the overall work and complete the indicators set by the club and ensure the quality of service standards; coordinate the formulation and implementation of the company and various departments' rules and regulations, and effectively achieve the overall goal management;
4. Monitor the procurement, storage, use control and monitoring of the company's materials, and investigate the price, quality and market supply and demand;
5. Reasonable human resource allocation;
6. Monitor the planning and arrangement of activities by various departments and monitor the coordinated operation of various departments;
7. Supervise and inspect the asset management and maintenance of each department.
8. Regularly inspect the human, material and financial resources of each department to ensure that all departments use the resources legally and reasonably;
9. Under the steady development of the business situation, submit the future development plan, so that the company can develop rapidly in the aspects of people, things and finance, and become the front line of Shaoguan brand;
0, with dedication and dedication, wholeheartedly, hard work and hard work spirit to shoulder the task and responsibility, can do everything, care about everything, do everything with care;
1. Treat the company's human, material and financial resources with integrity and fairness so that it can be used and operated legally and reasonably;
2, can solve and assume all the difficulties and pressures brought about by work tasks, unremittingly complete the task, and directly responsible to the board of directors;
3. Establish the business plan, development plan and management policy of the clubhouse, formulate the management objectives of the clubhouse, and direct the implementation.
4. Host a senior management work meeting or department manager meeting.
15. Formulate the attendance, performance appraisal, reward and punishment programs of each ministry;
The general manager of the company is responsible to the board of directors, and the board of directors has the right to make immediate reward and punishment decisions for the general manager. The general manager signs the "Responsibility Letter" to the Board of Directors, which will take effect and execute immediately from the date of signing.
I am willing to accept the appointment of xxxx Co., Ltd. and assume the duties of the first responsible person. Do your job well and lead by example, and drive your employees to maintain and implement the company's rules and regulations, and assume the responsibility of the company.


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