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2019 Safety Production Responsibility

In order to strengthen the leadership of safety production, implement safety production administrative responsibility, strengthen safety production target management, and ensure the completion of this year's work safety work tasks, according to the "Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant safety production regulations, your unit must fulfill in 2019. The following safety production duties and tasks to complete the following safety production targets, and signed a safety production responsibility book, the specific content is:

First, work responsibilities

Comprehensive governance

1. Strengthen the leadership of work safety production and perform the duties of safety production supervision and management according to law. The main leaders or leaders in charge shall personally review the annual safety production work plan. The main leaders shall participate in the annual safety production work meeting and the quarterly prevention and serious safety accident work meeting held by the Municipal Transportation Bureau as required to study and prevent serious safety accidents, coordination, Solve major security issues.

2. Responsible for the safety production of subordinate enterprise units, strictly implement the safety production control indicators, sign the responsibility for the safety production target management at all levels, and strictly assess, reward and punish.

3. Organize at least one special inspection of safety production every quarter, and promptly investigate and deal with hidden dangers.

4. Incorporate the key technologies to be solved in safety production into the science and technology development plan, and arrange annual safety technology development projects for science and technology development projects. Encourage and support the promotion and application of safe production science and technology research and advanced technologies for safe production, and promote the safety and technological transformation of enterprises.

5. Establish and improve the risk mortgage system for high-risk enterprises to ensure the funds needed for accident rescue and aftercare.

6. Implementing the Interim Measures for Safety Production Opportunity Warnings and Yellow Cards, and rectifying the hidden dangers of accidents, repeating the same types of general accidents, accidents, fatal accidents and serious violations during the year. Obey the warning and give the yellow card vigilance.

7. Implement the “one-vote veto” system for safe production.

8. Submit the quarterly safety production inspection summary, the semi-annual and annual performance report, the self-assessment self-assessment assessment and the implementation of the safety production conference on time to the safety production work leading group.

Strengthening the investigation and rectification of major hidden dangers and the management of major hazards

1. In accordance with the provisions of the "Measures for the Supervision and Treatment of Hidden Dangers of Major Safety Production Accidents" and the major accident hazard rectification projects of the city, county, township and village level that were determined to be supervised and rectified in 2019, formulate rectification plans for relevant projects and implement rectification responsibilities. Renovation within a time limit is in place to eliminate hidden dangers in time. For major accidents that are difficult to rectify at a time, it is necessary to implement monitoring responsibilities and implement effective monitoring, with a monitoring rate of 100%.

2. Complete the declaration and registration of major hazards during the year, safety assessment, safety rules and regulations, emergency technical training, warning sign setting, safety inspection, monitoring system construction, and further standardize the supervision and management of major hazards.

Strengthen the special rectification work of safety production

Intensively carry out special rectification of safety production. Special rectification is organized and planned, and various rectifications are made to clear the content and objectives of the work. There are specific implementation plans for rectification, funding guarantees, and summary of tasks. After special rectification, major hidden dangers in production and operation sites have been effectively treated.

Strengthen basic work and strengthen source governance

1. Responsible for the safety supervision and inspection of enterprise units, and guide enterprises to strictly implement the “three simultaneous” system of safety facilities and main projects of construction projects; conscientiously organize the investigation of hidden dangers of enterprises, and organize relevant units to carry out timely and effective rectification.

2. Organize enterprise units to carry out safety production quality standardization activities.

Strengthening the construction of safety supervision institutions and teams

Responsible for urging enterprise units to further improve their safety production and management institutions, and to coordinate with safety production and management personnel. According to the law, it is necessary to set up a security governance institution or a company equipped with special security management personnel to reach 100%.

Further strengthen the administrative law enforcement work of production safety

1. In accordance with the "Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Safety Production Regulations" and other laws and regulations, further strict enforcement of safety production law enforcement, and the security supervision department should be carefully deployed to carry out joint law enforcement, focusing on solving illegal production within the system. Business conduct.

2. Intensify law enforcement and crack down on and ban illegal production and management.

3. The implementation of safety production law enforcement in the jurisdiction is in place, and law enforcement must be fair and law enforcement, strict law enforcement and administration, and the law enforcement environment is good.

Strengthen safety production education and training

1. Organize enterprise units to further study the laws, regulations, policies and policies for safe production.

2. In accordance with the unified arrangements of the State, autonomous regions, municipalities and municipal transportation bureaus, the “Safe Production Month” publicity and education activities will be carried out in an effective and effective manner. The organization of various activities will be carried out in an orderly manner, and the tasks assigned by the superiors will be completed on time. The awareness of workers' safety in production has increased.

3. The main person in charge of the enterprise unit and the person in charge of production and safety management 100% passed the safety professional training, passed the examination, and obtained the relevant license.

4. 100% of the safety production and management personnel of the enterprise are qualified for the training and examination, and they are certified to work.

5. 100% of the special operations personnel of the enterprise unit have passed the training and examination, obtained the certificate and obtained the certificate. At the same time, the company is urged to strictly implement the safety production training assessment and the certificate-based employment system for all employees.

Strengthen emergency rescue and accident management

1. Strengthen the construction of emergency rescue system for enterprise units, further improve various emergency rescue plans for major and serious safety accidents, organize at least one drill during the year, and continuously improve the emergency rescue plan according to the drill situation.

2. Supervise and urge enterprise units to establish emergency rescue organizations according to law, implement emergency rescue personnel, deploy emergency rescue equipment and equipment, and implement rescue units and responsible persons involved in the rescue plan to ensure the necessary human, material and financial resources for emergency rescue.

3. After a major safety production accident occurs in an enterprise unit, it shall promptly and accurately report to the municipal safety production work leading group and relevant higher authorities according to the relevant provisions of the state and autonomous region and municipal accident management, eliminate the phenomenon of late reporting and late reporting, and promptly organize , investigation and after-treatment work.

4. In accordance with the principle of “four not letting go”, investigate and deal with safety production accidents according to law, and the settlement rate will reach 100% according to the time limit.

Second, the control target

Effectively prevent casualties, the number of deaths is controlled within the annual total control indicators, and strive to stabilize the safety production in 2019 compared with the previous year.

Third, performance assessment

The performance of your unit's performance of safety production duties, as the assessment content of your unit's safety production work performance.

The city organization supervision and assessment is based on the job responsibilities and control objectives stipulated in this responsibility book. The "Assessment Rules" will be issued separately.

The safety production performance assessment method is divided into three grades: excellent, qualified and unqualified. The score of 90 points and 90 points is excellent, 90 points or less to 70 points are qualified, and less than 70 points are unqualified.

The assessment is conducted in the form of “quarterly self-inspection, stage supervision, and year-end assessment”. The city organizes an inspection team every quarter to supervise your unit, and in the middle of January the following year, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your unit.

Your organization should further improve the safety production assessment methods for enterprise units, strictly check the assessment system, and achieve rewards and punishments.

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