Secretarial knowledge > Responsibility

Central National Small Staff and Workers' Safety Work Responsibility

School faculty and staff are educators and bear the direct responsibility of students' safety education and safety management. In order to conscientiously implement the national and provincial regulations on strengthening school safety, improve the system, strengthen responsibilities, implement measures, eliminate hidden dangers, ensure student safety and school stability, promote the school's study style, and make the school's safety work The principle of responsibility to the post and responsibility to the person, combined with the actual situation of the school, specially signed the responsibility letter for the safety education of the small faculty and staff of Liuping Center.

1. Faculty and staff should care for and protect students, conscientiously fulfill their education, management, and protection of students' safety responsibilities, implement the school's safety management system, and firmly establish the "safety first" thinking and the legal concept of "safe" according to law. Familiar with relevant safety regulations, familiar with the "China Small School Students' Personal Safety Accident Prevention and Treatment Measures" and various safety regulations of schools, master the methods of safety education, consciously improve the ability to judge safety and danger, and organize students to hedge in an emergency. Emergency response capability.

2. Faculty members are not allowed to perform corporal punishment, disguised corporal punishment or satirical, sarcasm, or insulting personality.

3, faculty and staff should abide by the school's work discipline, get on time, get on time, do not leave the job, the personnel on the day to strengthen inspections, maintain campus order, the evening must check the number of students boarding students, no security problems Leave the post.

4, faculty and staff should strictly implement the school's education, teaching system and classroom routines, do a good job in the class name work, and strictly take the classroom leave. During the class, if the student leaves the classroom and causes a safety accident, the classroom manager is directly responsible.

5. The faculty and staff should promptly warn or stop the behaviors that endanger the personal safety of the students, such as students' irregular behaviors and students being invaded by outsiders. In the event of an accident, teachers and students should actively rescue and immediately report the relevant leaders. If you turn a blind eye or should foresee and do not foresee the relevant safety hazards, resulting in the consequences of a safety accident, you should be investigated for administrative and legal responsibilities.

6. The faculty and staff must bear in mind the safety responsibilities when guiding experiments, training, practical activities, and guiding skills training. They should carry out safety education for students, so that students can clearly understand safety precautions and take effective protective measures.

7. Faculty and staff should take care of all the facilities of the school. After work, the office teacher should turn off the power of all electrical appliances, check the safety hazards of the office, and close the doors and windows. In the classroom, the class teacher will carry out the safety inspection after school. The faculty and staff should be concerned about the safety of the school's facilities and report problems to the leadership or general affairs office in a timely manner.

8. When faculty and staff organize students to participate in group activities inside and outside the school, they must perform the approval procedures and plan the activities in advance. Students must conduct safety knowledge education before participating in off-campus activities, and participate in faculty and staff to break down safety responsibilities. Participating in the activities of the faculty and staff should educate, manage, and protect the students according to the responsibility of safety, clear responsibilities, adhere to positions, cooperate with each other, and avoid omissions.

10. The performance of the faculty's safety work responsibilities is included in the assessment of the faculty and staff at the end

11. This letter of responsibility is in duplicate and each party holds one copy. Effective from the date of signing.

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