Secretarial knowledge > Responsibility

Comprehensive responsibility for stability and stability

In accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the decision to strengthen the comprehensive management of social security and the comprehensive management of social security in provinces, municipalities and districts, in order to effectively maintain the sustainable stability of the overall social situation of our town, and create a good environment for the reform and development of our town. , the following work responsibility is formulated.

I. Comprehensive management work

1. The grassroots infrastructure for the comprehensive management of social security with “one center and five networks” as the main body. The construction of “one center and five networks” was fully implemented as required. The integration of letters and visits, population management, public security, heavy-duty education, grassroots creation, and “control and control” have achieved remarkable results.

2. Security precautions. Theft, looting and other preventable cases, eight types of malignant cases, juvenile delinquency and drug-related crimes have been significantly reduced; the unit has no corruption, misappropriation, theft, fraud, encroachment on financial cases and other cases with significant influence; no major traffic, significant Accidents such as fires, major explosions, and major production safety.

3. Organizational leadership. Seriously implement the "top-ranking" project of comprehensive management, incorporate the comprehensive management of social security into the local economic and social development plan, and conduct assessment as an important part of the annual two-civilization construction target management responsibility system; comprehensive responsibility for the first, second and third responsible persons Be clear, have contact points, and perform their duties effectively.

4. Information feedback. Actively report the work to the town comprehensive management office, and timely report all kinds of sudden incidents and various types of stability problems that occur in the local area.

5. People's sense of security. The public's satisfaction and basic satisfaction with local social security is over 90%.

Second, maintaining stability

1. There will be no cross-level collective petitions, and during the special protection period, the “zero-index” management of the leap-level petition will be realized.

2. There will be no mass incidents involving containment and impact on party and government organs, judicial organs, military units, and key departments.

3. There will be no serious incidents such as blockage of the crowd and destruction of railways, highway transportation hubs, traffic trunks and bridges.

4. There will be no mass incidents of fighting, smashing, robbing, burning and mass gathering.

5. There are no cases of looting of state assets, key engineering substances and other public and private property.

Third, anti-xx work

1. Practically strengthen the educational transformation of the stubborn and obsessed people of “xx” and “disciple associations” and find a case of transformation.

2. Implement the responsibility system for guarantees, increase the intensity of monitoring, blocking and interception. It is strictly forbidden for “xx” personnel to go to the province and go to Beijing to work. It is strictly forbidden to have “xx” out of control personnel and implement “zero indicator” management.

3. Conduct more than two campaigns against xx and advocating science every year to continuously enhance the awareness and immunity of the people and xx.

4. Practically strengthen the basic work at the grassroots level to ensure that there is no problem of “xx” and “disciplinary” personnel secretly concatenating and illegal gatherings.

5. Practically strengthen the organization and leadership of the xx problem and ensure the necessary work funds.

The responsible persons of all units in the town must earnestly strengthen leadership and perform their duties to ensure the smooth realization of the above-mentioned responsibility objectives.

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First responsible person:

Second responsible person:

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