Secretarial knowledge > essay speech

(security speech) What is security?

Security is a kind of heart of love, and love is love. Safety is people-oriented, that is, to protect and protect people's lives and property, and to regard people as the most precious in the world. The "person" here is not abstract but concrete, not a concept, but a living life. Any act that ignores or even despise oneself is a kind of sin, a kind of trampling on heaven, national law, and human condition. Strictness is love, pine is harmful, and accidents have occurred for generations.
Security is a kind of dignity. Dignity is the value of life. If you lose your dignity, it will be meaningless to live. Obeying the law and obeying the rules is not only respect for others, but also self-respect. "Three no harm" is the embodiment of dignity. A person who does not follow scientific procedures is not self-respecting and has no dignity. The ignorant adventure, the unscrupulous heroism, the lack of common sense, the slack, the burnout, and the shackles are all cherished for life and will lead to human tragedies.
Security is a civilization. Safety technology depends on science and technology, culture education, economic foundation, in one sentence, on social progress and the improvement of people's quality. Civilization versus barbarism, uncivilized behavior can also be regarded as barbaric behavior. The "three violations" behavior is a barbaric act. Barbarism is associated with ignorance. Humanity has entered the twenty-first century, and barbarism and ignorance have long been the traces of history. Calling for security and calling for civilization are the fundamental interests of the development of human society.
Safety is a culture. Culture is a society, a country, a nation, a universally recognized and pursued values ​​and codes of conduct, and a rational expression of lifestyle. Paying attention to safety and respecting life is the embodiment of advanced culture; neglecting safety and ignoring life are manifestations of backward culture. The formation of a culture depends on the efforts of the whole society. A large number of safety warning signs and signage in the production area is a kind of culture. All employees should carefully study the safety culture and improve safety awareness.
Safety is a kind of happiness, and happiness is a beautiful state. When people talk about happiness, who would associate with the gas explosion, the sinking of the ship, the overturning of the building, the broken limbs of the broken limbs, and the flesh and blood? Who would treat a life without security as a happy life? Who dares to say that security is not a guarantee to enjoy a happy life for a long time?
Safety is a challenge. Every major accident will prompt people to reflect on their own behavior, sum up lessons, study countermeasures, invent new technologies, and prevent repeated accidents. Maybe the accident will never be eliminated, so the challenge will always exist, and the human struggle will never stop. Accidents are a test of human ability, and humanity should stand the test.
Safety is a fortune. You can ask everyone to calculate an account. In fact, how many times this account has been counted; in the 2000 septic tank accident, the company incurred additional expenses for millions of yuan. If the safety investment is increased, the loss of life and property will be less. The final labor cost has been reduced, and the economic efficiency of the company has increased. On the contrary, if the company profits for a while, it will eventually lose money. When we talk about safety, we must improve people's survival value, that is, accumulate wealth.
Security is a right and an obligation. In life and work, the protection of safety and health is the basic right of workers and the basic needs of life, just like eating and dressing, and sometimes even more important than eating and dressing. Every worker not only has this right, but also respects and exercises this right. He cannot tarnish the sacredness of rights because of interest-induced or temporary difficulties. "I want to be safe" is the expression of rights and the expression of obligations. No matter the rich or the poor, regardless of occupation, regardless of urban and rural areas, every citizen must respect others and their own lives, and must maintain and guarantee the safe state of production and life, otherwise it will be subject to legal sanctions and punishment.
What is security? Safety depends on responsibility. In daily life and work, every time and every minute of work, the hidden dangers of safety are always like a ferocious beast with a big mouth, staring at our fragile body and paralyzed nerves. Only by following the rules, following the rules, and doing things in a down-to-earth manner, strengthening security awareness and enhancing responsibility, the safety of production is not threatened. Only by enhancing the sense of responsibility, security is guaranteed, and life will be beautiful.
Safety depends on people, people must have a certain level of safety, that is, moral cultivation, responsibility, business skills, healthy body, etc.;
Safety depends on the leadership of the company, the leaders attach great importance to it, are willing to invest, and provide a good working environment;
Safety depends on the system, using a scientific system to regulate the behavior of employees;
Safety depends on the mechanism, establishes a sound reward and punishment mechanism, implements safety responsibilities step by step, and implements heavy rewards;
Safety depends on management, establishes a safety management system, attaches importance to process control, and achieves standardized management.
Safety is a systematic project and must be sustained.
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