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It’s a good teacher.

Still in my childhood, my teacher planted a seed in my heart, a seed for the professional expectation of being a teacher. Under the sunshine of the teacher's love of rain and care, this seed gradually became rooted in my heart, sprouted, and grew up day by day. Today, it finally bears fruit - I also became a teacher.

I walked into the team of preschool teachers with a reverence, but when I passed the aura of the teacher's occupation and felt the ordinary and hard work of the teacher's work, I gradually became confused and confused. I can't help but ask myself: Is this my dream for many years? Is this what I have to do for a lifetime? I was shaken, and the temptation from the outside affected my young heart from time to time, so that I began to be absent-minded when I was working. However, at this time, there was such a thing happening around me, which made me get rid of the previous confusion.

When the new semester starts, a class in our class is called Wen Wen. People are very clever. They usually love to be close to others. It is a bit unbearable. Every day, his family will come to pick him up late, and make me Almost every day, the last one leaves the park. There was an activity in the class, and it was very late. The rest of the children were picked up by the parents one after another, and only one person left. At this time, the sky was already dark. I said to the text: "Mr. Chen sent you home today, okay?" Hearing this sentence, Wen Wen was very happy, and the little face that had just been crying also showed a smile. Along the way, he talked about a lot of things at home. He said that his father worked in the field and rarely went home. His mother was a middle school teacher, and his work was very busy. It was already 7:30 in the evening when he arrived at home, but Wenwen’s mother had not returned yet. "Does your mother care about you, why don't you go home so late?" Wen Wen whispered to me: "My mother has a brother in the classroom who is sick and lives in the hospital. My mother is going to make lessons for her brother every night, so I have to go home very late." Hey, it turned out to be like this. I hesitated a moment and asked him: "Would you blame your mother?" "No!" Wen Wen said very firmly: "My mother is fine, The brothers and sisters in their classrooms like my mother. They say that mother is the best and best teacher in the world!" My heart can't help but tremble. It is also a teacher. People are so invested in work, so forget, and I What? An indescribable arrogance comes to mind. Unexpectedly, the time has come to nine o'clock, Wenwen mother finally came back, and I saw that I was ruthless, and did not reveal any dissatisfaction with my work. When I left, I took a good look at this home, and my heart was not a taste. At this time, the text came to me and said: "Mr. Chen, you are so good!" Suddenly, a warm stream flooded the whole body. On the way home, I felt that my mood was a lot easier.

For a while, I often sent Wenwen to go home. At the same time, I was more and more invested in my work. The more I worked, the better, and I was praised by the leaders of the park. The previous confusion has disappeared without a trace. . I want to say that it is good to be a teacher, and this experience can be attributed to a tireless teacher mother and a childish and innocent discourse - "Mr. Chen, you are so good!"

Looking back at the previous experience, I feel the joy and glory of being a teacher. In fact, the phrase "Being a teacher is really good" is not written on paper. It is a hollow talk on the wall. It is the result of my understanding and experience. It makes me know: when you go with sincerity Dedicating a love, you will inadvertently receive countless blessings and respects. This is the greatest comfort and precious treasure of every teacher's life!

Now, the children have become the driving force of my life and work. In the long course of teaching and educating people, I will use this phrase "Be a teacher is really good" as the coordinates of life, keep making progress, and be a truly qualified kindergarten teacher. By that time, I can say to myself with a clear conscience and say to others: "It is good to be a teacher!"

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