Fan Wen Daquan > reading notes

20,000 reading notes on the seabed

20,000 reading notes on the seabed

The author's amazing is not only his exaggerated, moving and scientific novels, but even more amazing is the story he wrote in the book, although it is not surprising in the 21st century, but in Versailles In the era of Nashua, people have not invented submarines that can swim underwater, and even electric lights have not appeared. In this context, Verne succeeded in shaping the Nautilus submarine in "Two Thousand Miles Under the Sea". And 25 years after the publication of the novel, the real submarine that people created is similar to the description of the novel. What is the foresight, so the fantasy in Verne's works is based on science. The scientific fantasies depicted in many of his works are realized today. What's more important is that the fantasy in his works is bold and novel, and it is interesting to read with its lifelike, vivid and beautiful. The plot of his work is thrilling, the characters are lifelike, and the ending is unexpected. All of this makes his work eternal.

"The Thousand Miles of the Seabed" was written in 1870 and is the second of Verne's famous trilogy. The first is "The Children of Captain Grant" and the third is "Mysterious Island". This work tells the story of French biologist Aronus traveling deep in the ocean. This happened in 1866, when a large monster was found at the sea that was judged to be a narwhal. He accepted the invitation to hunt down, and unfortunately fell into the water during the hunt and fell onto the back of the monster. In fact, this monster is not a narwhal, but a wonderfully constructed diving boat. The dive boat was built secretly by Captain Nemo on a desert island in the ocean. The hull is sturdy and uses the ocean to generate electricity. Captain Nemo invited Aronus to travel on the seabed. They set off from the Pacific Ocean, through the coral islands, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, into the Atlantic Ocean, and saw many rare sea animals and plants and strange sights in the water. They also experienced stranding, siege siege, wrestling with sharks, iceberg road closures, and octopus attacks. Waiting for many dangers. Finally, when the dive boat arrived on the Norwegian coast, Aronas left without saying goodbye, revealing the secrets of the seabed he knew. Captain Nemo, the protagonist in the book, is a very attractive character with romance, mystery and color. Nemo built a dive boat according to his own design, snorkeling on the seabed for large-scale scientific research, but this does not seem to be the only purpose of his lonely life. He evaded his enemies and persecutors, explored freedom on the sea floor, and deeply saddened his lonely life. The mystery of this mysterious character was revealed to the third part of the trilogy. This work focuses on all the features of Verne's science fiction. The twists and turns, the confusing storyline, the ever-changing character fate, and the rich and detailed scientific knowledge and details of the realistic fantasy are melted into one furnace. The author's unique and ingenious layout, in the long journey, sometimes pushes the reader into the sinister environment of danger, and sometimes brings into the wonderful realm of poetry and painting; the magnificent scene depiction and detailed detailing appear alternately. Read to be fascinating, can't stop.

In this way, with a reverence, I started with the master explorer naturalist Ayunas in the book, riding the Nautilus submarine and starting his legendary underwater journey. Captain Nemo, the owner of the Nautilus, is a gloomy, knowledgeable person who travels across the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. He has met many rare underwater plants and animals, as well as undersea caves, underpasses and ruins. These include the famous sunken city of Atlantis, an ancient civilization with a history and culture comparable to that of Greece. The Nautilus sailed from the Sea of ​​Japan and entered the Pacific Ocean and Oceania, then reached the Indian Ocean and passed through the Red Sea and the Arab Tunnel to the Mediterranean Sea. The submarine traversed the Strait of Gibraltar and along the African coast, heading straight to the Antarctic. Then it went north along the coast of Latin America, followed the warm current to the North Sea, and finally disappeared into the large vortex on the west coast of Norway. During the nearly ten-month seabed journey, the Nautilus ran slowly at an average speed of 12 kilometers per hour. I feel that I myself have enjoyed the infinite and extraordinary spectacle of the seabed with Captain Nemo and his "guests". The climax of the entire voyage: hunting under the sea, visiting the seabed forest, visiting the ruins of Atlantis on the seabed, salvaging the treasures of the Spanish shipwreck, witnessing the funeral of the coral kingdom, fighting with big spiders, sharks, octopuses, and fighting against the indigenous people. and many more. The book contains a large amount of science, culture and geography, and geology. Ayunas showed his admiration for Captain Nemo's outstanding talent and knowledge during his voyage. However, in the fascinating story, it also warns people to pay attention to preventing the use of the bad guys and endangering humanity’s own crisis while seeing science and technology benefiting human beings. It is proposed to protect marines such as seals and whales and condemn indiscriminate killing. Concept. These environmental topics, which are still hot today, have already been called by the prophets two hundred years ago. It is obvious that the deeper thinking about human justice is left. This book is inspired by the readers’ feelings of rich and colorful adventures and knowledge. We gain more from the soul.

The novels are infested from the "monsters" on the sea, frequently hitting the seas of various countries, stirring up the hearts of the people, until the Nautilus was swallowed by the Atlantic vortex, the whole novel is suspenseful and interlocking. This book has deeply attracted me. During the trip, I and Captain Nemo and the tourists can say that as things develop, they change, sometimes they are worried, sometimes relaxed and happy. The subtlety of this book is also the enlightenment of completely natural knowledge, although the book tells a lot about the ocean. For example, a red sea is derived from the mucus of a tiny creature named Trichophyton in the sea. It is as red as blood. But no one is very deliberate or difficult to accept in the readers. It is just what you see and hear during a trip. This makes people's ideas and gains from the scenes preserved. Not every sci-fi novel is as powerful and readable as "Two Thousand Miles Under the Sea". It is a novel that is not fabricated out of thin air but is a visionary and a literary novel. It is not only a reader's interpretation of the seabed knowledge. Their journey has made future generations see the wisdom and civilization of the ancients. The whole novel uses a lot of space, and tirelessly introduces scientific knowledge such as currents, fish, shellfish, corals, sea plants, seaweed, marine biological circulation system, pearl production, and becomes a veritable scientific enlightenment novel.

Remarks: The length unit "Li" in the novel is the Guri in the history of France. The length varies according to the provinces, as well as the points of the ancient Shuli, the ancient land and the ancient sea. Professor Arrons used Gu Luli in the book. An ancient land is about four kilometers. Therefore, 20,000 miles on the sea floor is 80,000 kilometers that can circle the earth twice.

20,000 reading notes on the seabed

Today, my father took me to the bookstore to buy a book. I chose a copy of "Two Thousand Miles Under the Sea". When I got home, I looked at it. I was first fascinated by the illustrations in the book. After reading the illustrations, I looked at it. The story is simply fascinating.

"Two thousand miles under the sea" was written by French writer Verne. My mother told me that he also has two works that are also very good. One is "The Children of Captain Grant" and the other is "Mysterious Island". I have not seen these two.

"Two thousand miles under the sea" is about Pierre, a professor of natural science history. Aaron Nacos took the nautilus submarine to the story of the underwater adventure. They traveled around the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. They met many grotesque underwater plants and animals, and I learned a lot about science and culture.

I was most impressed by the big octopus. When they met many big octopuses, they came out of the water. A large group of people took the hoe and cut it to the feet and hands of the big octopus. Finally, the big octopus put one above the submarine. The sailor threw it into the sea. The captain was about to cut it off. The big octopus suddenly spewed a black ink, and the captain could barely see anything. The captain returned to the cockpit and tilted the boat a lot, dropping the big octopus into the sea.

After reading this book, I feel that Verne's imagination is too rich, and the story he told is amazing. It reminds me of one sentence: I can't think of it, I can't do it. Their spirit is worth learning! I understand, work hard to get to the end!

20,000 reading notes on the seabed

During the summer vacation, I was deeply attracted by a book called "Two Million Miles Under the Sea." This book is a masterpiece of the famous French novelist and prophet, Verne. Verne was born in Nantes, France in 1828. He is known as the "father of science fiction". His works include "Two Thousand Miles Under the Sea", "Around the Earth in Eighty Days", and "Underground Travel".

This is a magical science fiction novel: the successive shipwrecks shocked the world, Professor Aronus and assistants Conssel, Harpoon Nieder. Lan participated in the pursuit of the "Sea Monster", and unexpectedly climbed to the "Sea Monster" and found that the so-called "Sea Monster" is actually a submarine. They had no choice but to travel around the oceans with the captain of the Nautilus submarine, Nemo, and began a thrilling underwater journey: encountering indigenous people, Antarctic adventures, bloody octopus, revenge under the sea...

After reading this book, my heart can't be calm for a long time. Aaronus, a professor who loves the ocean and knowledgeable. After going to the Nautilus, he recorded all the strange and rare animals and plants in his notebook and returned to the land to be made public. It’s so admirable! Conceal, the loyal servant around the professor, they have experienced hundreds of thousands of kilometers of underwater navigation, and have seen many magnificent landscapes. They have suffered together and become hard friends. "Harpoon King" Ned. Lan is a brave and excellent prongal whale, and he has saved the professor and Consaire in times of crisis. Captain Nemo is a "hidden" of the ocean, brave and intelligent, leading the sailors to escape from the Antarctic, brave sharks, bloody octopus, no one can rival, but has been seclusion in the sea, rarely showing up.

"Two thousand miles under the sea" not only made me know these brave, persistent, sincere, gloomy people, but also let me visit the seven oceans of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and enjoy the wonderful underwater world. "Twenty thousand miles under the sea" is rich in geography, biology and other knowledge. It is both a fascinating science fiction novel and an encyclopedia rich in marine knowledge. Classmates, let's see it!

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