Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] Section Chief Competition Competition Presentation

Part 1: Director's competition for the speech

Dear leaders and comrades, Hello everyone!

Sincerely thank you for giving me this opportunity to compete! I will cherish and grasp this opportunity very much. My position in the competition is the head of the business department.

I am 38 years old, a member of the Communist Party of China, a senior agricultural scientist. I graduated from Xinjiang Bayi Agricultural College with a bachelor's degree in economics and economics. I graduated in July and graduated from the Hami area. Since the bureau's work, it has been engaged in rural economic management for 17 years. After long-term work practice and study and training, with the care of all leaders, and with the sincere and selfless help of my colleagues, I feel that I have made great progress in work, study, life, etc., and I am qualified as the head of the business. . There are four reasons for this:

First, have a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism. To do a good job, you must first love this job. In my work, I have always adhered to the life creed of "being honest, doing things in a down-to-earth manner." Over the years, I have been responsible and diligent in my work. I have worked hard in my business, diligently thinking, and cultivated a good work style, which laid a solid professional foundation. Regardless of whether the task assigned by the leadership is light or heavy, I never bargain, do not hesitate to be afraid of it, do not pay attention to it, always accept the task with a happy mood, overcome the difficulties with the utmost effort, and perform with the spirit of hard work. Duties. Every achievement, every progress, is gratified for his hard work; although he is sometimes not satisfied with the results of his work, he tries his best and is conscience. Today, I can take the courage to participate in this competition. I am not tempted to use things, nor are I lucky, but I love this job and cherish this opportunity. The work of the second division of the business involves a wide range of tasks, and the task is heavy and difficult. I think the more difficult the work, the more attractive and challenging, the more able to learn new knowledge, expand new horizons, tap new potential, and improve their overall quality. If the organization gives me this important responsibility, I will always maintain a high sense of responsibility, a strong sense of professionalism, unite and work hard with my colleagues, overcome difficulties, complete all tasks without compromise, and let the leaders feel relieved. Colleagues are satisfied.

Second, have a strong sense of learning. Over the years, I have attached great importance to political theory and business learning. I have always regarded strengthening learning as the starting point and the end result of doing a good job. In addition to strengthening political theory learning, I can combine my own work and focus on the study of agricultural and rural economic policies. The theory is related to the actual learning method. According to the requirements of the new task of work, pay attention to thinking and research on the agricultural and rural economic problems with the income increase of farmers and herdsmen as the main body, further clarify their own work ideas, and find a gap in emancipating the mind. There is innovation. Through perseverance and systematic study, not only has my own political theory accomplishment been improved to a certain extent, the ability to control work has been enhanced, and the ability to solve practical problems has been improved, and my work level has also been improved. Increased awareness of rural economic development and farmers' income-increasing services.

Third, have a certain ability to organize and coordinate. I have been the deputy section chief of the business department for 11 years since the beginning of the year. Over the years, I have been assisting the section chief to coordinate the management of the department while doing my job. Formulate the responsibility system for departmental posts, set the posts and responsibilities, and clearly define the division of labor, help the comrades within the department to solve difficulties and problems in thoughts, work and life, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff of the department, create a harmonious interpersonal environment with their words and deeds, and enhance comrades. The unity between the two strengthens the centripetal force and improves cohesion. In the absence of the section chief, you can boldly preside over the work of the department and creatively carry out various tasks.

Fourth, have strong business capabilities and research capabilities. I have been engaged in rural economic income distribution statistics and rural financial management for 14 years and have accumulated rich work experience. First, in order to do a good job in the distribution of rural income distribution, accurately and timely calculate the per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen. Over the years, I and other comrades have often gone to the grassroots level to conduct tracking and accounting analysis of basic data, and earnestly do a good job in collecting basic data of agricultural economic statistics. To summarize, analyze and report the work, complete the reporting of the agricultural economic statistics quarterly report, semi-annual report, forecast and year-end statistics on time, earnestly do a good job in the calculation and analysis of the per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen, and achieve accurate and true statistics of agricultural economics information. And timely reporting, to provide a reliable basis for the party committees and governments at all levels to formulate the decision to develop the rural economy and increase the income of farmers. The second is to do a good job in rural financial management and audit work. How to manage rural collective finance and assets has always been the top priority of our work in agricultural economics. In order to actively explore the new mode of rural financial management, I have been responsible for this work for many years, often assisting in the work of two counties and one city. Guide the County Agricultural Economic Bureau, actively pilot, and strive to explore, and successively implement a series of effective management measures. First, reform the financial management measures, comprehensively implement the collective fund management model of “village with township management”; second, promote democratic management. After years of hard work, 100% of the villages in the region have implemented village affairs and financial disclosure, and the standard disclosure rate has reached more than 95%. The third is to increase the financial auditing of rural areas, and the auditing faces have reached more than 80%. Financial management work has gradually been standardized and improved. While doing a good job in agricultural economics, we can focus on research and work, and in response to problems in regional rural policy implementation, rural economic and industrial restructuring, and agricultural economics work, we have written “Hami District to cultivate agricultural leading enterprises and establish agriculture. Seven measures and investigations on measures, problems and countermeasures of professional associations, "Thinking about the transfer of rural land contractual management rights in Hami area", "On the ways of increasing farmers' income in Hami area" and "How to preserve and increase the value of rural collective property" The reports were published in the relevant publications.

These favorable conditions have enabled me to enter the role of the Chief of the Business Division 2 faster and better and to carry out the work smoothly. If I can compete for this position, I will be uplifted, forge ahead, keep up with the times, and deliver a satisfactory answer to the leaders and colleagues with excellent work results. I will earnestly fulfill my duties and responsibilities through the following five aspects, and strive to become a qualified middle-level cadre.

First, change the role and earnestly perform the duties of the chief. Change roles as soon as possible, treat each other with sincerity, live in harmony, understand each other, trust each other, support each other, and sincerely help colleagues in the department to solve the difficulties encountered in work, study, and life, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone, and try their best to play the whole The advantage is to create a good working environment. In order to adapt to the change of roles, I will study harder, learning business knowledge and theoretical knowledge; learning in books, learning from leaders and other colleagues, and practicing middle school, combining learning and work organically. Get up and constantly improve your knowledge and business skills.

Second, strengthen the management of rural collective assets and innovate the operational mechanism of collective assets. First, conscientiously implement the "Administrative Measures for the "One Thousand and One Discussions on Raising Funds and Raising Funds at the Village Level in the Autonomous Region" and the "Administrative Measures on Village-level Financial Transfer Payments in the Autonomous Region", and manage and use the village collective funds to ensure the normal operation of the village-level organizations; It is an innovative rural financial management method. On the basis of the village account management, the qualified places actively promote the rural accounting computerization work; the third is to establish and improve the village-level financial supervision and control mechanism, further deepen the "Democracy Day" activities, and improve democracy. The mechanism of financial management and democratic supervision has increased the intensity of rural audit work.

Third, do a good job in the basic work of agricultural economic statistics and agricultural product cost accounting. First, we must further strengthen the statistical work on rural income distribution, coordinate the relations between the parties, and do a good job in collecting, summarizing, and reporting the basic data of agricultural economic statistics, and provide reliable measures for party committees and governments at all levels to formulate policies for developing rural economy and increasing farmers' income. in accordance with. Second, according to the needs of regional agricultural industrial structure adjustment, in addition to cost accounting for conventional crops such as wheat and barley, the focus should be on grape, jujube, cotton, forage, facility agriculture and other special crops and livestock products such as cows and sheep. The comparative analysis of cost and benefit provides a reference for promoting the strategic adjustment of regional industrial structure.

Fourth, strengthen special investigations on rural hotspots and difficulties. In the future work, we will strengthen investigation and research on hot and difficult issues such as increasing farmers' income and strengthening the collective economic strength of the village. We will grasp first-hand information, put forward valuable opinions and suggestions, and serve the leaders at all levels.

Fifth, improve the style of work. Strive to overcome problems and deficiencies in their own thoughts, studies, work, and life, further improve their work style, continuously strengthen their self-cultivation, earnestly improve their overall quality, and establish a good image of diligence and integrity. As long as they have established a good work style, they will It will definitely lead to the improvement of the style of the whole department; as long as you use a good style to do the work, you will be able to do good work.

Regardless of the success of this competition, I am willing to obey the decision of the organization, continue to strengthen politics, business learning, continuous efforts, diligent work, and strive to make its due contribution to the cause of agriculture and economics.

Part 2: Section Chief Competition Competition Presentation

Dear judges, leaders and comrades:

Today, the topic of my speech is: How to be a section chief.

In my opinion, the section chief is not only a job, but also a synonym for responsibility and obligation. It not only reflects the trust and attention of the party group, but also reflects the hope and love of the comrades. Therefore, a qualified section chief must have the following conditions:

First, we must have a high political quality, and implement the decision of the party group of the Executive Board without compromise, so that the policy is clear and the situation is clear.

1. Have a high degree of political and political stance. Comrade Jiang Zemin once said: Cadres must speak politics and must have a high political, political, political, political, political, and political acumen. As the communicator and executor of the decision of the party group, the section chief has no high political quality, which will cause unnecessary mistakes in the work, thus affecting the relationship between the cadres and the masses.

2. Have a strong party spirit and organizational principles. The section chief must do everything to maintain the prestige of the party group, safeguard the collective interests, and safeguard the interests of the cadres and workers. To achieve the overall situation, to understand the general situation, not to be confused on the principle issues, to be decisive and capable, to resolutely do the subordinates to obey the superiors, the minority to obey the majority, and the individual to obey the organization.

3. Have a high degree of professionalism and dedication. The section chief must constantly strengthen professional ethics, have a strong sense of professionalism, perform due diligence on the work he is doing, do his best, and let him see the difficulties, and see the difficulties and put the work first.

Second, we must have a more comprehensive knowledge ability, be able to accurately grasp the "role", unite and lead the comrades in the department to successfully complete the task.

The first is that the "role" positioning should be accurate. The section chief is not only the ambassador of the party group, but also the assistant of the leader. He is also the head and leader of a department; he can neither be above others, but when he is a "hands-on shopkeeper", he can't be a "speaking monk" chaos "chanting" He must accurately and timely convey and take the lead in implementing the party group's decision, and must promptly and correctly feedback all work information. Therefore, the section chief must be a bridge that actively leads the minds of the lower and upper levels; it must be a flag, dare to call "to be in line with me" at work and other aspects; it must be a pot of fire, constantly burning itself to illuminate others; It must be a nail, a solid work style, and a diligent work attitude. Therefore, only by accurately grasping the role of "section chief" can it be possible to make achievements in this position.

Second, the overall quality is high. In addition to the necessary political qualities, the section chief must have skilled business skills, be well versed in the work of the undergraduate department, and use business skills freely. At the same time, the section chief must have a high level of comprehensive quality and language proficiency, a high-grade cultural quality and a broad knowledge, and a good psychological quality.

Once again, it is necessary to handle the relationship. The first is to correct the relationship with the deputy, to be reassured not to let go, to decentralize power; the second is to correct the relationship with the subordinates, to make people unsuspecting, work has layout, ideas, and measures; third is between the departments The relationship, more negotiations, no push, no obstruction. In dealing with the above relationship, the section chief must be honest, honest, honest, and sincere.

Third, we must have a strong sense of public servant, establish a service concept, and treat the cadres and workers as their own affairs.

Our cadres and workers have the simplest thinking and the hardest work. As the section chief, cadres and workers should be treated as their own brothers and sisters, and the affairs of the people should be treated as their own. To do a good job in service work, first, actively and rigorously implement the political and economic treatment of cadres and workers in accordance with various relevant policies; second, do a good job in investigation and research, be a good "drummer" for cadres and workers; Concentrate on each other and find ways to solve problems for cadres and workers. Only by not forgetting that you are a public servant at all times can you be close to the cadres in terms of feelings, care for cadres at work, and pay attention to cadres in politics.

Dear judges, leaders and comrades, these are just my opinions on how to be a qualified section chief. Please ask the leaders and comrades present here to give me valuable advice.

thank you all

Part 3: Section Chief Competition Competition Presentation

First, I have participated in the competitive position of this position, mainly have the following advantages:

1. I have a wealth of work experience and relevant knowledge. Years of work in the agency have enabled me to gain knowledge in all aspects. I am fully aware of the status and role of the work of the people's congress; understand the duties and norms of the people's congress; understand the qualities and requirements necessary for the staff of the NPC; and also understand some methods and strategies for doing a good job in the NPC, so I can be competent in the administration of the business. Branch work.

2. I have strong working ability. I pay attention to the continuous improvement of personal cultivation and party spirit in daily life and work. With the creed of "respecting the duties seriously and doing a good job in a down-to-earth manner", the words and deeds are consistent, and they are willing to work hard and be honest with others. After years of study and exercise, I have improved my ability in all aspects. It laid the foundation for me to adapt to the requirements of the administrative department in terms of work ability.

3. I have a strong sense of professionalism and a high sense of responsibility, a spirit of hard work and hard work, and a pioneering spirit. I can respect leaders and unite my colleagues in my work. Everything can be big and generous, generous and generous, and I don't care about the gains and losses of personal interests. This quality can also make a good start for my future work.

Second, my intention in the future work

Through these years of work, I know that the NPC can further improve my ability and quality. So I chose this platform to show and exercise my ability. If this competition is successful, I will put my position on the job, be a good supporting role, do not occupy the position, and have the right not to rob. Synchronize thinking with leaders in thinking, be consistent with leaders in action, support leadership, obey leadership, and maintain leadership authority. Assist the section chief to do all the work according to the actual situation; at the same time, it is necessary to handle the relationship with colleagues, and treat people with sincerity and conviction, so that the whole department can show strength in service and form in the work. Working together to accomplish various tasks,

Third, my attitude towards this competition

In the past few years, with the help of the leaders and the support of the comrades, I have learned a lot, made limited work, and made some progress. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone. If I am successful in this competition, I will not disappoint everyone's hopes. I will continue to work hard and try to find ways to overcome my own shortcomings and strive for greater progress.

As a non-common professional, I work in the museum. With a strong professionalism, I usually learn the knowledge of Wenbo and improve my business level. I can help the leaders to carry out the business of the museum and complete the management. jobs.

The work during the period as deputy director of the museum greatly improved my organization's ability to coordinate work. In March 2004, I became a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

In April 2004, as the only cadre of the city's cultural and sports system, I was sent by the organization department of the municipal party committee to be appointed as the deputy secretary of the branch and assistant to the village director.

During the period of the next stage, a road was built in the help village, and the preparatory work for the village’s small school building was currently underway. Last year, the town government completed the land acquisition of the second phase of the Donghai amine wastewater treatment plant. In the past year, I have been able to conduct in-depth investigations and studies on the problems of not adapting to the village, and put forward some constructive suggestions and opinions for the adoption of the town government and the neighborhood committee. After the rural grassroots exercise, my administrative ability has been improved.

As a competitor, I sincerely hope to gain the trust and recognition of the leaders and judges present here. If you are fortunate enough to compete successfully, I will take the position under the direct leadership of the Political Department, strengthen my studies, perform my duties, and work hard to do the following four aspects:

First, continue to work hard, strengthen political theory, and further improve their writing level, so as to promote the vigorous development of missionary work.

The second is to bear in mind the responsibility, seize the key, closely focus on the central work of the party committee, play the role of "mouthpiece", reflect the voice of the people, rely on the advantages of the great political work, and actively sing the harmonious and stable theme.

The third is to effectively strengthen the construction of propaganda positions and strive to improve the quality of publicity work. Internally, concentrate on the strength of one magazine and one cabinet, and build a good image; externally, actively organize submissions to news media such as newspapers and magazines, and push the achievements of the construction of "three civilizations" to the society.

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