Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] Coal Mine Safety Speech

Article 1: Coal Mine Safety Speech

I am very excited to be here today to speak for everyone. I sincerely hope that I can use my most sincere language to influence every leader and every employee present.

"Everything is good at home, don't worry, go to work and pay more attention to safety." Every time I talk to my mother, I always have the same eternal sentence, with a strong local flavor, with infinite thoughts and love for my loved ones, more It is a rare blessing, and I pay attention to safety again and again. Safety is the lifeblood of the rise and fall of enterprises, the life guarantee of every employee, and the cornerstone of happiness for every family. Therefore, the topic of my speech is: safety first, rejection of violations

I dare to ask every employee present. Have you ever thought about the value of life and the meaning of living?

I am a miner. Like you, holding a miner's lamp swaying through the dark alleys, but I admire our staff very much, and use every bit of sweat to nourish every inch of land. It is because of your selfless dedication. Wanjia’s lights are only the joy of his wife and children, and they have a warm old age for their parents. You are great, you can stand for your parents, and you can shelter your wife and children, so your home needs you. The value of life is not you. The meaning of living is not just you, but your loved ones. Your friends, even more people, but the special industry in coal mines is how many unfamiliar families are facing collapse, and the accident has brought irreparable harm and misfortune to how many families. Therefore, you must keep in mind that safety will never be ignored.

In 2005, the warm and cold February 14th, when we were still immersed in the joy of the New Year, the nightmare spread, the gas explosion of the Sunjiawan coal mine in Liaoning Fuxin Mining, just in that moment, how many happy families It has collapsed, how many beautiful dreams have broken, 214,214 families, 214 live lives.

Do you know how many filial sons in the 214 families are still drinking a glass of fine wine at home for the old father who works underground, and how many young fathers in the 214 victims’ homes are still thinking about being a son. The Lantern Festival hangs a red lantern. How many young people in love are thinking about how to send the lovers a late rose in Valentine's Day, and have a bright future, but at that moment, everything is gone. Together with their stalwart body, they were imprisoned in the cold, dark world. They were full of fear and left with a lot of disappointment. There is no chance to see the blue sky at once, let alone see the last side of the loved ones. Is this the happiness they want to bring to their loved ones? Without security, they even lose their lives, and what happiness is they talking about?

A group of miners died, leaving us with the lessons of blood. The mine accident was caused by the illegal operation of an overhaul worker, which directly caused the gas to exceed the limit, the hidden dangers were not removed, the illegal operation, the electrified maintenance, and the spark. It's as simple as this. After the power failure of the line, it is difficult to understand that the repairman does not understand the hidden dangers.

We are lucky, opportunistic, illegal operation, abandoning safety, and the consequences of serious collection. We have seen it, so I remind everyone that for the safety of you and other workers, don’t be numb, forgetful, and operate illegally.

That thick rules and regulations are not born, nor are they made for the leadership. He is the ancestors who exchanged blood and life. Do we still have to experience it?

It is a storyless, life is fragile, and reality is cruel.

What does this sweaty mine disaster bring to you, friends, do you have no feelings? What makes me feel is that life is so fragile, always continuation between breaths, such as thin ice. What I remember is that safety cannot be ignored, and violations are absolutely impossible.

Looking back at the history: In October 2004, the gas explosion in the coal mine killed 15 people and seriously injured 3 people.

In 2001, 12 people died in the top of the wood mine in Jilin Province.

In 2000, Xuzhou Dahuang Mining died 12 people on January 11th.

In 1999, the Pingdingshan Hanzhuang Mining Bureau No. 2 Mine exploded on August 24 with a large gas explosion, killing 15 people and seriously injuring 5 people.

This series of accidents, a living life, a painful lesson, can't let our workers realize that safety is the first peace? Is it true that the responsible person of the accident has been dealt with properly, and the parents The pain of the loss of the child, the anger of the wife, and the suffering of the children without the father, can be comforted by this.

In addition to technical factors, some major accidents have occurred. Some of them are weak because of the subjective factors of workers. They have no safety concept. They simply do not pay attention to safety. They face the loss of the right to survive because of the abandonment of safety. At the time, are you still complaining about the leadership? Are you tired of the security system?

Staff and friends, please say in your heart: "I want to be safe"

Please advise the leaders and their loved ones: "I will be safe, I want to be safe"

The past is over, the words of sorrow and anger are coming to an end. Let us calm down at this moment, think about why we are working, why are we working so hard? In order to earn more money, to live a better house, to eat Better, wear a little better, in order to make loved ones happier, so we work hard, but have you thought about it? There is no safety, no peace of mind, all your wishes are zero, no safety, there is no Dreams, only fantasy, let alone talk about happiness, no one will be happy at the moment of the accident.

Happiness and dreams are built on the basis of safety. Let us remember for the eyes of our parents, for the call of the wife’s pillow, and for the son to be happy to call “Dad”, please keep in mind:

Cherish life, safety is supreme, refuse to violate the rules, safety is a blessing!

I sincerely hope that these words will bring you a safe gospel and a blessing of peace.

I wish all leaders and employees a healthy and healthy life, and wish Jianbei Mining An'an is stable and prosperous!

PART 2: Coal Mine Safety Presentation

Dear leaders, dear workers, Good afternoon everyone!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to take part in our safety knowledge speech.

I am honored that I have the opportunity to participate in the safety speech competition organized by the Ministry of Political Affairs and discuss face-to-face topics related to safety. My name is Yu Ying, and I am an employee of the mine retreat department. The topic of my speech today is "Tighten the safety strings and build safety together." Ann - all, between the opening and closing of the lips and teeth, is a very easy to say, but a very heavy word.

More than a month ago, when we were all immersed in the joy and happiness after the Lantern Festival. On March 7th, the accident of the aircraft was killed and the life of a miner brother was captured. The comrade is about to retire next year, so he lost the opportunity to enjoy his later years. Have you remembered? The accident on April 4 last year was even more heart-rending. It was a scene in which the two parents suffered from the human tragedy of the white-haired people who sent the black-haired people. How can they endure the heartbreaking? The pain of losing the child, the three children crying, they will never see their father again! This is a sad picture!

From April last year to March this year, in less than a year, two accidents occurred in our mine, and two workers lost their precious lives! These two accidents once again reflected: some of our coal mine safety production Vulnerabilities and issues.

After reviewing the coal mine accident data, Premier Wen had such an indication to the Henan coal mine safety accident that "the instructions: from the preliminary analysis of the cause of the coal mine accident, the safety concept is not strong, and the illegal operation is still a problem in the current coal mine safety production." Production is related to the life and health of the people, and the overall situation of social stability and harmony is the greatest welfare of the majority of miners. The scientific outlook on development emphasizes people-oriented and puts the people's lives first. However, the coal mine safety situation is still severe.

The German novelist Kafka said this sentence: "All human errors are nothing more than impatience, too hasty to disrupt the step-by-step program, and use plausible piles to circle plausible things." According to statistics, more than 90% of accidents are caused by unsafe behaviors of people. These unsafe behaviors are manifested as “dangerous” awareness, insufficient safety knowledge, and poor safety habits. Why do mines in each company have to implement a deduction system that does not participate in the study of safety knowledge? Why do mines and mines have occurred every month? If you do not take certain measures, you may feel that you are safe. Dear, this is a terrible phenomenon! Dear Colleagues: When you are busy working for a day, don’t take a little time to think about whether your job safety knowledge is qualified. If there is any fault, have you corrected it? Only repeat those mistakes. You will make mistakes. Peace is a blessing, life is priceless!

Miners brothers, we are the masters of the mines, especially our young people. They are the main force of the new era. The beautiful and colorful life of the 21st century is waiting for us to build and create. We should cherish today's happy life, cherish our own lives, and for the happiness of the family forever, we must always think about safety, always remember safety, let the tragedy of history not repeat, let our mines last forever, in fact, it is also Our own kind of respect; a responsibility to the family, business and society.

I work in the mine retreat department, although we are one hundred percent away from danger, but this one percent distance; let me have 100% safety awareness, how important safety is, safety is every When my lover goes to work in the underground roadway, I will keep him safe for the first time, see the unsafe behavior immediately stop, then watch the time to wait! Until one of his information or phone calls, I am so The heart of the day can calm down. I think every family member has this kind of personal experience! So I often think this way: our lovely miners brothers are the greatest people in the world, and I respect them. "But most of their security awareness is not an indisputable fact. If you want to implement safety knowledge to them, make them learn easily, use it, and have a certain degree of improvement in business and professional skills. We must use the "mother-in-law" to tell employees about safety.

Efforts to ensure that our employees can firmly establish a concept of prevention that “all accidents can be controlled and avoided” through safety education; “Safety stems from responsibility, from design, from quality, from prevention”; It is the value of the greatest savings and the greatest waste in the accident; the concept of "one person is safe, the whole family is happy". Create a safety culture atmosphere that focuses on safety and caring for life. Thereby improving the safety and technical quality of employees and enhancing their awareness of self-protection.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the assessment and impose a certain degree of punishment on not participating in safety knowledge training. Our coal miners work extremely hard, and the rewards they receive through high-intensity physical labor are especially precious. Compared with the safety of our employees, the punishment is not too much. After all, the most precious thing is life, life is for us. Only once for the individual.

Workers, comrades, "water can carry a boat, can also overturn the boat", "the former car, the teacher of the future", life no longer comes back, safety responsibility is more important than Taishan than the sky, so that the tragedy will not repeat itself, let people live all the way Peace. I hope that the emergency ambulance is not from the road, but the rhythmic horn of the vehicles. I hope everyone can keep in mind the safety activities of "obeying the law, caring for life" and letting every corner of the world It is full of laughter and laughter! Let the flower of life bloom even more beautifully. I also hope that one day, we will be surprised to see that safety awareness is in the heart, safety education is in progress, and safety measures are being implemented. Safety work only has a starting point, no end point; no safe work, only full marks. Let us all care for life, pay attention to safety, let safety go down from the wall, newspapers and magazines, and enter the hearts of our vast miners.

Leaders, workers, winter and spring, spring always makes people full of new hopes, let us tighten the safety string, today's words are safe, tomorrow is full, adhere to the scientific development concept, people-oriented philosophy, in the staff Working together, through our solid and effective work, we will be able to get out of the predicament and move towards new glory. The road to safety has a long way to go. Let us join hands and let the security alarm ring for the development of the enterprise. We will work hard to create a happy life! We will comprehensively improve the safety awareness of employees in Nantong Coal Mine and make due contributions to building a harmonious mining area and a harmonious society!

My speech is over, thank you all!

Part 3: Coal Mine Safety Presentation


Today, we held a conference on local coal mine safety production in the city. The main tasks of the meeting are to analyze the safety production situation of local coal mines in our city, sum up experience, learn lessons, arrange for future work, mobilize the city to further unify thoughts, raise awareness, strengthen confidence, earnestly do a good job in coal mine safety production, and resolutely put an end to coal mines. The occurrence of serious accidents. Just now, Yang Zeyu, deputy director of the Provincial Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, made an important speech on the safety production of coal mines. Everyone must conscientiously implement them. Below, I will give four comments.

First, raise awareness, learn lessons, and earnestly enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility for doing a good job in coal mine safety production

The coal industry occupies an important proportion in the local economy of the city. It has played an active role in increasing local fiscal revenue, resettlement and employment, and promoted the rapid economic and social development of the city. However, the coal industry is also a key area for accident production and safety production. For a long time, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to the safety production of coal mines, continuously strengthened the safety supervision of local coal mines, carried out the activities of local coal mines, and increased the handling of violations of law and discipline by guǎn lǐ personnel, while at the same time building from the team and financial security. In addition, increase investment in safety production supervision. The level of safety production of local coal mines in the city has been continuously improved, and the safe production environment has improved.

However, the safety production situation of local coal mines in our city is still very serious. Since the beginning of the year, there have been two major accidents in local coal mines in our city. A major accident has caused 20 deaths, especially in the “10. 9” Zhongxing Coal Mine in the Haizhou District. 13 people died in a fire accident, resulting in people’s lives and property. The huge losses have brought tremendous pressure to the city's safe production, and we have once again sounded the alarm of safe production.

There are many accidents in the safety production of local coal mines in our city. Although there are many local coal mines and the difficulty of guǎn lǐ, there are many shortcomings in the work of coal mine production. First, some county and district governments pay insufficient attention to coal mine safety production. The supervision is not in place, the work is not implemented, some supervisors are derelict, and the safety hazards are not dealt with in time. Second, some coal mine enterprises have poor safety awareness, and there is a lack of investment, and the investment is insufficient, and the guǎn lǐ is weak.

Coal mine safety production is related to economic development and social stability, and is related to the life safety and property safety of the people. The county and district governments, coal mines, and coal mining enterprises must, from the height of politics and overall situation, earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in safety production, profoundly absorb the lessons of blood, and abandon the thoughts of paralysis, luck, and relaxation. Always be awake, always vigilant, and make the alarm sound long, often unremitting. We must adhere to the principle of "safety first, production second", fully implement the "two main body responsibilities", implement the safety production laws and regulations, guǎn lǐ standards, and carefully compare the relevant requirements, in-depth search for problems, and profound analysis of the reasons. In time to eliminate hidden dangers, and truly do not meet the standards and not production. It is necessary to improve the responsibility system, improve system measures, increase safety investment, implement work responsibilities, improve safety levels, ensure the safe operation of coal mines, ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and ensure the healthy development of the economy and society.

Second, improve the system, strengthen supervision, and implement the government's responsibility for safety production supervision

Responsibility is the soul of safe production. The county and district governments have the responsibility of supervising the main body of coal mine safety production. In recent years, the county and district governments have continuously increased the supervision of coal mine safety production, but the fact that coal mine safety production accidents frequently occur also indicates that the county government's safety production supervision responsibility needs to be further strengthened.

The first is to strengthen the leadership of coal mine safety production. The main leaders of all counties and districts are the first responsible persons for coal mine safety production work, and the leaders in charge are directly responsible persons. Responsible comrades at all levels must have a high degree of sensitivity and sense of responsibility. They should be familiar with the safe production of coal mines, take precautions, strictly guard against them, exercise their strengths, go deep into the front line, and rely on the front to resolutely guard against the occurrence of serious safety accidents.

The second is to further implement the responsibility of coal mine safety supervision. The coal mine safety production supervision departments at all counties and districts shall further improve the post responsibility system, implement the coal mine safety production responsibility to the specific responsible person, and implement the first-level and first-level responsibility. The mine safety supervisors must earnestly perform their duties, strengthen the safety inspection of the coal mine ground and underground sites, and promptly investigate the hidden dangers.

The third is to strengthen the supervision and inspection of coal mine safety production. The coal mine safety production supervision departments at all levels shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, increase the inspection of coal mines. Coal mine safety inspections must strictly implement relevant standards, and timely issue law enforcement documents for hidden dangers, and order coal mines to immediately rectify; for major safety hazards, they must be ordered to suspend production and rectification, and do a good job of supervision and implementation, resolutely fail to be safe, not produce. All counties and districts must identify key coal mines, key parts, and key links. In particular, they must take effective measures to strengthen the supervision of coal mines, “one pass and three defenses”, water prevention and transportation systems.

The fourth is to increase penalties for violations of coal mines. It is necessary to resolutely violate the law and enforce the law, and must not allow for accommodating. In the case of a coal mine where a fatal accident occurs, the coal mine shall stop production for more than 6 months while being fined according to law. For coal mines where non-fatal accidents occur, they shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Regulations on Production Safety Accident Reports and Investigation and Handling”. Coal mines that are produced in serious violation of laws and regulations shall be disposed of in coal mines where non-fatal accidents occur.

The fifth is to strengthen the construction of the safety supervision team. Strengthening the construction of safety production supervision guǎn lǐ system is an important organizational guarantee for doing a good job in safety supervision. In accordance with the principle of enrichment and strengthening, all counties and districts must implement the "four implementations" of institutions, personnel, funds, and functions. It is necessary to strengthen the political and ideological education and the construction of clean government and business training for coal mine safety supervision teams, comprehensively improve the political quality and business level of supervisors, and strictly enforce law enforcement, fair law enforcement, and clean law enforcement, and establish a good social image.

Third, increase investment, strengthen guǎn lǐ, implement the responsibility of the company’s safety production

Coal mining enterprises are the main responsibility of safety production. They must correctly handle the relationship between safety and development, safety and efficiency, strictly enforce the relevant laws, regulations and policies for production safety, refine safety production responsibilities, improve safety production conditions, and ensure the safe production of employees. right.

First, increase investment in safety production. All coal mining enterprises should increase the production safety costs of enterprises, increase safety investment, and ensure that funds are earmarked. It is necessary to improve the facilities for safe production and equip with safe production equipment to ensure the safe operation of enterprises. It is necessary to equip professional and technical personnel according to the regulations to ensure the normal needs of coal mine safety production. To strengthen the safety monitoring system guǎn lǐ, coal mine safety monitoring personnel and maintenance personnel are insufficient, the safety monitoring system can not keep running, and must not be produced.

The second is to strengthen the technology of coal enterprises. All coal mining enterprises should actively promote the progress of safety production technology, actively adopt new technologies, new technologies, new materials, new equipment and master their safety technical characteristics, and timely eliminate the safety protection facilities, equipment and technology that are outdated and have reduced safety protection capabilities. We will continue to improve safe production conditions and improve the level of safety and production technology for coal mine safety by using processes and equipment that are eliminated or prohibited by the state and endangering production safety.

The third is to carry out safety education and publicity work. All coal mining enterprises should organize relevant personnel to participate in various professional skills training, adhere to pre-class warning education, and improve staff quality and safety awareness. New recruits must be trained before they are hired. It is necessary to use various methods to strengthen publicity and popularize safety production common sense among employees.

The fourth is to increase the investigation and management of hidden dangers. All coal mining enterprises shall strictly implement the system of coal mine leaders and production and operation personnel, increase the investigation of key parts, promptly find problems and solve problems, and report the hidden dangers to the county coal mine supervision departments on a regular basis.

Fourth, strengthen supervision, investigate responsibility, and ensure that the entire production work is implemented

Safe production, life is a matter of heaven. Grasping the safety production of coal mines, the implementation of responsibility is the key, supervision and assessment, accountability is the guarantee. It is necessary to establish a sound system of supervision, assessment and accountability, and implement various work measures for safe production.

The first is to strengthen supervision. The Municipal Coal Management Bureau shall organize special inspections and random inspections, and supervise and inspect the inspection and responsibility of the county, district and coal mines, and timely grasp, report and report on the safety production of local coal mines in the city. The leading and in charge leaders of the county and district governments shall personally supervise and inspect the safety production work, and strictly implement the system requirements and rectification opinions put forward by the municipal government and the municipal coal mines.

The second is to increase the intensity of assessment. The level of safe production guǎn lǐ is a concentrated expression of the ability of a region or department to govern. The municipal government regards the safety production of coal mines as an important assessment content for all departments of the county, and implements the “one-vote veto” on the implementation of safety production responsibilities, and cancels the advanced qualifications for the units that are not well implemented and poorly implemented.

The third is serious accountability. Relevant leaders and staff members who fail to supervise and inspect coal mine safety production, neglect their duties, dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty must be held accountable for their administrative responsibilities, and those who constitute crimes must be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. Coal mines that violate the law and produce and cause accidents shall be severely punished according to law. In particular, for the production safety accidents that have already occurred, it is necessary to check according to the cause of the accident, the responsible personnel have not handled it, the rectification measures have not been implemented, and the relevant personnel have not been educated. After the principle of "checking the end, the responsibility of the relevant personnel is strictly investigated."

Comrades, scientific development is first and foremost a safe development. Safety is the eternal theme of business and society. The tasks of coal mine safety production are arduous and the responsibility is great. We must strengthen our confidence, redouble our efforts, and take effective measures to ensure the safe production of local coal mines, accomplish various mission objectives, and maintain social security and stability.

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