Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] competition for the post speech essay

Part 1: Competition for the speech essay

Brothers and sisters in the materials class, good evening everyone. My name is Li. As for the personal profile, I will not blow much.

Tonight, I am honored to be on the stage and express my long-cherished wishes. I stood here in the spirit of training myself and serving everyone, hoping to get everyone's support.

First of all, let us welcome 13 students who have been promoted to this family with warm applause to inject new blood into our class. They used to be our brothers. They used to walk at the crossroads of employment and re-reading. Their experience is definitely richer than us. In the future study, we have to learn more from them.

There are three reasons for my campaign to support the delegation: First, I think this is conducive to improving my overall quality, developing myself in an all-round way, and serving everyone better. Secondly, I am a dual personality person who has extensive communication with most of my classmates and can adapt quickly and work. Third, I have a very persistent passion for the work of the Communist Youth League. I firmly believe that with my courage and enthusiasm, and the support of my classmates, I will be qualified for this job.

Standing on the podium, looking back over the past two years, I suddenly found out that we have already passed half of the university life. University life is like the sunset in the west. Although it is beautiful, it is almost dusk. But the remaining two years are the most crucial two years, and the future is full of opportunities and challenges. Now let's explore the issues we are about to face.

First, the 13 students who graduated from the college have joined us and have grown up with our family. How can we familiarize and communicate with you as quickly as possible?

Secondly, there are still many people in our class who have not tested English Level 4, but we don't have English classes. What should we do?

Third, in the remaining two years, we can no longer be confused, but where should we go, how to determine our goals and direction?

Fourth, after two years of university life, the enthusiasm and ambition of some of our classmates have declined greatly. How can we improve the learning atmosphere?

Waiting for many problems to be solved, I personally feel that while we sum up and learn from the excellent style of the last two years, we must organize a part of the learning activists to promote the learning atmosphere. After all, the beautiful atmosphere is still created by everyone.

Finally, I want to say that our class is the best!

Brothers and sisters in the materials class, please support me, please believe me, tomorrow will be even better. "

The above is the campaign draft tonight. In the absence of competition, I became a member of the Communist Youth League, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to grasp it! Improve your own quality and strive to create a better tomorrow!

Part 2: Competition for the speech of the model essay

Dear leaders and comrades:

First of all, I am very grateful to the leaders and comrades for giving me the courage and strength to participate in this competitive speech. I am hiring a middle-level cadre, I hope everyone can support me!

I am a fresh graduate job seeker. I am 29 years old. I graduated from technical secondary school and worked for more than 11 years. I worked as a saver, a comprehensive and deputy director in the savings department. I am currently the deputy director of the xx City xx Savings Office.

When I was on the same stage where challenges and opportunities coexisted, success and failure, my heart was very excited and a little more uneasy. The strong sense of professionalism and sense of responsibility tell me again and again: I love the ICBC career. As a worker, I should contribute to the development and take-off of ICBC. I regard the ICBC career as the goal of realizing the value of self-life and the pursuit of personal pursuit. The collective interests are consistent.

Summarizing more than 11 years of savings work, with the care, guidance and help of the leaders and colleagues, the multi-post exercise in the savings department, through my own hard work, has made me a correct and responsible work attitude, skilled Business skills, rich work experience and strong work ability, with the qualities and requirements of a deputy supervisor.

If my competition is successful, my work is:

First, with the tenet of “diligence, pragmatism, and innovation”, strengthen learning and improve one's own quality. On the one hand, it strengthens the study of political theory knowledge, and constantly improves its political theory and the ability to defend itself. On the other hand, it is to strengthen the study and update of business knowledge and business skills. Dialectically look at its strengths and weaknesses, foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, work together, continuously improve and improve academic qualifications, and strive to obtain Fujian Electric in three years. A large college diploma makes you more qualified for his job.

Second, with a solid work, the spirit of forging ahead, be the staff and assistant of the director. In the work, we must carry forward the good style and good traditions in the past, work hard, work hard, and pay attention to exploring the experience and exploring the way in the practice of work, asking for more reports, more communication, and actively assisting the director to do a good job. And the deployment work, earnestly implement the various rules and regulations of the savings office, especially the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the internal control system and the safety prevention system and the implementation of the responsibility system.

Third, with a hard-working, realistic and innovative attitude, find the entry point for work. With the deepening of the financial system reform and the increasingly fierce competition in the banking industry, it will be a long-term and arduous task to maintain the growth of deposits. Therefore, I will assist the Director of the Institute to complete the tasks and tasks assigned by the branch, and insist on carrying out customer-centered quality services as an important means of depositing funds, while consolidating existing customer resources. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, improve the work efficiency while creating a good social image, try to facilitate customers, let customers take the initiative to seek services, and embark on a benign cycle, healthy and steady development.

If my competition is successful, my principle and style of doing things are:

To do a good job in the savings office, it is inseparable from strict and standardized management, and it is inseparable from every employee. Because customer satisfaction with ICBC begins with employee satisfaction and develops in direct proportion to employee satisfaction. To this end, I will assist the director to improve the quality of each employee, try to meet the reasonable requirements of employees, establish reward and punishment incentives, mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and treat employees with multiple dimensions and perspectives. Strive to do big things to talk about principles, small things to talk about style, work together to talk about unity, and work to talk about efficiency. More understanding of colleagues, less complaints; more respect, less accusation; more love, less indifference. Unite employees with a common goal and drive employees with their own actions. Condensed in the interaction with employees, enhances the collective sense of honor of employees, and creates motivation in the work, making us a group full of vitality and combat effectiveness.

If my competition is successful, the current work priorities and specific measures are:

At present, the average balance of xxx city savings outlets is more than 33 million. As far as the xx depository is concerned, the current balance is more than 19 million. Although this year alone has increased by more than 6 million, the profit generated by the recent deposits alone is not enough to pay for the store. Rent, equipment costs and employee salaries. Therefore, I will actively assist the director to establish a steady growth in deposit balance, focus on realistic innovation, broaden channels, seek new profit growth points, and achieve maximum profit for bank funds while providing customers with quality, fast and efficient financial services. To achieve a "win-win" situation.

Initiative 1: Expanding visibility and influence and actively striving for market share. The xxx depository is located in the xx commercial downtown area, surrounded by businesses, and is also facing competition from many other bank savings outlets. The relocation of the new site and the upgrading and improvement of the facilities have enabled xx, which has comprehensive quality and complete functions, to fully possess the strength and conditions for becoming the preferred financial outlet for customers in the xx development zone and surrounding areas. We will use this as an opportunity to take the initiative to organize employees to visit nearby residents and businesses, investigate the flow of funds, customer distribution, etc., and obtain a large amount of first-hand customer information. At the same time, the combination of active home promotion and counter promotion provides customers with a variety of fast and efficient financial products and economic services information, and establishes ICBC's leading technology, complete network and strong image, expands its visibility and influence, and establishes xx offices. Mutual trust and mutual benefit with our customers.

Initiative 2: Rapidly expand personal financial services and increase the amount of services. Take the card business as an important business, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of all employees to do the card, in accordance with the principle of "who is the card who benefits", find ways to expand their card business, promote the savings business with the development of debit cards The development of the savings business has led to an increase in card business.

Initiative 3: Expanding the intermediary business, Initiative 4: It is necessary to fully grasp the golden opportunity of stocking during the holiday period, carry out thorough deployment, and set up practical and feasible marketing activities to achieve a double harvest of propaganda and increase of reserves. In short, in the daily work and life, pay special attention to the collection and analysis of information. Only when you think about it, can you tap the potential customers to the maximum extent and promote the rapid growth of deposits.

I don't have a glorious past, but I will grasp the present and the future. If I can compete successfully this time, I will take this as a new starting point. In the future work, I will make great efforts to build a career, study business and work hard. Know yourself in the truth-seeking and pragmatic, constantly pursue in the positive and enterprising, realize the value in the hard work and dedication, and perfect yourself in the market competition. Winning is gratifying, no regrets!

thank you all!

Part 3: Competition for the speech of the model essay

Dear teachers, experts, and seniors:

Good morning everyone! Here, first of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to stand on this stage for a debriefing speech! Due to time issues, I will briefly introduce myself! I am from Sichuan, a seemingly disaster-ridden and difficult The place where people are outstanding! They all say that Sichuan people are "spicy", I think this "spicy", maybe it is the straightforward character! So, if there is something unsatisfactory in today's speech, I hope you have a lot of Haihan!

I came to your school to be the teacher of the class teacher! Speaking of this class teacher, I want to use a general word to describe his position in school work, that is: important! From the student era, I have been working as a school and Class student cadres, so I can more deeply understand the important and cumbersome work of teachers and class teachers than other students! Until two years ago, I entered the previous work school, when I really stood on the podium as a class teacher. At that time, I was really aware of the bits and pieces! Perhaps hard and cumbersome, it is not a bad thing for our younger generation of workers, but it will be that we improve ourselves and sharpen ourselves. Another opportunity! Because of this, so in the past work, I also explored some suitable working methods and management mode!

Because my person's principle of doing things is: look at the big picture, start small! So, my management model, if we apply the basic line policy of our party is: a center, two starting points!

A center: that is, centered on student learning. First of all, we must be sure that the most important task for students to come to school is to study cultural knowledge in a comprehensive, systematic and scientific way! Of course, because I have also brought some students from secondary vocational schools, I know their psychology and thoughts: I am tired of learning, playful, rebellious, etc., so these are a challenge for our class teacher! How do we make them interested in learning, this is what we have to solve! The method can be various, due to time, I won't go into details! Another key point of learning is to teach students how to behave!

My teacher includes me now, and I often say a word to my students: the academic performance is not good, and there is nothing. At best, you can only say that you are a defective product in learning. However, if your thoughts are not good, it is a danger. Products will endanger the society and endanger the public! Therefore, we must pay close attention to the students' ideological education! This idea can be as big as one face, or it can be as small as a point. Some thoughts are common in students’ hearts, and some are just The special circumstances of individual students, therefore, in view of these, we as a class teacher, we must have a keen insight into the ability to accurately grasp the psychological state of each student, showing signs of bad, timely corrections!

Next, around this center, how do we work? Then, I think we must have these two starting points! One is that from the student level, the competition between students and the students should develop mutual help. The spirit of mutual help, in this way, the development of students' learning and ideological work will achieve the effect of four or two. Another starting point is that from the perspective of our teachers, as a teacher and a teacher, we must always pay attention to our words and deeds. We must constantly strengthen and improve our own quality! In this way, we can bring students well!

Due to time, other things are not mentioned, such as: employment guidance for students, career planning in the future, these should be said that we should start as a class teacher, but in the details, I hope to explore in the future work. And I'm groping! What I want to say is that maybe you will have doubts because of my youth. Of course, it is undeniable that people have to go through much, and they will have rich experience. However, it should be affirmed that Young, there are also its advantages, the most important of which is full of passion! Put this passion into the work, I think, any work will be effective! I hope to get experts and seniors in the future work. Pointing, I am not the best, but I believe that I will definitely be the hardest!

The ancients said that the good birds choose to live in the woods, and the geeks fight for the confidant! I hope that with the eyes of all of you, let me start another journey of life again!

thank you all!

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