Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] Hitler's speech

Part 1: Hitler's speech

I am very sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. I don't know this.

I don't want to rule and conquer anyone. I want to do my best to help everyone: Jews, non-Jews, blacks, whites, we all want to help each other, people are like this. It depends on everyone's happiness rather than pain.

We do not want to hate and despise each other. The world can accommodate all people. The land is fertile and it can feed all people. The road to life is free and beautiful, but we are lost. Greed poisons humanity, divides the world with hatred, and drives us into pain and blood.

We have developed speed, but we don't know each other better.

Machines produce wealth, and we lack food and clothing.

Knowledge makes us secluded, our talents are cold and ruthless.

We think more and have less sympathy.

We want machines, but we have to love more.

It is necessary to have intelligence, but we must be kind.

Without these qualities, life is fierce and everything will be lost.

Aircraft and radio bring us closer. These inventions were originally intended to arouse human kindness, evoke the fraternal friendship of the world, and unite us.

There are countless people around the world listening, countless desperate men, women and children, and some victims of persecution and imprisonment under certain systems. I want to say to the listeners: Don't despair, the pain we suffer is caused by greed for a moment, because some people are afraid of the resentment of human progress, the hatred of people will disappear, the dictators will die, they will take them away from the people. The right is about to be returned to the people, and as long as the servants follow, freedom will not be eliminated.

Soldiers, don't listen to the animals. They are people who despise and enslave you, control your life, stipulate what to do and what to accept, treat all of you as a cow and horse, and use you as cannon fodder!

Don't listen to those abnormal people, robots, machine ideas, and machine hearts.

You are not a machine, nor a cow, you are a person!!!

You all have the heart of loving humanity, not hate, but only those who do not understand love, ordinary people will hate.

Soldiers, don't fight for slavery, fight for freedom. The seventeenth chapter of Luke reads: Heaven is in the heart of man, not a person, not a group of people, but all people, you!

You are capable people, have the ability to create machines, and have the ability to create happiness.

You are the ones who have the power to make life free and beautiful, and make life a wonderful realm.

Let us use this ability in the name of democracy and unite!

Fight for a new, fair world!!

Let everyone have a job opportunity, the youth have a future, the old age has a life guarantee, many beasts start from this promise, it is deception!! They will never honor these promises, never. The dictator himself was free, but he enslaved the people.

Let us fight to achieve this promise!

Fight to liberate the world!

Get rid of the estrangement between countries, remove human greed, all hatred and paranoia, and achieve a rational world!

Science and progress in that world can lead to happiness for all!

Soldiers, in the name of democracy, we unite!!!

Part 2: Hitler's speech

Ladies and gentlemen:

Unforgettable has left us in 1937, we are now bathing in the warm sunshine of three or eight years, God, your child loves the New Year, everyone happy new year!!

In the glory days of 1937, our great German empire achieved extraordinary achievements. Now our national output value has surpassed that of Great Britain. Except for the United States, which is made up of hybrids, and the Soviet Union, which lie falsely every day, no country’s economic aggregate can catch up with us. We have become a real world economic power!

Let the damn Treaty of Versailles go to hell! Our powerful German army has more than 800,000 troops. Our weapons are now world-class. This is the first-class army in Europe and the world. Germany has truly revived, long live! From the shameful World War I to the present, in just twenty years, Germany has stood up again! Let the world see it, Germany is a man who can never beat!!

What is the problem, this is to declare to the world: Germany is a truly outstanding nation! We are the best people of the Germans, only our Germans can do this! Those inferior races like ants, Occupying and wasting the most precious resources on earth, this is the unfairness of the world order! The great German is obliged to change this. Germany wants to fight, Germany wants revenge!

The new 38 years will be an epoch-making year, the German Lions will finally attack! Our goal is the Czech Republic! Our goal is the Balkans! Our goal is Poland! Our goal is Paris! Our goal is Siberia! !

Great German is ready to fight!

Gentlemen, what excites us is that in the East, in Asia, our ally Japan has already attacked! In the 7th and 7th years, Japan has launched a powerful attack on China! Just recently, Japan has occupied the capital of China. Nanjing! This is a great victory for our axis camp, let us celebrate this great victory together!!

However, in recent days, I have received reports from the German Embassy in China and some National Socialist Party members in China. We must reflect on some behaviors of the Japanese army. Some places are not excellent Germans can do. Here I must Remind all gentlemen what to pay attention to in the upcoming battle!

First, a mass slaughter is necessary, but the Japanese way is too simple and brutal, civilized Germans do not want to do this! It is reported that in recent weeks, Japan has launched a very cruel massacre in Nanjing, the goal is basically Chinese soldiers and civilians who lay down their weapons. Yes, it is necessary to eliminate inferior people on a large scale from the flesh. The Japanese army is too bloody with knife cuts, oil burning, live burying, peeling, etc. God sees it will be unhappy! This is not something that good people should do! We will pay attention in the future! From now on, the party In the process of destroying the Jews, the imperial army should pay attention to the use of non-bleeding methods in the process of eliminating the inferior people. For example, it can be hanged and poisoned, so that murder is more civilized because we Germans are civilized nations. !

Second, don't just destroy the old monuments. According to reports, the Japanese have arbitrarily destroyed the monuments in China, never paying attention to protecting the ancient ancient cultural sites, and have destroyed many of the ancient monuments of China, an ancient country with four thousand years of culture! This should not be. German and Italian people love civilization and love culture. It is a cultivated nation. Even in the war era, don't just destroy ancient civilizations. If God sees it, it will be unhappy! I have explicitly requested the Air Force to formulate a bombing plan for Paris. In the painting, clearly mark the cultural monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, and try not to destroy it, because they will eventually become the property of Germany!

Third, I am very surprised that the Japanese arbitrarily raped Chinese women! According to reports, the Japanese turned Nanjing into a beast city. The Japanese are arbitrarily raping Chinese women on the streets during the day, and even gang-raping Chinese women! This kind of behavior is really shameful! This is a discipline, we must not rape women in the occupied areas like animals!

The above three points are the experience we have gained from the Japanese, and all German soldiers must remember!

It will be an unforgettable year in 1938, and Germany will roar! Let Deutsche's iron fists go through every corner of Europe!!

Long live the great German!!

New Year's Day, 1938

Part 3: Hitler's speech

Hua Dingping's log Today, we are standing here! Standing on the land of Germany! Standing in Berlin, this land where our ancestors were watered with dignity and dignity! Behind me is the statue of Andrei Corleone! It is a recognized freedom fighter in the world! He is the light of the whole world! In front of me, standing is a nation, a nation humiliating! After the end of the war, the pride of our nation is gone! Those The victors ride on our necks to make a fortune, they trample on our dignity, the dignity of the most noble nation on the European continent! Tell me, you choose to be a freeman like Benjamin Martin. The fighter, is still a slave?! You may have to say: Mr. Hitler, I need a job, a piece of bread. Yes, your statement is right, life is too important. But I want to tell you that there is another thing in the world that is more important than life, that is freedom! That is dignity! As long as Alsace and Lorraine are flying the French flag one day, our dignity does not exist! As long as those French and British people are arrogant in our country, our dignity does not exist! As long as it is on the European map, this country called Germany is weak and weak, and our dignity does not exist! As long as people from other countries When we talk about the word "German", we will make a scornful laugh, our dignity will not exist! What we need is not a piece of bread! It is a living space! A living space of a nation! This survival Space is not achieved by pleading and protesting, but by iron and blood! Others insult us, even the weakest people have trampled on us, we will only call: We express strong indignation and protest, Such people have no bones! Such people are low-lying! We should use the cannon's deafening sound to make the enemy tremble! We should crush him. Their dignity and life let them know that we are not a group of cowards who only know the protest! You must remember that a country that only knows how to protest is a country without bones! A government that only knows how to protest is a government without bones. When our dignity, territory, and space for survival are trampled on, we still shamelessly protest against the government. We don't need it! You will also abandon them in the end! I am very proud, among you, like this. There are few people without bones! In front of me, there is a legion with a thousand years of unyielding blood! This blood has flowed through the blood vessels of our ancestors, they have not yielded! Now, they are in our bodies. You are rushing, you tell me, do you want it to cool down??

There are two things that can unite people: common ideals and common enemies! We have great ideals carved on the banner of Germany, and we will shed our last drop of blood for this ideal! In today's Berlin. Nothing can save our country, only this ideal! The Treaty of Versailles is a great shame! We have the determination and reason to refuse to implement it! Do what you want to do! Just like Benjamin Martin picks up the gun, Just as he led his compatriots to hold the free banner and heroic killings! If you want to fight, then go to fight! Then I can see if you are 70 million slaves or 70 million strong. Unyielding Germanic!

If there is one day, I, Adolf Hitler, will also be in front of the flag of our German, like Benjamin Martin! Even if I die, I will smile into heaven! I will see you. The ancestors of Germany's glory, I can go to the great Frederick the Great with my head up. I can proudly say to him: I, your children, have not lost your face, I have exhausted for the great German. The last drop of blood! We fight for not being enslaved! We fight for freedom! We are not machines, not cattle and horses, we are humans! We are never Germans who have surrendered! We unite in the name of freedom! For a new Fight for a fair world! We fight for everyone's work! Fight for those who enslave us to get out of the land of the Germans! For us, we don't need to fight all day long to protest! Fight for our dignity! Fight for our promise! Fight for the liberation of this country! Germanic, we fight for the glory of our ancestors! We can proudly proclaim for our children and grandchildren: We are the Germans who never give in! I am fighting! My fellow citizens, long live the German and German people! Free, long live!

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