Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] Obama's speech

Part 1: Obama's speech

Hi, everyone! How are you doing today? I am currently with the students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. There are also many students from kindergarten to high school across the country who follow this TV. I am very happy that you can share this moment together.

I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school, and some of you have just entered kindergarten or graduated from junior high school. For you, this is the first day of the new school. If you feel a little nervous, it is normal. I think there will be many graduating students who are confidently preparing for the final year of the sprint. However, I think no matter how big you are or what grade you are reading, many people are worried that they are still on summer vacation, and they don’t have to get up so early today.

I can understand this mood. When I was a child, our family lived in Indonesia for a few years, and my mother didn't have the money to send me to other American children to go to school, so she decided to give me classes - time is 4:30 am every Monday to Friday. .

Obviously, I don't like how to get up so early. Many times, I fell asleep at the kitchen table. Whenever I complain, my mom always looks at me with the same expression: "Little devil, do you think it would be easy to teach you?" So, I can understand that many of you need time to adjust to school. And adapt, but today I am standing here to talk to you about some important things. I want to talk to you about the education of each of you, and what you should do in the new school year.

I have done a lot of talk about education and often use the word "responsibility".

I talked about the responsibility of teachers to motivate and enlighten you and urge you to learn.

I talked about the responsibility of parents to take care of your hard work and finish your homework. Don't watch TV or play games all the time. I have also talked about the government's responsibility to set high standards and requirements, assist teachers and principals, and change the status of students in some schools who do not have the learning opportunities they deserve.

But even if it all achieves the best, even if we have the most dedicated teachers, the best parents, and the best schools, if you do not fulfill your responsibilities, then all these efforts will be in vain. - Unless you go to school on time every day, unless you listen to the teacher seriously, unless you put your parents, elders and other adults to mind, unless you are willing to put the effort necessary for success, it will lose its meaning.

And this is the theme of my speech today: the responsibility of each of you for your own education. First of all, I want to talk about what responsibility you have for yourself.

Every one of you will have something that you are good at, everyone is a useful material, and discovering what your talents are is the responsibility you have to take on yourself. Education gives you the opportunity to discover your talents.

Maybe you can write beautiful words - even one day you can make those words appear in books and newspapers - but if you don't practice writing often in English classes, you won't find yourself having such a talent; maybe you can be a Inventors, creators - even design products that are as popular as today's iPhone, or develop new drugs and vaccines - but if you don't do a few experiments on the natural sciences course, you won't know that you have this Talent; maybe you can become a member of parliament or a Supreme Court judge, but if you don't join any student union or participate in several debates, you will not find your talent.

Moreover, I can assure you that no matter what you want to do in the future, you need education. - Do you want to be a doctor, a famous teacher or a police officer? Do you want to be a nurse, an architect, a lawyer or a soldier? No matter which profession you choose, good education is essential. There is no such thing in the world. After reading the book, you can get the dream of a good job. Any job requires your sweat, training and study.

Not only is it important for your personal future, but how your education will have an important impact on the future of this country and the world. What you learn in school today will determine the performance of our entire country in the face of major challenges in the future.

You need the knowledge and skills you need to learn in mathematics science courses to treat diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to solve the energy and environmental problems we face; you need to develop the observation and judgment in the history and social science courses. To alleviate and eliminate homelessness and poverty, crime and all kinds of discrimination, to make the country more fair and free; you need to gradually accumulate and develop innovative consciousness and thinking in various courses, to start a business and establish New companies and companies to create jobs and drive economic growth.

We need each of you to develop and develop your talents, skills and talents to solve the most difficult problems we face. If you don't do this - if you give up learning - then you not only give up on yourself, but also give up your country.

Of course, I understand that reading a good book is not always easy. I know that many of you are faced with various problems in your life, and it is difficult to concentrate on reading.

I know how you feel. My father left the family when I was two years old. It was the mother who pulled us up. Sometimes she couldn’t pay the bills. Sometimes we didn’t get what other children had. Sometimes I would think, if How good the father is, sometimes I feel lonely and helpless, and I don't fit in with the surrounding environment.

Therefore, I don't always concentrate on studying. I have done a lot of things that I feel embarrassed, and I have also caused many troubles that should not be provoked. My life is in jeopardy and I may turn down at any time.

But I am very lucky. I got a chance to come back in many things. I got the opportunity to go to college to study law and realize my dreams. My wife, now called her first lady, Michelle Obama, has a similar life story. Her parents have never read college and have no property, but they and her both work hard. So that she has the opportunity to go to the best schools in the country.

Some of you may not have these advantages. Maybe there are no elders in your life who can help and support you. Maybe one of your parents has no job, financial constraints, maybe the community you live in is not so safe, maybe you know Some friends who will have an adverse effect on you, and so on.

But in the final analysis, your life situation—your appearance, origin, economic conditions, family atmosphere—is not an excuse for neglecting academics and bad attitudes. These are not excuses for you to talk back to the teacher, skip classes, or drop out of school. These are not You are not an excuse to read.

Your future does not depend on how good or bad your life is now. No one has arranged your destiny for you. In the United States, your destiny is written by yourself, and your future is controlled by you.

And in every place on this land, thousands of young people like you are writing their own destiny. For example, Jasmin Perez in Rome, Texas. When she first entered the school, she didn't speak English at all. She lived in almost no place in college. Her parents did not have higher education, but she worked hard and achieved excellent results. She entered Brown University by scholarship. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in public health.

I also remembered Andoni Schulz of Los Altos, California, who had been fighting brain cancer since he was three years old. He had undergone treatment and surgery once and for all - one of them affected him. The memory, so he has to spend hundreds of hours more than the average person to complete his studies, but he never left his homework. This autumn, he is going to start studying at university.

Another example is in my hometown, Chicago, Illinois. As an orphan, Xiangt Steve has changed many adoptive families. She grew up in a very poor area, but she worked hard to get a job at a local health station. The opportunity to launch a project to keep young people away from criminal gangs, and soon, she will graduate from high school with excellent results and go to university for further study.

Jasmin, Andoni and Xiangtel are no different from you. Like you, they also encounter various difficulties and problems in their lives, but they refuse to give up. They choose to take responsibility for their own education and set their own goals for struggle. I hope that everyone of you can do this.

So today, I call on each of you to set a goal for your education – and then do everything in your power to achieve it. Your goals can be as simple as completing assignments, listening carefully or reading every day – perhaps you are planning to take part in extracurricular activities or doing volunteer work in the community; perhaps you decide to be ridiculed for reasons such as looks or births, etc. Or bully children to take ownership and protect their rights, because you and I believe that every child should have a safe learning environment; perhaps you think it is better to take care of yourself to prepare for future studies. ... Of course, in addition to this, I hope that when you wash your hands and feel uncomfortable, you should rest at home, so that everyone will get the flu during the high season of fall and winter.

No matter what you decide to do, I hope that you can stick to it and hope that you can really make up your mind. I know that sometimes the programs on TV will make you feel like this. It seems that you don’t have to work hard to get a lot of money and you will be famous – you will think that you can sing rap, play basketball or participate in real people. The show can be enjoyed, but the reality is that you can hardly take any of them.

Because success is difficult. You can't be interested in every course you want to read. You can't get along with every class teacher. You can't have any homework that seems to be related to real life every time. And, not everything, you can succeed on your first try.

But that doesn't matter. Because in this world, the most successful people often experience the most failures. JK Rowling's first "Harry Potter" was rejected by the publisher twelve times before it was finally published; Michael Jordan was brushed down by the school basketball team in high school, and in his career he After losing hundreds of games and losing thousands of shots, do you know what he said? "I have failed all the time, failed and failed. This is why I am successful now." Their success, the source They understand that people can't let failures affect themselves - but learn from them. From failure, you can understand what changes you can make next time; if you have trouble, it does not mean that you are a trick, but remind you that you have stricter requirements in the future. If you take a low score, it does not mean that you are stupid than others, but tell you that you have to spend more time on your studies.

No one is good at doing things when they are born. Only efforts can develop skills. No one is a representative of the school team when they first contact a sport. No one is looking for every sound when they sing a song for the first time. Everything needs to be familiar. The same is true for academics. You may have to repeat the calculations to solve the correct answer to a math problem. You may need to read a paragraph of text several times to understand its meaning. You may have to change the paper several times to meet the submitted criteria. This is very normal.

Do not be afraid to ask questions. Don't dare to ask for help. - I am doing this every day. Help is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it shows that you have the courage to admit your deficiencies and are willing to learn new knowledge. So, if you don't understand, ask the adults for help - find someone you trust, such as parents, elders, teachers, coaches, or counselors - and let them help you move toward your goal.

You have to remember that even if you don't perform well, even if you lose confidence, even if you feel that the people around you have given up on you - never give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you also give up your country.

The United States is not a country that people easily give up when they encounter difficulties. In this country, people persist in the end, people redouble their efforts, and for the country they love, everyone will do their best and will not leave any room for themselves. 250 years ago, there were a group of students like you. They worked hard and finally created this country with a revolution. 75 years ago, there were a group of students like you who defeated the Great Depression and won World War II. Twenty years ago, students like you, who later created Google, Twitter and Facebook, changed the way we communicate with each other.

So today I want to ask you, what kind of contribution will you make? What kind of problems will you solve? What kind of things can you find? After twenty, fifty or one hundred years, if the US president at that time also To make a speech, how would he describe what you have done to this country?

Your parents, your teachers and me, everyone, are doing their utmost to ensure that you all have the education you deserve to answer these questions. For example, I am trying to provide you with safer classrooms, more books, more advanced facilities and computers. But you also have to take responsibility for yourself. Therefore, I ask you to be serious this year. I ask you to do everything you can to do your best. I ask everyone to do something. Please don't let us down - don't let your family, your country and yourself disappoint. You have to be our pride, I know, you can do it.

Thank you, God bless you, God bless America.

Part 2: Obama's speech

The great Illinois is both a national transportation hub and Lincoln's hometown. As a state representative, today I will address the conference and be proud of my honour to receive this honor. It’s unusual for me tonight, we have to admit that I can stand here and

Has been of great significance. My father is a foreign student who was originally born in a small village in Kenya and grew up there. When he was a child, he also let go of the sheep. The school on the road was so rude that there was only a piece of iron on the roof to shelter the wind and rain.

And his father, my grandfather, was an ordinary cook and a domestic helper. But my grandfather had high hopes for his father. With unremitting efforts and perseverance, the father won the opportunity to study in the United States, and also received scholarships. This magical land of the United States means freedom and opportunity for many people who set foot on this land. Still studying abroad,

Father and mother met unexpectedly. The mother came from a completely different world, she was born in a small town in Kansas. During the Great Depression, his grandfather worked for oil drilling and worked in the farm. The day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, he volunteered to join the army.

Under General Patton, he moved to the north and south and swept across Europe. In the rear home, the grandmother had a hard time, raised her children, and found a job on the bomber assembly line. After the war, according to the Soldiers Welfare Act, they purchased a house through the Federal Housing Administration and moved their families westward to seek greater development.

They also have high hopes for their daughters. Although they are in different continents of Africa and the Americas, they share a common dream. My parents not only love each other incredibly, but also have an unwavering belief in the country.

They gave me an African name, Barak, which means "God bless" because they believe that in such an inclusive country, such a name should not be a success. Although they are not well off, they still try to let me accept

The best education in the local area, because in such a rich country, both rich and poor, there is also the opportunity to develop personal potential. Now they are no longer alive, but I know that their spirit in the sky is now watching me proudly.

Today, I am standing here and I am grateful for this special lineage of my own body, and I know that my parents’ dreams will continue on my baby daughter; I stand here and know that my experience is only a million Americans.

The story of the sea, I know that I can't forget the ancestors who set foot on this land earlier, because if it were not in the United States, my story could not happen anyway. Tonight, we gathered together to prove this country again.

The greatness, and all this is not in the row of skyscrapers, nor in the strength of the military, but not in the steady and strong economic strength. Our pride and glory come from a very simple premise, more than two hundred

Years ago, it was highly summed up in a famous declaration: "We believe that the following truths are self-evident, that life is equal, and that the Creator gives them the following inalienable rights: life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness."

This is the true wisdom of the United States. I firmly believe that my own people have a simple dream. I believe that a little bit of miracles will eventually appear around me. At night, when we lick small quilts for our children, I believe they will not be tired of food and clothing.

Won't worry about security. We can speak freely without worrying that uninvited guests will be unsolicited. We have inspiration, ideas, and can be realized, to start a business, without the need to pay bribes or hire the children of certain characters as a bargaining chip.

We can participate in politics and do not have to worry about retaliation. Our votes are crucial, at least in most cases.

In this year's election, we especially reaffirmed the values ​​and responsibilities we advocated in order to cope with the current difficult reality: we hope to understand how we can better inherit the legacy of our predecessors and realize our commitment to our children and grandchildren. American nationals,

Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or a non-partisan, what I want to say to you tonight is that there are many more things we need to do, in Galesburg, Ill., because the maytag washing machine factory

Moving to Mexico, many workers will lose their jobs, and now the only option is to compete with their children for a low-paying job of $7 an hour. I have met a father who has tore tears, and he lost his job, without a source of income.

I don’t know how to pay the son’s high medical expenses of $4,500 a month. The life-saving medical insurance is far from his reach, and we should do something for them. In East St. Louis, there is such a young girl. ,

She has excellent academic performance and excellent results, but she has no money to complete her studies. She has no connection with the university, and there are thousands of children like her. We should do something for them.

Please understand what I mean. I have been in contact with many people in cities and towns, in restaurants and office parking lots. They are not looking forward to the government to help them solve problems. But clearly aware that it is necessary to work hard

Work, face and solve all problems, and this is indeed their true thoughts and wishes. Walking into the towns around Chicago, everyone will tell you that you want to pay the taxes you pay hard, not to let

The social security agency or the Pentagon is at your disposal. Walking into the downtown block, everyone will tell you that letting children study hard can't rely solely on the power of the government. Parents must also do their part to fulfill the responsibility and train the next generation.

Indulging in television, for black people, it is more like white people to give their children the right to education, not the other way around. People don't rely on the government to solve all problems, but they sincerely believe that as long as the government puts the focus of the work

Adjustments will enable each child to work hard and be positive, and open the door to opportunity. They know that we have the ability to do better, and they also hope so.

In this election, we made this choice. The Democratic Party has elected the most noble person in a country as our leader and led everyone to realize such a choice. He is John Kelly, who profoundly understands the community,

These lofty ideals of faith and devotion, because these cast the whole of his life. He once fought bravely in Vietnam. After returning to China, he served as prosecutor and deputy governor. He spent 20 spring and autumn in the US Senate.

Invested in the national social undertakings. How many times, he faced difficult choices, made troubles, and feared the dangers. His experience and behaviors set an example.

John Kelly firmly believes that in the United States, there will be a reward for paying. Therefore, for companies that create jobs at home, he will give preferential taxation, while companies that transfer jobs to overseas will not.

Enjoy this treatment. He firmly believes that the United States should achieve standard medical insurance, and treat ordinary people and Washington politicians equally. He firmly believes in the importance of energy autonomy, so we will not again

The pursuit of profits, or the destruction of foreign oil fields, is threatened. He firmly believes that the United States should become an enviable country, because the freedom of the people is protected by the Constitution. He will never let everyone’s basic freedoms be affected.

Influence, and will not use faith as an excuse to create division. He also firmly believes that there are indeed dangerous factors in the world today, and war is inevitable, but war will never be the first choice for dispute resolution.

Not long ago, in the Foreign War Veterans Club in East Moline, Ill., I met a young man named Shamos. He was 2 meters tall and handsome. His eyes were clear and his smile was awkward. He said himself

Joined the Marine Corps and will be stationed in Iraq in a week. When I listened to him about the reasons for joining the army, he spoke of absolute trust in our country and leaders, supreme loyalty to the military, and strong self.

Responsibility, which makes me feel that the good quality he has is exactly what we expect from our children. However, when I ask myself: Can everything we do for him be equal to his contribution? I think of this war.

More than 900 soldiers have died in the battlefield. They also have their own family and neighbors. They may be parents and elderly parents, but they can no longer return to those who care for them. I think of the families I met,

They either have to deal with the economic dilemma of falling in love with their loved ones, or the return of their families with physical disabilities, or even their mental breakdown, but they are unable to enjoy long-term health subsidies because of their status as a reserve soldier.

Life has become difficult. When these lovely young people set foot on the journey, we are duty-bound to confirm that all the data and reasons for making the decision to send troops are correct; we are duty-bound to take care of the family for them.

And when they return to their hometown, they must take care of their lives; when deciding to intervene in war, defend peace, and win the respect of the world, we are duty-bound to send a sufficient number of troops to ensure that the soldiers can triumph.

Allow me to clarify the point that in the world, there are indeed people who are enemies with us. We must find them and fight them resolutely to win. John Kelly knows this, just as he is a captain.

He was born and died on the battlefield in Vietnam, protecting his subordinates. If he is a president, he will also use the power of the army to ensure the security of the country. He is full of confidence in the United States and knows

Only the wealth of some citizens to achieve life is far from enough, and this depends on another element that is associated with our world-famous individualism. It is precisely because of them that the American annals are shining.

This is our belief in the commonplace and humiliation of a nation. If a child in the south of Chicago can't read and read, even if he is not with me, I will be embarrassed. If there is an old man

I can't pay for the high medical expenses, I have to make pains between treatment and renting a house. Even if she has never met with me, I will be like a needle. If an American family of Arab origin is not defended by a lawyer,

Or the lawsuit has been unfairly treated, which will also make me sleepy. It is this basic belief that has made this country a reality today: we are all family, we are all brothers and sisters. Only then can we

Part 3: Obama's speech

Hello there. Good afternoon, everyone. I feel very honored to have the opportunity to talk to you in Shanghai. I would like to thank President Yang of Fudan University for his hospitality and warm welcome. I also want to thank our outstanding ambassador, Huntsman, who is a strong bond between our two countries. I don't know what he said, but I hope he said it very well. [13:17:39]

[Obama] I am going to do this today, first make an opening remark. What I really hope to do is to answer the questions that are present, not only to answer the questions of the students present, but also to get some questions online, some students and Hong Bopei. The ambassador asked questions. Sorry, my Chinese is not as good as your English, so I am looking forward to talking to you. This is my first visit to China. I am very excited to see your big country. Here in Shanghai, we have seen remarkable growth, towering towers, busy streets, and entrepreneurial spirit. These are all signs that China has entered the 21st century and I am amazed. At the same time, I am also eager to see the ancient Chinese monuments. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will go to Beijing to see the magnificent Imperial Palace and the amazing Great Wall. This country has both rich history and future vision. belief.

[Obama] And the relationship between our two countries is also the same. Shanghai is a significant city in the history of US-China relations. 30 years ago, the Shanghai Communique opened up contacts between our two governments and the two peoples. New chapter. [13:17:54]

[Obama] But the United States and the country's ties can be traced back to the past. Back in the early days of American independence, George Washington organized the launching ceremony of the Queen. The ship successfully traveled to the Qing Dynasty, and Washington hopes to see this. The ships traveled to various places and formed new ties with China. I hope that China will open up new horizons and establish new partnerships. In the two centuries that followed, the historical torrents have brought our relations in many different directions, and even in the most turbulent directions, our two peoples have created deep, even dramatic ties, such as Americans. Never forget that during the Second World War, American pilots were shot behind China, and the local people treated them, and Chinese citizens risked losing everything. [13:18:01]

[Obama] The veterans who participated in World War II still welcome the American veterans who revisited the place, where they fought. 40 years ago, another relationship was opened between our two countries. The relationship between the two countries began to thaw and the relationship was thawed through the game of billiards. There are differences between our two countries, but we also share common humanity and have common curiosity. Just like a billiard player, that country is the same, but this small beginning brings the advent of the Shanghai Communique. In the end, it also brought in the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1979. In the next 30 years, we have made great progress. In 1979, the US-China trade was only $5 billion, and now it has exceeded $400 billion. [13:18:10]

[Obama] Trade affects people's lives in many ways, such as many parts of American computers, and clothes that are imported from China. We export Chinese machinery to China, which can be used in the Pacific. Cross-straits create more job opportunities and let our people live a higher quality of life. [13:22:50]

[Obama] This trade can be a broader trade in the process of demand balance. Today we have a positive and comprehensive relationship that opens the door to partnerships on today's major global issues, including economic recovery, clean energy development, the suppression of nuclear proliferation and climate change. There is also the promotion of peace and stability in Asia and around the world. All these issues will be discussed tomorrow when I meet with President Hu. In 1979, the connections between our two peoples were very limited. Today, the curiosity of billiard players can be seen in the connections established in many fields. The largest number of international students in the United States come from China. Among American students, the number of students learning Chinese has increased by 50%. There are nearly 200 sister cities in our two countries. US and Chinese scientists cooperate in many new fields of research and discovery, and our two people love basketball. Yao Ming is an example. However, I can't watch the Shanghai Sharks in this trip, which is a bit of a pity. [13:23:12]

[Obama] So this relationship between our two countries has brought us positive changes. This is not accidental. China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and this achievement is unprecedented in human history. China has also played a bigger role in global issues, and the United States has also witnessed the growth of our economy. There is an old saying in China that knows what is new. Of course, we have encountered setbacks and challenges in the past 30 years. Our relationship is not without difficulties and no differences. But the idea that we must be opponents should not be static. Thanks to the cooperation between our two countries, both the United States and China have become more prosperous and safer. We can achieve success based on mutual interests and mutual respect. [13:23:27]

[Obama] However, the success of such contacts depends on our understanding of each other and the ability to engage in open and honest dialogue and mutual understanding. As the American billiards athletes said, we share a common aspirations, but our two countries are different. I believe that every country in our two countries should outline the way we want to go. China is an ancient civilization with a profound and profound culture. Relatively speaking, the United States is a young country whose culture is influenced by immigrants from many different countries. To guide the influence of our democratic system archives, I have a very simple yearning and represent some core principles, that is, all Everyone has equal rights in life, and the government should reflect people's will. Trade should be open. Information circulation should be free, and the law must guarantee this fairness.

[Obama] Of course, our country’s history is not a place without any difficulties. In many ways, for many years, we have promoted these principles through struggle or that all people can enjoy, in order to create a more Perfect union, we also played a very painful civil war, releasing some of our enslaved population. After a period of time, women can have the right to vote. The workers have the right to organize, including immigrants from all over the country. Even after they were liberated, Africa and Americans and Americans went through some separate and unequal conditions and won a full and equal right after a period of time. All of this is not easy. But our belief in these core principles, our progress, is our compass in the darkest storms. This is why Lincoln stood up during the Civil War and said that any country can exist for a long time with freedom and the principle of equality for all human beings, that is why Dr. King stood up at the front desk of the Lincoln Memorial and said that our country must truly realize Our belief. That is why immigrants from China or Kenya can come to our homes, and why a person who has encountered difficulties in voting in some places less than 50 years ago can now be the president of that country.

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