Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] speech about patriotism

Article 1: Speech on patriotism

The motherland is our eternal mother, always the mother who gives us love, she gives us those loves? How do we reward her? Let us feel it!

Love is sharing. Our 1.3 billion Chinese people share the joy of China. The same 5.12 earthquake caused us to bear grief. This kind of grief, the 1.3 billion Chinese people share, will also reduce some pain and less losses. The same happiness will be shared by us, and more and more will be added. More and more Chinese people are excited to share their joy and joy with others. This is sharing! Love sharing!

Love is power. Our 1.3 billion Chinese people can lift more than 20 tons of things with 2 fingers. This is power. A Chinese can't afford any expenses in the disaster area, and only 1.3 billion Chinese people can bear the burden together to tide over the difficulties. In the earthquake, there were also many heroes who used their bodies as the umbrella of life for others to hide under their own bodies. As a result, those people were alive and he died alone. It is the motherland that gave us the power, the power of love!

Love is the burden! The motherland! How much pain did you bear, and you got the status today? How many talents have we sacrificed to build a new China? Is this a lot of painful struggle? Nowadays, happy life is not Is it that countless people have exchanged their lives? We must learn to bear and bear all the things that we have to bear in our lives.

Love is glory! In 2008, China won 52 gold medals in the Olympic Games and won the gold medal for the first time. This message allows the whole Chinese to share, get more happiness, and let the Chinese immerse in joy. This is glory! The glory of love!

The motherland gives us four kinds of love, namely, sharing, strength, commitment, and glory. This is the love that the motherland gives us and our love for the motherland.

Article 2: Speech on patriotism

Compatriots, comrades, friends!

The Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was the first national liberation war that China has achieved complete victory in the invasion of foreign enemies in modern times. The victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan and the World Anti-Fascist War is a major event in the history of mankind in the 20th century. It has great and far-reaching significance for the development of the Chinese nation and the progress of world civilization.

-- The victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression completely defeated the Japanese aggressors, defended China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and prevented the Chinese nation from suffering the doom of colonial slavery. The Chinese nation has created a world-famous splendid civilization in the historical development of more than 5,000 years. It has been in the forefront of the world for a long time. However, due to the corruption and shackles of feudal rule, China has gradually fallen behind. Since 1840, China has been repeatedly invaded and embarrassed by the imperialist powers. National sovereignty and territorial integrity have been eroded continuously, and the disaster of the Chinese nation has become increasingly serious. The Chinese people have fought against the invasion of foreign enemies and have failed again and again. However, this time, the Chinese people completely smashed the attempt of Japanese militarism to perish China, completely changed the humiliating history of foreign aggression after modern China, and defended the civilization achievements of the Chinese nation for thousands of years of development. The victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended the 50-year colonial rule of Japan in Taiwan and brought Taiwan back to the embrace of the motherland. China’s participation in the establishment of the United Nations and becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council has significantly enhanced China’s international status and international influence. The history of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan shows that the Chinese nation has the spirit of bloody battles with its own enemies. It has the determination to recover old things on the basis of self-reliance and has the ability to stand on the forest of the nations of the world.

-- The victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan has promoted the awakening of the Chinese nation and laid an important foundation for the Chinese Communist Party to lead the Chinese people in achieving complete national independence and people's liberation. In modern times, the Chinese people and many people of lofty ideals have arduously explored the path of seeking to save the country and save the people. The 1911 Revolution led by Mr. Sun Yat-sen overthrew the monarchy system that ruled China for thousands of years and opened the floodgate for China's progress. However, the semi-feudal nature of China's semi-colonialism and the tragic situation of the people have not changed. The aggression of Japanese militarism has caused the Chinese nation to face the danger of extermination of the country and the destruction of the country. The test of life and death has greatly awakened the Chinese people and deeply pondered the future of the Chinese nation and the correct path to national rejuvenation. The baptism of the bonfire of the Anti-Japanese War has brought the Chinese people's spiritual and organizational progress to an unprecedented height. The Chinese people have profoundly realized that in order to realize national rejuvenation and the happiness of the people, China must first realize national independence and people's liberation. It must establish the people's democratic government in which the people are the masters of the country and truly control their own destiny. The Chinese people also deeply understand that the Chinese Communist Party’s proposal to transform the old China and build a new China represents the correct direction of historical development and is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The Chinese Communist Party is leading the Chinese people for national independence and the people. The strong core of liberation. The victory of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has become a turning point in the history of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation. It was on the basis of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people to win the victory of the new-democratic revolution and established the People's Republic of China, realizing the greatest and most profound social change in Chinese history.

-- The victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has promoted the great unity of the Chinese nation and promoted the great spirit of the Chinese nation. The War of Resistance Against Japan brought the Chinese people into an unprecedented unity, which gave the Chinese nation a great cohesiveness and vitality. The War of Resistance Against Japan is not only a contest between military strength and economic strength, but also a contest between will and spirit. In the unprecedented great struggle, the Chinese nation further promoted the great national spirit with patriotism as its core, and showed many distinct characteristics. This is: the national self-esteem character that insists on the supremacy of national and national interests and swears to death. The national unity consciousness of all people and the people who have gone to the national disaster, the national heroic spirit that dares to rape and dare to fight the enemy in the end, persevere and courageously rely on their own strength to overcome the aggressor’s national self-improvement belief, pioneering and innovating, and being good at opening up new developments in times of danger. The national creative spirit of the road, the national dedication of adhering to justice and consciously contributing to the cause of peace and progress of mankind. The great national spirit has not only become a solid ideological foundation and a strong spiritual pillar that motivates the Chinese people to unite and fight in the end, but has also gained new enrichment and sublimation in the bonfire of the war of resistance. This is the most precious spiritual wealth left to us by the great anti-Japanese war. We must vigorously inherit and carry forward in light of the new conditions of the times.

-- The victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has had a tremendous impact on the people of all countries in the world who have won the victory of the anti-fascist war and the great cause of safeguarding world peace. The Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan is a glorious page in the history of the world's anti-fascist war. In the world anti-fascist war, the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan began at the earliest and lasted for the longest time. The Chinese battlefield has long suppressed and resisted the main force of Japanese militarism and wiped out more than 1.5 million Japanese troops, which played a decisive role in the complete destruction of the Japanese aggressors. The Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression strategically supported and supported the allies' operations, and cooperated with the strategic actions of the European battlefield and the Pacific battlefield, restricting and disrupting the attempt of Japanese fascist and German-Italian fascist strategic cooperation. As an important rear base for the Allied forces in the Asia-Pacific region to fight against Japan, China has provided a large amount of strategic materials and military intelligence to its allies. The victory of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has set a shining example of the weak and strong in front of the people of the world, and has inspired the confidence and courage of the oppressed and invaded nation to wage a war of liberation. The Chinese people have made an indelible historical contribution to the ultimate defeat of the world fascist reactionary forces.

Psalm 3: Speech on patriotism

Patriotism is the loyalty and love for the motherland. Throughout the dynasties, many people with lofty ideals have a strong sense of worrying about the country and the people, taking state affairs as their own responsibility, servants and servants, defending the motherland, and caring for the people's livelihood. This valuable spirit has made the Chinese nation suffer from disasters. The content of patriotism is very extensive. It loves the mountains and rivers of the motherland, loves the history of the nation, cares about the destiny of the motherland, fights heroically in times of crisis, and sacrifices for the motherland. It is a manifestation of patriotism. In the course of the five-thousand-year development of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation has formed a great national spirit with patriotism as its core.

It is because of the deep love for the motherland that the industrious and wise Chinese children have jointly developed a vast territory and created a splendid culture. We shoulder the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and actively safeguard the sovereign independence and territorial integrity of the motherland. The territory of the motherland cannot be lost and cannot be divided and divided. It is necessary to love the history and culture of the motherland and improve it. National self-respect and self-confidence are dedicated to creating a more brilliant national culture.

Today, China has entered a new historical period. Joining the WTO has brought our country closer to the rest of the world. Opportunities and challenges coexist. We will face more and more new situations and new problems. To advance the great cause of China's reform and opening up and accelerate the process of socialist modernization, we need to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism. Only in this way can the Chinese nation regain its glory and make greater contributions to human civilization and progress.

The young is prosperous and the young is strong. We must adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, enhance the patriotic sentiments and revitalize the sense of responsibility of the motherland, establish national self-respect and self-confidence; carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation, hold high the banner of patriotism, forge ahead, and strive for self-improvement. Struggling hard, fighting hard, and truly turning the patriotism into a trip to the country. Today, I am diligently studying for the revitalization of China, and will contribute my strength to the brilliant future of the motherland tomorrow!

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