Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] speech essay

Part 1: Speech Composition

Dear teachers, dear students:

Hello everyone!

The topic of my speech today is "The motherland is in my heart."

China's culture is profound and profound. The Chinese paintings of Hanmo ancient style can not only draw vivid fish and shrimp, but also depict the magnificent Qingming Shanghe map. Calligraphy is also varied and varied; the squared and dignified scriptures, the dragon and the phoenix dance cursives, etc., are really wonderful. The Tang poetry and the Song dynasty are really like songs. "The lotus leaves are infinite, and the lotus flowers are different." "Sunrise Jianghuahong wins fire, spring comes green like blue"; and the beautiful ceramics, ceramic bowls, ceramic cups The exquisiteness of the ceramic bottle can be regarded as a magical work... Has the culture of our country surprised you?

China is a big country with 9.6 million square meters of land. The mountains and rivers are magnificent and charming; the blue lakes are rippling, the Huangshan mountains are rocky; the beautiful scenery of Guilin; the daunting Taishan; the end of the world like a dream... Our motherland It is a beautiful country!

Our country is a place of outstanding people and talented people. Yue Fei, who is loyal to the country, Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary pioneer, Zheng Chenggong, who recovered Taiwan, Deng Jiaxian, who has two bombs and one star, and Deng Xiaoping, who led the people of the country to prosperity... It is because of their unremitting efforts to build the motherland that we have a happy life today. .

Classmates, from now on, study hard, go up every day! We are the hope of the future of the motherland, we must write a more profound history chapter of the motherland!

Ps 2: Speech Composition

Dear teachers, classmates: Good afternoon! First of all, I wish all students a happy Children's Day! I think we have to feel that time flies. Once upon a time, we came to the middle school we dreamed of with joyful heart ----- Tongan Yizhong. Now, two years have passed, we are already students in the first two years. In September of this year, we are about to enter the third day of life. We must be clearly aware that we are growing up and we are about to say goodbye to childhood.

Today is June 1st Children's Day. It is a post-six section for our second year students, but for the third grade or other students who are higher than ours, there is no more than one. Because we are no longer children, we are young people, this year's naive and naive life is over, we will face a complex society, a complicated life, and the burden on us is even heavier. In learning, we should achieve "all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor. Many of the current middle school students follow the concept of reading a dead book and reading a book. It is true that they have done nothing." "Reading the sages", they pay attention to the points and the points they need, so they form the idea of ​​"seeing the money in the outward direction and looking at the school." But is this so-called good learning useful? Is it really high for the country? Is it a low-energy "nerd"? "Jun comes from his hometown, because of his hometown," remembers a newspaper that wrote a story: A company held an interview at a school, so it dropped a broom to the ground, past students. No one noticed the broom. A boy would be broomed. Later he was admitted. It is because of his character that he is a fully developed student. The society is progressing, the motherland is developing, and the society is training a batch of construction. The pillars of the motherland, the state stipulates the development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty, and labor as the education policy, and cultivates the builders of the socialist cause of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor development. Successor, therefore, the society proposes to our contemporary youth a middle school student who is fully developed in virtue, intelligence, body, beauty and labor. For the sake of society, the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland, why do we not develop moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor? In the middle of life, we should be more mature and sensible. At home, we should help our parents to do what we can, to be considerate of our parents, to honor our parents. We must unite our classmates at school, respect teachers, and should not be careless, because others account for Our small bargains, but ours accounted for the big cheapness of thought, so we have to eat a little loss. We grew up, our thoughts are changing day by day, and the relationship between our male and female students has also undergone subtle changes. I feel that the normal interaction between male and female students is appropriate. I think that our six classes of students are doing very well. In our class, you can always see a lot of boys and girls playing together and learning together. In our class, we No men and women are separated. We feel that it is normal and uninteresting for male and female students to play together. Unlike some class men and women. There is always an invisible ditch among the classmates. The reason why our classmates in the sixth class can do this is because we have no distractions. We are no longer children, and we will be Youth Day next year. It marks that we should be physically and mentally alive, we must grow up. We are no longer ignorant girls, and impulsive boys. We are young people. We can proudly say that we have grown up. In the future, we still have a long way to go. To go, we must be stricter to ourselves, constantly improve ourselves, and train ourselves into four new people with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline. There is a song that sings well: "The cross-century golden drum knocks Get up, cross the silver of the century, the stars of the century rise, the torch of the cross-century rises, follow the sun across the century, embrace tomorrow to the future, hold hands, move forward, we are a new generation of cross-century, As a new generation of young people across the century, let us constantly improve ourselves, strive to develop in an all-round way, and strive to be a middle school student with all-round development in virtue, intelligence, body, beauty and labor!

Part 3: Speech Composition

Teachers and students:


Everyone has been friendly with me since the first grade for five years. Everyone is very familiar with me and understands very well.

Under the teacher's education in the past five years, with the help of my classmates, and with my own efforts, I have developed very quickly in all aspects. Yesterday, I took out the five-year transcript and looked at it. Every year, my grades are improving, especially since the fourth grade.

I have remembered that the addition and subtraction within the 20th, 2nd and 3rd grades are not accurate. They are always in the middle of the class. Now they are already in the middle of the game! Sometimes they are still in the top 10.

At school, my homework never drags, and I do all kinds of homework carefully and correctly, and correct it in time. concentrate on the lecture. So last year's final exam got an excellent score.

On the body, you don't want to see me short, but my physical quality is acceptable. Since entering the school, the body has developed day by day, rarely catching a cold, and the annual sports performance is excellent or good.

Since I entered the National Elementary School, I have been very passionate about the class. I represented the school in the 2004 Youth Model Competition and won the third prize. Won the third prize in the school festival greeting card competition.

Although I have achieved a little bit of results, I am still far from the students. I will continue to work from "0" in the future and strive to improve one step in all aspects. Thank you!

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