Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] speeches of campaign cadres

Part 1: Speeches of campaign cadres

Dear leaders and colleagues:

Hello everyone!

First of all, I am very grateful to the leaders for giving us the opportunity to showcase their personal talents and demonstrate their own abilities. At this moment, when I sit quietly on the platform where the challenges and opportunities coexist, success and failure, Not only is the heart filled with the confidence of whoever gives me, but also the preparations for courage and hard work.

My name is xxx, I entered the business in xx years. I have worked as a bookkeeper and a savingsman. Napoleon said: "The soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers." In the rare opportunity of this training, I stepped onto the platform in the spirit of exercise and improvement, showed myself, accepted the judgement, and hoped to leave something for myself by my ability rather than by luck... Because I deeply know: here In the new century full of vitality and vitality, in the era of ever-changing knowledge economy, in today's fierce competition, diversified concepts, and life facing numerous choices, "do what you love, love what you do," perhaps this is the opportunity I seize. The key to grasping the fate.

If my competition is successful, my work is:

First, with the tenet of “diligence, pragmatism, and innovation”, strengthen learning and improve one's own quality. On the one hand, it strengthens the study of political theory knowledge, and constantly improves its political theory and the ability to defend itself. On the other hand, it is to strengthen the study and update of business knowledge and business skills. Dialectically look at their strengths and weaknesses, foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, work together, and constantly improve and perfect themselves in work practice.

Second, with a solid work, the spirit of forging ahead, be the assistant of the leadership of the society. In the work, we must carry forward the good style and good traditions in the past, work hard, work hard, and pay attention to exploring the experience and exploring the way in the practice of work, asking for more reports, more communication, and actively assisting the leaders in the work. jobs.

Third, with a hard-working, realistic and innovative attitude, find the entry point for work. Honestly speaking, under the situation that the financial system reform is deepening and the banking industry is becoming increasingly fierce, it is a long-term and arduous task to maintain the growth of deposits. Therefore, I insist on carrying out customer-centered quality service as an important means of organizing deposits. While creating a good social image, we will improve work efficiency, make customers as convenient as possible, and enable customers to take the initiative to seek services and become our company. A stable source of deposits. Vanke, the CEO of Vanke, said: "The market is not very difficult. If you use one more division of labor, you will have more rewards."

If my competition is successful, my principle and style of doing things are:

I believe that to be a "God" customer, we must first regard the employee as "God." Because the customer's satisfaction with our company starts from the satisfaction of the employees and develops in proportion to the satisfaction of the employees. To this end, I will improve the quality of employees, meet the reasonable requirements of employees, mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and put them at the top of all management tasks. We treat our employees with multi-level and multi-angles, strive to do big things and talk about principles, talk about styles in small things, unite in things, and talk about efficiency. More understanding of colleagues, less complaints; more respect, less accusation; more love, less indifference. The management is not a whole person, and the employer is not suspicious. Unite employees with common goals, motivate employees with effective rewards and punishments, and drive employees with their own actions. I will treat each of my colleagues with true feelings and love, so that their personality is fully respected, giving them a relaxed development and creation space. Therefore, in the interaction with employees, the cohesive force, enhance the collective sense of honor of employees, and form a driving force in the work, so that our integrated cabinet becomes a group full of vitality and combat effectiveness.

If my competition is successful, my work goals and specific measures are:

The tasks and tasks assigned by the social leaders are taken, and the social leaders are paid attention to and support the work of the department. Under the premise of consolidating the existing customer resources, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, effectively find and tap the source of deposits, and thus embark A benign cycle, healthy and steady development. Initiative 1: Adopting dissemination of publicity materials and filling out questionnaires, etc., organizing employees to conduct detailed investigations on a case-by-case basis from nearby residents, obtaining a large amount of first-hand information from them, and providing relevant financial products and economic information to customers. Expanding popularity and influence; Initiative 2: Develop corresponding marketing strategies for different target customers, provide customers with richer financial packages and tailor-made personalized financial services; Initiative 3: Fully grasp the holidays The golden opportunity for the reserve will be carefully deployed, and targeted and targeted people will carry out practical marketing activities to achieve a bumper harvest of publicity and increased reserves. In short, in the daily work and life, pay special attention to the collection and analysis of information. Only when you think about it, can you tap the potential customers to the maximum extent and promote the rapid growth of deposits.

I believe that there is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate. "Breaking the wind and knowing the grass", I will face difficulties in the future, be more energetic, more active in doing a good job, get exercise in work practice, and stand the test.

Undoubtedly, in this position, I am still a student or recruit who is relatively unfamiliar and relatively unfamiliar. Because of this, I am more clearly aware of the gaps in my own existence. I have no glorious past and only want to grasp the present and the future. Through this competition, I am willing to make great efforts in my future work, based on my position, specializing in business and working diligently. Know yourself in the truth-seeking and pragmatic, constantly pursue in the positive and enterprising, realize the value in the hard work and dedication, and perfect yourself in the market competition. Winning is gratifying, no regrets!

thank you all

Part 2: Speeches of campaign cadres

Dear leaders, reviewers:

Hello everyone!

How many strokes can life make? When I stepped onto the stage, I felt deeply that there was a sense of crisis and mission that "you are no longer young, no time to wait". At this moment of "challenge to life", I am full of love for the work of credit unions, and walked to the stage with confidence and accepted the test of the organization. First of all, please allow me to express my sincerity to the trust, support and encouragement of all of you: Thank you!

Next, let me introduce myself so that everyone can have a more comprehensive understanding of me: my name is ***, this year is xx years old, CCP-party member, college degree, ** graduated from ** school finance major, assigned in the same year ** Credit union work, has worked in xx staff, xx staff, xx staff, xx staff, township xx-x deputy, etc., is now the director of xx. At work, I always work diligently, diligently and conscientiously complete the work of leadership arrangements, and strive to do my best, so I have been repeatedly recognized by leaders and colleagues, and won the excellent Communist-Party, advanced city-level Workers and other honorary titles.

The reason why I went to the podium to participate in the competition of the deputy of the township and township, I believe that I have the ability, confidence and determination to be qualified for this position. My main advantages are:

First, I am progressive in my thinking and have certain political qualities. I have received a good tradition of education since I was a child, and I have cultivated a character that is bright, upright, and helpful. As a party member, I usually strengthen my self-cultivation, adhere to principles, obey the law, improve my thinking, work in compliance with laws and regulations, and are deeply trusted by the leaders and colleagues. The people have a good foundation and a good reputation.

Second, it has established a strong sense of responsibility for work and dare to work hard and be brave in innovation. I was born in an ordinary family, and I deeply understand the truth that "Bao Jianfeng has been grinding out and plum blossoms have come from bitter cold." My parenting education, life and years of work experience have enabled me to exercise a strong spirit of hard work and hard work. In order to complete the heavy work tasks, I often sleep and forget to eat and work overtime. And always work with the creed of "being clear and honest, doing things really." At the same time, the work in these years has also created a strong character that I have the courage to take responsibility and never give up. All of this provides a reliable guarantee for my work.

Third, it has rich local work experience and organizational management capabilities. I have been working for ** years, and I have worked in various positions in the ** year of work. It can be said that every change in position is a rare experience for my life. It is an important improvement to my ability and a valuable asset to my life! Most of my work experience since work. They are all at the grassroots level, so I am very familiar with rural work. In particular, the work experience of Director xx has greatly improved my organizational coordination and management skills, and I am more familiar with credit work. I am able to do this work well.

Fourth, I am young and energetic. I am xx years old this year. As a young and middle-aged person, I am emancipated, brave to explore, and full of reform and innovation. In particular, the work of grassroots leadership work in the past few years has enabled me to broaden my thinking, broaden my horizons, enhance the overall concept, and enrich my work experience. I believe that with a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and exuberant energy, I will be fully committed to my future work.

If you are led by the leaders, reviewing the love, and letting my township credit cooperatives work in deputy positions, I will live up to the expectations and do my duty, and strive to turn this trust of leaders and colleagues into an opportunity to make a career at a new starting point. . I must try my best to do the following:

First, position the position and sincerely talk about unity. Years of work experience tells me that colleagues' time and good unity are more important than anything else. To this end, I will position myself and do a deputy. In front of the leadership, I will ask for more information, report more, communicate with others, work together, and earnestly perform my duties. In front of colleagues, exchange more things, enhance friendship, and do a good job of unity, so that everyone can understand each other, trust each other, support each other, work together, and do a good job in the community.

Second, highlight key points and do a good job in marketing. I will assist the leaders in strengthening the collection of information for quality customers, establishing detailed files, classifying them, avoiding the blindness and randomness of marketing, and on the basis of maintaining existing customers, increasing marketing efforts, focusing on deposits, loans, and bank cards. , agency business, vying for potential customers and expanding market share. At the same time, focus on rural farmers, high-quality private enterprise customers, targeted customer groups for rural business of less than 500,000 yuan, about 5 million yuan of business, understand their financial needs, formulate plans at different levels, and do a good job in marketing jobs.

Third, create a brand and do a good job in service. Strengthen the screening of potential quality customers, especially pay attention to the details, make the difference service to be more practical, so that the big customers can truly feel the advantages of "one-on-one" personalized and affectionate service, and can make phone reservations for important customers. Priority handling, on-site service methods. And organize loan officers to carry out deposit marketing work, organize enterprises to issue bank acceptance bills, achieve win-win on the basis of common development, expand customer groups and improve service levels.

Fourth, expand business, prevent risks, and improve economic efficiency. I will firmly establish the concept of “benefit first”, do a good job in mortgage loan agency assets, ensure loan quality, strengthen corporate awareness, business awareness, establish a credit evaluation system, seek communication channels with loan customers, establish guarantee institutions, and seize It is a good time to actively digest non-performing assets. In view of the characteristics of the industry, we will actively carry out the work of returning funds in the peak season, reduce the outflow of funds, and return the funds for the cement products industry before the Spring Festival. We will take the fund return rate as an important task and grasp the transportation costs of the enterprises. The wages and bonuses work, the actual effect is obvious.

Fifth, strengthen team building and enhance overall cohesion. I will continue to look for new ideas and new methods of work, actively carry out the management of the department, establish a sound internal management system, clarify the division of labor, and clarify responsibilities. Set the corresponding rules and regulations to enable employees to follow the evidence. Clarify the responsibilities of each position so that each employee knows what he needs to do and how to do it.

Leaders, judges, and colleagues, the ancients said: "You can't be proud of it for a while, but you can boast of it. You can't be frustrated for a while, but you fall from your own heart." Regardless of success or not, in the future life, I will adhere to self-respect, self-insurgency, self-motivation, hone my personality, check my words and deeds, cherish my own image, adhere to the cautious and cautious, cautious and cautious, with one heart Public, selfless and fearless, bright and upright, and upright, set up a good image of credit union township cadres in the new era. Please organize me to test me and trust me.

thank you all!

Part 3: Speeches of campaign cadres

Dear leaders and colleagues:

Hello everyone!

Today, I am doing a competitive speech here, and I am very excited to participate in the job competition of the director of the Credit Union. First of all, I would like to thank the leaders of the Association for creating this opportunity for fair competition. In this competition, I am not only an official, but more for the rural credit cooperation cause, to realize my life value under the circumstance.

My name is **, I am 27 years old, **towner, member of the Communist Party of China, junior college education, assistant economist. In 1994, he participated in the work of credit unions, and worked as a cashier, accountant, chief accountant, and loan officer. In 2001, he was transferred to the Credit Union as the credit leader and head of the business office.

After several years of work in the credit cooperatives, all aspects of their own quality have been greatly improved. In 1998, the glorious Yu You Crisp was squandered by the Communist Party, and the Bin* City Finance and Trade Office was rated as an advanced individual in the financial and trade system. "Ten years of grinding a sword", from the cashier to the accountant, I have mastered the daily business of the credit union; I have been in charge of accounting for four years, I am familiar with the financial and business knowledge of the credit union; After four years of work, I am familiar with the knowledge of credit management and related industry laws and regulations, and I am skilled in dealing with various aspects. In ten years of work, I have insisted on where to learn, whether I am in business or in business management. I learn from old leaders, learn from comrades, learn from practice, learn from others’ strengths, and make up for myself. Insufficient and actively learn about new business and computers. In the process of learning and practice, I have accumulated a certain amount of social experience and work experience, which laid a solid foundation for every job that I can be qualified as a grassroots credit cooperative. In particular, I have been working in the credit union for more than three years. I have traveled to every corner of the ** and are familiar with all aspects of the town and the credit union. In the work, I am steadily handling every business, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the leaders every year. In 2003, our company's business office loan interest rate was 10,000 yuan, which was 10,000 yuan more than that in 2002. At the end of June this year, the business office received 10,000 yuan, and it received 10,000 yuan more than the same period last year.

Participating in this competition, I would like to know myself in the truth-seeking and pragmatic, constantly pursue in the positive and enterprising, realize the value in the hard work and dedication, and perfect myself in the market competition. I am fully aware that the heavy burden of the main person in charge of the credit union must have a strong overall quality, a firm political stance, a pragmatic work style, and a tenacious spirit of hard work to be qualified for the job.

If I am successful in competition, my work is based on the development of credit cooperatives, the purpose of efficiency, the goal of planning, strengthening management, standardizing operations, and accomplishing all the tasks assigned by the Municipal Association in a down-to-earth manner. Further accelerate the development speed of * credit unions. I will make full use of the good foundation laid by our previous leaders of the Credit Union, and mainly implement the following four "engineering":

First, the implementation of the "funding expansion" project. In the work of deposit organization, I will firmly establish a sense of efficiency, encourage all staff to carry forward the fine tradition of “three Qins and four homes”, focus on low-cost deposits, and continue to strengthen the self-operated business of credit unions, and strive to reduce the cost of capital. At the same time, we will firmly establish a sense of service, encourage all members to seize all kinds of favorable opportunities, adhere to the principle of absorbing and storing large amounts of money, small amounts of money, zero banknotes, and residual currency, do a good job of serving the door to the door, and do a good job of settlement services. Occupy the rural financial market to ensure that the deposits of the credit unions in 2005 exceeded 100 million yuan.

Second, the implementation of the "rich people project." In the work of supporting agriculture, I will closely focus on the work center of the credit union. As long as the policy is met, the funding problem will be solved to the maximum extent, and how much the farmers need to put in. What kind of financial services the farmers need will be guaranteed in time. Practice the “commitment of rural credit cooperatives as the best financial link to farmers” with tangible actions. In support projects, from focusing on supporting quantity growth to supporting standard efficiency, from supporting a single link of agricultural products to supporting one-stop cultivation, cultivation, processing, integration of trade and industry, agricultural production, supply and marketing, and stimulating the adjustment of rural industrial structure and The pace of economic development.

Third, the implementation of the "funding live" project. The first is to clarify the responsibility, the original Qingyuan, the non-performing loans formed by the credit union's own reasons, and the responsibility collection will be implemented one by one; the second is to continuously innovate the collection methods and increase the loan of village groups and enterprises on the premise of obtaining the support of the party committee and the government. The strength of the collection; the third is to maximize the collection of non-performing loans through all available social relations and forces.

Fourth, the implementation of the "golden customer" project. Actively mobilize field personnel to penetrate the rural areas and markets, strengthen the credit rating of farmers and individual industrial and commercial households, increase loan marketing efforts, and cultivate and develop gold customers. At the same time, it strengthens the self-construction of credit cooperatives and innovates service means, so that customers' entrepreneurship can be closely related to credit cooperatives, development cannot be separated from credit unions, and wealth can not forget credit unions, and gold customers can be cultivated into credit-worthy gold medal customers.

My work attitude is: to obey the party spirit, subjective obedience to the objective, emotional obedience principle; to do the service is not owed, the initiative is not offside, the obedience is not biased, the harmony is not vacant; Moderately, deal with problems lightly and moderately; do more understanding, less blame, more respect, less accusation, more care, less indifference; squeaky words, calm listening, flattering words, listening, and opposing words, listening and criticism, humbly listening. Strive to show strength in service, create momentum in work, increase pressure in innovation, and cohesive strength in communication.

If I am successful in competition, my principle and style of doing things is: strive to achieve strict system, strict requirements, strict discipline, diligent study, diligent investigation, and diligent supervision. Unite people with common goals, motivate people with effective management, and drive people with their own actions. Strive to do big things to talk about principles, small things to talk about style, work together to talk about unity, and work to talk about efficiency. I will treat each and every colleague with true feelings and love, so that their personality will be fully respected, give them a relaxed development and create space; I will use the system and job responsibilities to manage my colleagues and let them find the right position. Play talent and keep improving.

If I am successful in the competition, my goal is to “because of the disappointment and the promotion of the position”, and actively strive for the support of the superiors to the work of our * credit unions, so that every employee of our company firmly establishes a sense of ownership and will The company's work management system, service quality, work efficiency. Make sure that the red flag of our * credit union does not fall and the work is further improved.

If I am hired this time, I will never be discouraged. I will improve my own quality with more vigorous energy, more full enthusiasm, more solid work, and more pragmatic style, and make greater contributions in my current position. Realize your own life value with tangible actions.

thank you all!

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