Fan Wen Daquan > Speech

[Boutique] Parents' Student Speech

Part 1: Parents' Student Presentation

Dear parents, teacher:

Hello everyone! My name is XX and I am a student of XX. I am very honored to stand here and thank you for taking the time to discuss the education issues with our teachers and thank you for coming to the school and the teachers to design a grand blueprint for the future!

Time flies, we have already spent two-thirds of high school life, we have embarked on a long journey of life, once playful jokes, once young and ignorant, once little do not know, are learning tension Gradually suppressed and converged in enrichment, we are maturing --

In such a youthful time, I am glad that I can learn in the XX class. Although there are only a few boys in the class, the class enthusiasm is not inferior to other classes. We worked hard at the sports meeting, united and helped each other, achieved good results in the sixth place, and won the title of spiritual civilization class many times. We actively participate in the activities of the school. Students not only take care of each other in life, but also unite and help each other in their studies. The mathematics teacher's teachings, the language teacher's careful attention, the English teacher's amiable and the teachers of all subjects to our hard work. We are grateful to the new, especially the class teacher, in order to enable us to learn in a state of tension, efficiency, harmony and confidence, constantly urging us and leading us to create a good learning atmosphere. At present, the classroom discipline and learning atmosphere of my class have won the unanimous appreciation of the teachers.

Dear parents, we will not forget your silent efforts to us. Although we are at school, we can still feel your concern for us. "Is the clothes warmed up? Is the cold good? The results are going to be fueled?" Every bit of it turned into the driving force behind us.

Dear teacher, dear parents, please rest assured, we remember your entrustment, we are not weak, we are very smart, we have endless potential, we will be down-to-earth, self-improvement, determined to succeed! Use action to achieve long-awaited wishes, Give the teachers and parents a surprise with satisfactory results!

Finally, I wish the teachers all the best, I wish the parents a smooth job! Good health! Thank you!

Dear Uncle, Auntie:

Hello! Thank you very much for coming to this parent conference after your busy work. As a student representative, I would like to talk about my views from two aspects.

As a member of the second class, I feel very fortunate. The uncles and aunts here may be busy outside, and have no time to ask the children's study life. Of course, we don't know much about our class. Even so, you don't have to worry. I want to tell you that the second class is a harmonious family. Every member is working tirelessly for the same goal. As for the mid-term exams that have just passed, the results have come out – that is the result of the efforts of the students in the previous phase. It may not satisfy you, but you have to trust your child and you will have something to gain. We are not Wang Xiaoya, and we will not be able to become Wang Xiaoya. Every student has his own shining point, we don't feel inferior, we are confident that we will do better than him! If it is not a parent meeting, then about one-third of the students in the classroom will be studying here today. . If you see your child is learning, I would like to be very pleased. Your child is in a class, a responsible teacher and an enthusiastic classmate are helping him and guiding him. What are you worried about?

As a child, I want to say a few words in front of my elders: the gains and losses in the results can only indicate whether he is careful or not during this time, whether the learning method or mentality is correct or not, it cannot be your standard for evaluating children. Take me for it. The results are not good, my mother counts me, listening to my heart is really hard. I know that she wants her daughter to be good. She doesn't want to say to others: "Hey, my niece has not passed the mathematics since I was in high school." As a child, I want to say to my uncles and aunts: "You are working outside. Doing business, working very tired, this point your children know, we grew up, we know that parents in order to make time for their children to learn, would rather be more busy: we know that parents' hard-earned money is hard to come by; we know parents criticize We are an inspiration, we are good for us. I believe your children, we understand you. But how much do you know about your children as a parent? When you fight us, do you consider that at this age, we Your thoughts and behaviors need your guidance.

Uncles and aunts, I sincerely hope that you can understand more, know more about children, and properly criticize education is necessary, but don't forget tolerance and understanding. Let us work together, change for each other, work hard, and strive for greater progress!

PART 2: Parent Conference Student Presentation

Dear teacher, uncle, aunt:


I am very happy to be a student representative. First of all, on behalf of all my classmates, I would like to thank you for taking the time to attend this parent meeting! I am **, after the last monthly exam, I got the whole class. The good results that my classmates admire, I am excited, I think, thanks to the support of my teachers, classmates and parents!

In fact, many parents want to find a good way to learn for their children, but I think the method is that the children themselves find out in the learning process, and it is not necessarily suitable for anyone. First of all, everyone must have a study. Goals and plans. Otherwise, it will be a half-time and an unrewarding outcome. Here are my learning experiences:

First of all, Aunt Lu Qin said that learning is his own business. Can not let parents supervise. What's more, now that the left-behind children are multiplying, they should consciously learn and be worthy of parents who work outside. 40 minutes of class is better than 2 hours after class.

Second, good living habits have good study habits. Before going to bed every night, I will put the books in my bag, and then I will preview the contents I want to learn tomorrow. I will make a mark when I have a question, so that when the teacher is talking, I will solve it. Come".

After all, we are always a child in front of our parents, so sometimes we can't control ourselves, but my mother still has a heart-to-heart for my "small loopholes", always trying to use what I am biased and unwilling to try. The words of the well-known big educators motivate me to slap. Let my learning motivation slowly improve, such as Lu Qin, Montessori, Duman and so on.

In fact, I am at home, not a child loved by my mother. Usually, doing something wrong, my mother always let me know where the mistake is, how to do it in the future, let me establish a responsible attitude. Originally, we were hard enough to be a student, but my mother still let me take time to clean my room so that I can learn and grow in a clean and comfortable environment. Although sometimes I was annoyed about it, rebellious, and angered my mother, afterwards, my mother approached me in various ways. My mother said that I am a good student at school. I have to be a good boy at home. My mother is busy with business. Therefore, I only have the words and demerits, let me do what I can, train my own things, do it myself, and do my own work. Good habits.

Then again, I sincerely want to tell our parents and parents here, in fact, the children in your eyes are very well-behaved, and occasionally venting and dissatisfaction with you is also common sense. Because we are growing children, not the children who think that the bigger the more disobedient, the more hope that parents will see our strengths, use a kind of trust, respect, negotiation and encouragement to get along with us, communicate, I think everyone can easily It’s really easy! It’s a icing on the cake!

Finally, I will give you a sentence, that is: compare yourself with yourself, this time compared with last time, today compared with yesterday! Parents and students, come on!

My speech is over! Thank you all!

PART 3: Parent Conference Student Presentation

Dear school leaders, teachers, hard-working uncles, aunts:

good afternoon everyone!

Today is a special day. I am standing on this stage and speaking on behalf of all the classmates of the six classes. It is not because I have a good learning experience, but I want to take this opportunity to say something to my uncle, aunt, father and mother. The student's speech at the parent meeting.

Uncles and aunts, you must have great hopes for your children! The teachers are just like you, and I hope that students will have a good future. Our growth is inseparable from the hard work of the teachers, and it is inseparable from your careful care and cooperation. If we lose these, our healthy growth will be hindered, and we will take many detours. To this end, I sincerely hope that you can cooperate with the school and let us get a real and effective education. Please let me tell the parents here: Because my study habits are poor, my self-control is not strong. Before the mid-term exam, my parents are busy with work, and I don’t care about my study. I am free, not after school. After reviewing the homework and playing the computer, the mathematics exam only scored 87 points. I regret it! So I am here to represent the whole class of students to give a few suggestions to the parents:

1. Frequently ask about our study at school.

2. Education We must have a correct attitude towards learning.

3. According to our learning situation, remind us to listen carefully in class.

4. Take time to watch TV and play cards at night, patiently counsel and help us complete our homework.

5, support our extracurricular reading needs, and suggest that we buy a good book, read a good book, so that we develop a good habit of love to read.

6. Always communicate with us, talk, and master our psychological situation.

During the semester, we re-partitioned in the sixth grade. Fortunately for us: we got two very responsible teachers in class 6. However, if we want to develop good study habits, the teacher will not be able to do it. We still need the supervision and encouragement of the parents and mothers, because we are still young and inevitably will be playful and lazy.

We have many shortcomings, but we also have many advantages: smart, kind, lively, individual, and talented. We have a responsible teacher, a father and his *, and our school. Therefore, we will also have good results. Now, under the leadership of the two teachers, our study has made great progress, but this is not enough. We should also "make a step further and go further." I believe that under the care of the school leaders, the hard work of the teacher, the cooperation of the father and his *, we will become excellent talents!

I am very grateful to the school leaders and my class teacher, Mr. Chen, I am more grateful to my parents, thank you for their care for me all the time. Here, let me, on behalf of all my classmates, say to your mom and dad: you They have worked hard!!!

Mom and Dad, please rest assured that we will reward the school, the teachers, and your expectations of us with excellent results, and will definitely mark the end of the last two years of primary school life!

thank you all!

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