Work report > report

Report on the debriefing of the director of the Price Bureau of the Price Bureau

According to the spirit of the notice of the organization department of the district committee and the district disciplinary committee, on behalf of the party group and the director's office of the district price bureau, combined with the individual reality, I will summarize the following year's ideological study, clean government construction and business work as follows:
** In the year, under the correct leadership of the district committee, the district government and the higher authorities, with the strong support of the relevant departments of the district, I worked with all the cadres and workers to establish “first-class service, first-class performance, and first-class team”. "The goal is to work around the center of the district, earnestly perform the duties of the post, and have completed the tasks of the year well.
1. Practically strengthen the management of administrative fees. * At the beginning of the month, in accordance with the provincial and municipal deployments, the annual inspections of the annual fees were carried out for all levels of administrative institutions, non-enterprise organizations and fee-based units that implemented the “charge permit”. After the examination and renewal of the "charge permit" original **, copy ** this, write-off and merger license *. The total amount of administrative expenses for the whole district** was **10,000 yuan, and the total amount increased slightly from the ** year, which increased by **10,000 yuan. Among them, the total fees for education and health services are about *%, which still accounts for a large proportion. The main factor in the change in the total amount is the reform of the sanitation system and the decentralization of functions to the district, which has increased by 10,000 yuan. If the item is excluded, the actual total fees will be reduced by **10,000 yuan. The administrative fees of state organs in our district have generally declined year by year. For the problems found in the annual inspection, the bureau will correct them by correcting them on the spot, rectifying within a time limit, and transferring them to the inspection agency.
2. Full implementation of the agricultural price and fee disclosure system. With the support and attention of the district committee and the district government, in this month, our district took the lead in setting up a rural price supervision station in the city. The bureau hired rural compulsory price supervisors in *administrative villages, organized them to conduct business training, clarified their job responsibilities and appraisal system, and adhered to four combinations, namely: the implementation of the public notice of agricultural fees and the rectification of townships and departments. The combination of the combination with the implementation of the rural price supervision and management service network, the combination of government affairs and village affairs, and the investigation and handling of the fees related to agriculture, comprehensively promoted the agricultural price and fee publicity system. The publicity rate of the whole district reached **%, which played a positive role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. It was well evaluated in the city's agriculture-related fees public inspection and evaluation activities, and was highly praised and affirmed by the farmers.
3. Seriously perform the duties of price management. Throughout the year, the prices of commercial housing such as Yangzhou Meilin Real Estate Company, Zhongjiang Real Estate Company, Jinchen Real Estate Company and New Oriental Real Estate Company were reviewed, and more than 10,000 square meters were strengthened; the drug price management work was strengthened, and the provinces and cities were forwarded in time. Drug price management policies and price catalogues, monitoring and registration of foreign medicines entering the sales of our districts, and price evaluation of homemade decoction pieces of Guangling Hospital and Chengdong Hospital in our district; * A parking spot, resettled laid-off workers, vulnerable people ** many people; for the new situation after the adjustment of the zoning, according to the State Planning Commission "Government Price Decision Hearing Measures", for the first time on the social public utilities, public service prices During the hearing, the two waterworks in the Bayo Town of the suburbs were asked to adjust the price of water. During the SARS prevention and treatment period, the SARS drug price monitoring point and the network of monitors were quickly established to fully grasp and understand the market dynamics. , timely providing cost research and accounting for peracetic acid disinfectant manufacturers; and Yangzhou New Oriental School submitted information to the PUC at trial, provide a quality service for the enrollment fee and so on.
4. Increase the price supervision and inspection. In the whole year, we received a variety of price reports, and replied with **, the settlement rate was *%, the response rate was **%, and the economic sanctions were nearly 10,000 yuan, of which the refunded consumers were more than 10,000 yuan. Over 10,000 yuan, he has organized special inspections on industries such as drug prices, medical service prices, education fees, and real estate development. In the whole year, a total of all kinds of price violations were investigated. The economic sanctions were more than 10,000 yuan, of which the refund was more than 10,000 yuan, and the fines were not more than 10,000 yuan. This truly solved the problem for the masses and effectively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the people. It played a positive role in regulating the market price order.
5. Further improve the work of clear price. Cooperate with the Municipal Inspection and Branch Bureau to carry out the “Clear Code Price Demonstration Street” activity on Wenchang Road. Propaganda materials were distributed to nearly * commercial business units, focusing on strengthening daily inspections, and continuously consolidating and expanding the demonstration results of clear price. Many units along the street were rated as “model yard price demonstration units” by the municipal bureau, which led to a new level of price tagging work in the whole district; and a hospitalization fee list system in larger hospitals. Guided Guangling Chinese Medicine Hospital and Yangzhou Dental Hospital established a touch-type electronic display and electronic settlement system, which promoted the standardization of hospital services and transparent charges; and actively cultivated and guided the standardization of school fees. The District Price Bureau set up a leading group to establish a standardized school for education fees. After the application of the school, the inspection and acceptance of the leading group, and the public announcement, Wenhe Guoxiao and Dongguan Guoxiao obtained the “standardization of education fees” granted by the District Price Bureau and the Education Bureau. School title. We also extended the price tag inspection work to various townships, streets and village offices. With the inspection and analysis of the personnel of the township and street rural price supervision stations, and conducted training and guidance on price business knowledge. Through the actual operation and training, the ability of the personnel at the grassroots price supervision station to specifically engage in the management and supervision of the price tag is improved.
6. Actively expand the field of price certification services. In the whole year, the price identification of the subject matter involved in the case was completed, and the amount was **10,000 yuan. Actively develop the certification service business, complete the price certification business* for the whole year, the amount is **10,000 yuan.
7. Go all out to complete the investment promotion task. Actively mobilize the cadres and workers of the organization to invest in the “100-day battle”. By the end of the month, a total of 10,000 yuan of private capital was introduced, and the excess task index was **.*%.
In order to effectively fulfill the price function and ensure the completion of the work tasks, we focused on the following aspects:
8. Strengthen team building and improve combat effectiveness.
Without a good leadership team, it is impossible to bring out a good team, and it is impossible to create a new situation in work. In the month of this year, the district committee adjusted the party group of our bureau. We formulated and improved the party committee's rules of procedure and various systems in a timely manner, conscientiously implemented the democratic centralism and collective leadership division responsibility system, adhered to the working principles of collective discussion and research decisions on major issues, and routine work routines, and required team members to further enhance political awareness. Consciousness of the overall situation and sense of urgency, persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, upholding the fine traditions of the party, persisting in building the party for the public, governing for the people, keeping in mind the "two musts", keeping the integrity and integrity, and improving the style of work. The self-image is a good example for all cadres.
Over the past year, we have focused on the idea of ​​"unity, pragmatism, efficiency, integrity, and innovation", taking active and effective measures, and concentrating on the team's own thinking, discipline, and work style, and constantly improving the team's cohesiveness, combat effectiveness, and call. force. We have earnestly implemented and implemented the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction, strictly implemented the provisions on honesty and self-discipline, and strictly followed the "five inaccuracies", "five prohibitions", "four strict controls" and "four resolutely stop" Requirement, always do self-respect, self-examination, self-police, self-motivation, establish a good image of the leadership team's integrity and efficiency, and provide a strong guarantee for doing a good job.
1. Transform functions and serve first.
In response to the new requirements of the situation development on price work, we actively adjust our work ideas, adhere to the service-led, and promote the transformation of thinking, management and work functions with the transformation of ideas. This year, we have carried out price integrity activities as the main line of all work, actively cultivated qualified market players of honesty and credit, and worked hard to help enterprises build price integrity brands. In the work, on the one hand, we are in accordance with the unified arrangement of the city price integrity leadership group, and comprehensively promote the business activities of the business enterprises in the jurisdiction to carry out the integrity activities; on the other hand, focus on the cultivation of enterprises with strong desires, conditions and social influence.

In order to build the “Yangzhou International Golden Eagle Shopping Center” price integrity brand, the bureau proposed a “six one” activity plan, namely: holding a price law knowledge lecture, launching a price integrity promotion campaign, and organizing a special inspection and inspection of the commodity price tag. Conduct a price certification for seasonally reduced prices, hold a business agent, business management personnel, employee representative symposium, and develop a responsibility system for price cadres. The pilot activities have achieved a clear "win-win" effect. The marketing staff of Golden Eagle International Shopping Center generally enhanced the awareness of price integrity. The company also won economic benefits with credit brands, its popularity soared, and its marketing was fierce. The annual sales of goods increased by *.*% compared with the same period of last year.
The successful practice with Golden Eagle International Shopping Center has won positive response from many companies. Yangzhou Times Square has formulated a plan for the establishment of a “business standard and honest household” plan, and requires the bureau to further increase its guidance. The bureau and the industry and commerce department jointly established the "Yangzhou Times Square to create a brand of integrity" work leading group, once a week to inspect and guide the operation of Times Square, once a month organize management personnel, marketing personnel to conduct price knowledge learning presentations, once a season The selection of “business-oriented and honest households” has created a strong atmosphere of integrity in the bustling square. By the month of *, there have been * companies in the district to declare participation in price integrity and striving activities. After unified training, unified account, unified acceptance, and unannounced visits and percentage system assessments at the city and district levels, Yangzhou Golden Eagle International Shopping Center and Huiyinjiao Home Appliances Co., Ltd. were rated as “price integrity units” this year. The Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Municipal Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee fully affirmed the work of the Bureau and the enterprise to build a price integrity platform. In the ninth issue of the "Mental Civilization Construction" briefing this year, we introduced the "Finance Management in Service and Carrying Enterprises". Experience in creating a credit brand.
2. Strengthen management and create an environment.
First, increase publicity efforts and strive to enhance the awareness of the price legal system of the whole society. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the Price Law. In addition to effective methods such as hanging banners, printing materials, and on-site consultations, we also actively promoted into communities, schools, and stores, and adopted the form of “combined with practical cases, inspiring things around us” and other popular forms. Organized and held nearly a number of reports, presentations, symposiums, and extensively carried out price regulation policy publicity activities. In the process of daily supervision and inspection, we also insisted on giving priority to warnings and focusing on education. In the whole year, a total of ** yuan was invested in publicity, and a number of plaques*, public signs, and more were distributed. * At the beginning of the month, after careful and meticulous preparation, the first price service into the community activities was held in the Dongguan Street community of Dongguan Street, and the goal of “six-send” was clearly defined, namely: sending the price policy into the community, sending the price service into the community, and sending the price. Management into the community, send price monitoring into the community, send price assessment into the community, send price consultation into the community, and achieved a more satisfactory effect;
The second is to adhere to the enterprise burden monitoring system. In order to truly reduce the burden reduction and work, and create a good external environment for the development of the enterprise, we have further strengthened the social supervision with the cooperation of the District Supervision Bureau, in different scales, different regions and different ownership systems in the whole region. Among the enterprises, the representative enterprises of the * family were selected as the monitoring points for the enterprises. Through regular communication and communication, the clues of unreasonable charges were found and promptly investigated and corrected. In the second half of the year, we built an investment environment around the price service service “Development along the Yangtze River”, and listed Guangling Industrial Park as the focus of corporate burden monitoring. We visited the park enterprises and the park management department several times, and sent the policies to the position, clearly, and the owners. Make friends, solicit opinions and suggestions from the business owners and management departments, publicly charge the price standards of the charging items and supervise the report and call, and further reduce the work of the crime. Many companies welcome this. According to statistics, the total amount of enterprises involved in the reduction of the amount of nearly 10,000 yuan in the whole year, the clearance fee reduction work has achieved certain results;
The third is to strengthen investigation and research, and the theory is linked to reality. We use business research as an important way to explore new ideas for price work, and conduct research on the cost of medical services, the price of commercial housing, reduce the burden on farmers, the cost of key small schools and private schools, and have achieved certain results. Conducted research on industrial parks and formulated opinions on the development and construction of price work service parks. The leaders of the bureau also took the lead in theoretical discussions, broadened their horizons, amplified their thinking, and explored new ways and new fields of price service work in response to the current hot issues of the market economy, and published theoretical articles in municipal newspapers and periodicals. The government affairs information work of our bureau has also made certain breakthroughs. During the prevention and treatment of SARS, price dynamic information was collected in time to provide reference for leadership decision-making. Throughout the year, a number of government affairs information* were submitted to the provincial and municipal authorities and district committees and district governments. The draft rate has been greatly improved compared with previous years. In the second half of the year, with the care and support of the Municipal Bureau, the city's price system electronic website was added to further expand the social impact of price information work and improve the efficiency of price information services.
3, pay attention to hot spots, price control according to law.
In the past year, we have conscientiously implemented the "Yangzhou City Price Management Catalogue", and approved the license rights according to the scope and price of the price management clearly defined by the Municipal Bureau, so as not to be offside and not absent. The prices of goods and services listed in the pricing catalogue and administrative examination and approval items shall be strictly managed; for those not included in the pricing catalogue and administrative examination and approval items, the market shall adjust, allowing enterprises to independently price and promote the formation of market price mechanism; If the bureau approves and files the case, it shall report it in time according to the requirements of the program.
In order to do a good job in reporting and complaining about prices, this year, we have strengthened the construction of software and hardware from the aspects of organization, staffing, and equipment conditions: we have connected with the city inspection sub-bureau to set up a special telephone for price reporting, and added a recording telephone. Fax and other equipment; improve the reporting system, always adhere to the principle of "there must be checks, the results must be answered, and the results must be answered"; all personnel of the organization organs are on duty on holidays, and strive to overcome the contradiction between reporting and staffing. In the daytime, there is a special person to watch, and there is a telephone recording acceptance at night, with the report with the acceptance, warm reception, prompt investigation, timely feedback, so as to ensure the smooth flow of complaints.
In order to do a good job in the special inspection of agriculture-related charges, the district's price, finance, supervision, construction, civil affairs, family planning and other departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Lightening the Burden of Farmers and Strengthening the Management of Agricultural Charges", requiring townships, streets and The relevant functional departments further standardize the charging behavior and effectively reduce the burden on farmers. Due to the attention of the leaders and the effective measures, the special inspection work on agriculture-related fees in our district has been implemented, and the actual results have been achieved, which has won praises from farmers.
In the face of the sudden SARS epidemic, we strictly implemented the provincial and municipal notices on the implementation of temporary price intervention measures, promptly organized special inspections on the prevention and treatment of SARS drugs and related commodity market prices, and resolutely curbed the prevention and treatment of SARS drugs and related commodities. Excessive rise in market prices, fulfilling duties with practical actions and maintaining social stability. During the period, we implemented the emergency working mechanism. The Director took the lead in the whole day, established a market monitoring and notification system, timely reported the dynamic information to the superiors, and intensified the inspection and supervision. "Illegal behavior of chaotic price increases. In particular, the investigation and punishment of a typical case in which a commercial bank does not implement statutory interventions for the distribution of "infrared thermometers" has aroused widespread concern in society. Our bureau was rated as "Advanced Group of SARS Prevention and Control Work in Guangling District".
This autumn, the state, the province, and the city paid great attention to it and launched a special inspection of the disorderly charge for governance education. According to the unified deployment and requirements, on the one hand, we actively cooperated with the provincial and municipal authorities to inspect some Chinese smalls in our district. The district also inspected some schools, and on the other hand, the main problems identified, such as: illegal opening The experimental class will charge the experimental class fee, the illegal self-study fee, the scholarship reduction, the unreasonable fee for the agency fee, and the unreasonable disguised charges. The district education authorities will go deep into the more prominent schools and organize the school leaders. The teachers' backbones jointly study policies, analyze problems, and propose measures to further standardize the charging behavior and effectively reduce the financial burden of the students' parents, ensuring that the special inspections have achieved practical results.

4, people-oriented, forging team.
In order to do a good job in price management under the new situation with high quality, we have always made great efforts to improve the quality of the price team as an important task. In the past year, on the basis of strengthening internal management and comprehensively implementing the responsibility assessment system for work objectives, we have focused on the following aspects:
Do a good job in the ideological education of cadres and workers. Over the past year, we have organized the learning activities of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the important speech of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the use of going out to study and ask the teacher to give lectures. In combination with the method, the teachers of the Party School of the District Party Committee should systematically explain the political and economic theories in a comprehensive way, so that they can connect with the actual and open their minds to study and discuss. In particular, it is aimed at the social and economic central issues such as “serving development along the river, speeding up the development of services, accelerating a new round of development”, and achieving the goal of “two leading”, and insisting on combining the reality of Guangling and combining the actual work of the society to learn theories and measures. Therefore, the idea of ​​cadres and workers is unified into "contributing to the development of everyone", which further enhances the consciousness of learning and the responsibility of work, and promotes the better function of the price function.
Grasp the creation of civilized units. In contrast to the establishment of standards by civilized units, the Bureau has set a goal of striving for “municipal civilized units” on the basis of the title of “district-level civilized units” for several consecutive years. The purpose is to create a civilized unit as an opportunity to closely integrate team building with the creation of civilized institutions and civilized cities. Focusing on “creating first-class services, doing first-class performance, and building first-class teams”, we will further update our concepts, change our style, and enhance our overall awareness and responsibility. Awareness and service awareness. The creation of civilized units focuses on implementation and on action. Since the beginning of this year, we have adhered to the reality and adhered to the economic construction as the center, and strived to adapt to the new situation and new situation that emerged after the adjustment of the zoning, to clarify the relationship between management and service, integrate civilized construction into practical work, and strive to do a good job in various services. Strive to establish a good civilized image in practical work. Through solid and in-depth publicity and education, the cadres and workers' awareness of civilization has been further strengthened, the world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​have been further improved. The enthusiasm and initiative to participate in the creation of spiritual civilization have been greatly enhanced. The overall thinking of the people has been further unified, and the requirements for the creation of civilization have been consciously implemented. In action, it has been implemented in every service work and has maintained a good mental outlook. After examination and acceptance by the municipal and district civilized offices, the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government commended and named the bureau as “Civilized Civilized Units of Yangzhou City” and issued plaques and certificates of honor.
Do a good job in the construction of the price legal system. Adhere to the Constitution as the core, focusing on the "Price Law" and "Administrative Procedure Law", "Administrative Reconsideration Law", "Administrative Punishment Law", "State Compensation Law" and other relevant administrative regulations, and carry out in depth and step by step. Education and training activities of laws and regulations. He has organized several business backbones to participate in training courses on various administrative regulations and price laws and regulations at the provincial, city and district levels, and formulated incentive measures to mobilize in-service personnel to participate in party school legal major correspondence or self-study exams, with a focus on improving the leadership of the bureau. With the legal professional quality of middle-level cadres and administrative law enforcement personnel, a backbone team with a high level of legal knowledge has been gradually constructed. In the past year, according to the laws and regulations promulgated by the state in different periods, the business requirements of the higher authorities, and the needs of actual work, we have organized regular administrative regulations, price regulations, national civil servants must read laws, and price administrative law enforcement basic knowledge in the bureau. After legal training, and in accordance with the adjustment of personnel, the administrative law enforcement qualification certificate issued by the State Planning Commission and the municipal government was handled in time. While grasping our own legal knowledge training and learning, we also actively went out, sent the law to the door, served the door, and organized a number of price administrative regulations presentations attended by administrative institutions, real estate enterprises, commercial enterprises and other relevant personnel. The comprehensive, multi-faceted and systematic implementation of the "Price Law" and the "Regulations on Administrative Punishment of Price Violations" and other publicity and education activities have effectively promoted the price and legal awareness of price cadres and the whole society, and built the price legal system. It has laid a good ideological foundation and social foundation.
Actively cooperate with the administrative supervision work. According to the unified arrangements of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau, this year, the bureau was listed as the key department of the administrative supervision work. * Since the middle of the month, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau have been stationed in the Bureau to carry out routine law enforcement supervision, and to implement the extra-budgetary fund management system for the implementation of the law-based administration, compliance with laws and regulations, honesty and self-discipline, diligence and pragmatism. Other aspects of the situation were thoroughly investigated. The party and government leadership team of our bureau attaches great importance to it and actively cooperates with the work. On the basis of the first unannounced investigation, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau organized activities such as law enforcement knowledge test, middle-level cadre talks, and data review. They visited a number of departments, enterprises, and other departments related to price work. People, invited people's congresses, CPPCC representatives, members to discuss, and continue to conduct unannounced visits based on the discussion. By the end of the month, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau had conducted a comprehensive and in-depth investigation into the situation of administration, performance of duties, honesty and self-discipline, diligence and pragmatism since the beginning of the year, and followed up and supervised the administrative law enforcement of price management. * At the beginning of the month, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau reported to the district committee, the district government and the bureau, and feedbackd the situation. They fully affirmed the ideology, style of discipline, image of law enforcement, team building, etc., and also aimed to further improve the internal Suggestions were made on the system, intensifying law enforcement, and improving overall quality. In the second half of the year, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau conducted follow-up inspections on behaviors, procedures, and effects in the price enforcement work of the Office in conjunction with the development of relevant work, and organized back-to-back evaluation activities. In the supervision work, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Bureau carried out their work according to law, and also actively participated in price enforcement activities, providing strong support and guarantee for the smooth implementation of price enforcement.
In the past year, with the support and support of the superior leaders and the cooperation of all parties, through the joint efforts of the cadres and staff of the overall situation, we have carefully organized and implemented the tasks set at the beginning of the year and achieved certain results. But at the same time, it is also soberly aware that there are still many unsatisfactory things, market price behavior needs to be further regulated, how to use price levers to better promote economic development remains to be further explored, and the task before us is still very We must further change our concepts, improve our work style, strengthen our awareness of market economy and service, follow the challenges, actively overcome difficulties, improve our work, and better in the new year. Do a good job at price.
The recently held Central Economic Work Conference profoundly analyzed the situation at home and abroad, put forward general requirements and specific arrangements for next year's economic work, and continued to maintain a good momentum of development for the national economy in the following year, and identified a series of important guidelines and policies. * In the first half of the month, Zeng Peiyan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, stressed at the relevant working meeting that comprehensive measures such as investment, price and reform should be adopted to correctly grasp the intensity, focus and direction of the macro-control, and strengthen and improve the giant view. Regulation and control, give full play to the role of market mechanisms, promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the national economy, and maintain the good momentum of current economic development.
In combination with its own reality, next year, the guiding ideology of our work is to take the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as a guide and conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference. The overall situation of economic and social development and the central work of the district committees and district governments, closely integrate the optimal regional development environment and adhere to the governance for the people, manage the price management fees according to the law, highlight key points, coordinate development, strive to improve the price service level, vigorously rectify and standardize The market price order has made positive contributions to promoting the economic development of our region and achieving the goal of “two leading” pilot zones.

Focus on five tasks:
1. Focusing on the implementation of price integrity activities, giving full play to the role of price associations and promoting the formation of industry price self-discipline mechanisms.
In response to the characteristics of different industries, we actively organized and carried out various forms of price policy and regulation publicity and education and business guidance work with relevant district functional departments and industry associations, and guided the catering, bathing, entertainment, pharmaceutical business and other industries to gradually form a price self-discipline mechanism; Medium-sized commercial, catering, real estate, property management companies, medical and pharmaceutical business units have signed the "Integrity Price Agreement", prohibiting all kinds of price fraud, promoting the establishment of market price credit system, promoting corporate integrity management; "Price Integrity Unit", create "clear price tag street", create "Wenchang Integrity Business Circle" and other activities, establish a typical, point-to-face, and promote the continuous purification of the market price environment.
2. Focusing on strengthening rural price supervision and management, giving full play to the functions of management and service networks, and ensuring the implementation of the "three rural" policies of the party and the state.
Strengthen the guidance and assistance to the rural price supervision station, establish and improve the assessment mechanism, incentive mechanism and various work systems, and use the rural price supervision station as a powerful pillar for the implementation of rural price management, and strive to achieve results; further implement the central government to reduce farmers To meet the work requirements, consolidate the results of the agricultural price and fee disclosure work, implement the price policy measures to the rural areas, to each farmer, so that the peasant people understand the national price policy, enhance the awareness of self-protection; strengthen the rural price and the burden of farmers Investigate and monitor, timely and accurately understand and feedback the price of rural market. We will effectively strengthen the supervision and inspection of rural prices, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the broad masses of farmers, protect and improve the enthusiasm of the broad masses of farmers, and promote the social stability and comprehensive and healthy development of the rural areas in our district.
3. Focusing on the hot and difficult issues of current economic work and people's lives, we will carry out the work of clearing fees and reducing burdens, and maintain and standardize market price order.
In response to the government's emphasis on education, medical care, pharmaceuticals, real estate, social concerns, people's concerns, and hot spots, there are plans and special measures to carry out special treatments; further increase the fee publicity and clear price work, and consolidate existing results. On the basis of this, gradually expand the coverage of administrative fees and the price of the price, so that the majority of enterprises and the people can clearly understand the consumption and clear payment; continue to increase the price supervision and inspection efforts, effectively combat various price violations, rectify and Standardize the price and order of charges, strive to establish and improve a fair and orderly market competition order; conscientiously do a good job in price reporting and complaints, give full play to the role of the hotline of the *** price, solve problems for the people; strictly implement the "charge permit" system, Carefully clean up administrative fees and charges, effectively reduce the burden on enterprises and the public; continue to do a good job of clearing fees and reducing burdens, unify production and issue "charge monitoring cards" to enterprises, and list detailed charges, standards and reporting calls involving enterprises. Wait, the charge item not included in the supervision card Enterprises have the right to refuse to pay, and report the price department; the implementation of Jiangsu Province "extraordinary period to implement price intervention measures and emergency measures Interim Measures" to develop work plans, to maintain price stability, social stability.
4. Focusing on extensive and in-depth investment promotion activities, striving to optimize price services and contributing to the economic development of Guangling.
Implement the "Price Monitoring Regulations" of the National Development and Reform Commission, improve the price monitoring network, establish a price early warning mechanism, provide market price dynamics in a timely and accurate manner, provide price information services for leadership decision-making, and effectively strengthen leadership in attracting investment. Fully mobilize and go all out to form a working atmosphere of “everyone cares about attracting investment and participating in investment promotion”, and closely integrates investment promotion with its own price business, and strives to play a good role in economic regulation, market supervision and society. The functional role of management and public services, focus on improving the level of price service, continuously strengthen service functions, serve enterprises and the public in all directions and in multiple channels, and strive to create a good "soft environment" for the economic construction and development of our district, and ensure the completion of the district. The task of attracting investment from the government.
5. Focusing on the "intensive quality and external image", strengthen the construction of the work style, the construction of a clean government and the construction of the price legal system, and further promote the administration according to law.
First, the party building work is the core, and the cohesiveness of the party members and cadres is strengthened. Second, the legal education is the guarantee, and the cadres' quality is comprehensively improved. Third, the work style is focused on improving the work style of cadres and workers. Vigorously advocate the spirit of diligence in learning, the trend of research and research, and the service-oriented reality, and constantly enhance service awareness, strengthen service concepts, and improve service levels. At the same time, further strengthen the popularization of the price legal system, put the foothold of the work at the grassroots level, make full use of the electronic network to timely reflect and report the price dynamics, establish and improve the system of contact with important enterprises, and organize the series of activities of “price service into the community”. Let the relevant policies and regulations on prices and charges be closer to the society and close to the people, and truly do practical things and do good things for the community residents.
The above is the basic situation of the price management service work in the past year. Next, I will give a brief report on my work, study and life in the past year.
As the secretary of the party group and the chief executive of the administration, I have paid attention to giving full play to the leading role, cohesion and leading role of the individual in the past year, and strive to start from the self and set an example.
First, adhere to the "standard of conduct, fair and transparent, coordinated operation, clean and efficient", give full play to the role of "squad leader" and bring a good team.
In my work, I pay attention to coordinating the relationship between the members of the team. I am not arbitrarily arbitrarily, not arbitrarily, not letting go, not protecting, not being confused, not engaging in "patriarchal system" or "one-word". Matters are collectively decided by the party group; it is also noted that the collective leadership is combined with the individual division of labor to form a joint force of collective leadership. According to the expertise and characteristics of each member, the burden is shared on the shoulders of the team members, so that everyone has work pressure, and both the task and the corresponding powers are given, so that everyone can actively and boldly and creatively carry out their work, empowerment, and power. Responsibility to achieve a high degree of unity, in accordance with the division of labor to open hands and feet, do their best to work, and heart together to the development of the price of the cause, and strive to create a first-class work together.
The second is to further strengthen ideological and political construction, adhere to advancing with the times, and constantly enhance service awareness and innovation awareness.
In the month of this year, the district committee adjusted the party group of the district price bureau. I served as the party secretary of the bureau, and the responsibility was even more important. Therefore, I have strengthened my own ideological style as an important prerequisite for fulfilling my duties. I have carefully studied political theory, economic theory, policies and regulations, strengthened party spirit, improved work standards, and strived to start from the self and set a good example. "Squad leader." Over the past year, through the study and education of the important thinking of the "Three Represents", I have further deepened my understanding of the party's line and principles. Through the party's work style and clean government education, I have further established the idea of ​​being strict with self-discipline and honest in politics. The study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee clearly defined the goals and efforts of the struggle, and further strengthened the confidence in overcoming difficulties and doing a good job in price work under the conditions of market economy.
At the same time, I continue to strengthen the price business knowledge and policy learning, proceed from the reality, strengthen investigation and research, explore the new way of price service service economic construction, service "two take the lead". He has organized various research activities such as fee management, agricultural cost, education cost, and price integrity. He published research and theoretical articles in newspapers and periodicals, visited dozens of enterprises and institutions, and understood the actual situation of price work and listened to suggestions. I sorted out the ideas of doing a good job in price management services under the new situation, adjusted relevant measures, and initially changed the situation of purely “investigating, managing, and penalizing” of price management in the past, enhancing the service awareness of cadres and workers, and actually transforming work. The style of work has made "service" the top priority of our work in price.

The third is to further strengthen the party's work style and clean government, adhere to clean government and diligent government, and ensure the implementation of the party's line, principles and policies.
"Blacksmith need its own hardware". In my work, I deeply felt that the personal conduct of the leader has a great impact on the construction of the organization. I regard "tolerate loneliness, keep the poor, resist the temptation, and manage the section" as the motto of the individual, strictly enforce the "five inaccuracies", "five prohibitions", "four strict controls", The "four resolutely stop" provisions, integrity and diligence, to ensure the implementation of the party's line, principles and policies. Over the past year, the SIPO has formulated a number of institutional regulations, strictly enforces the provisions of leading cadres in a clean and honest administration, never receives gifts, securities, and other payment vouchers, and never accepts various banquets, gifts, funds, and sponsorships that may affect the performance of official duties. , do not need public funds to participate in high-consumption entertainment activities and reimbursement of expenses that should be borne by individuals, strictly enforce the regulations on official business reception, car and communication tools, purchase and decoration of housing, etc., and insist on saving in all kinds of official activities. Opposing extravagance and waste, going to the grassroots inspection work, investigating and researching, not accepting reception, starting from the source, establishing a good image of hard-working, clean and honest price workers.
"Integrity, diligence and diligence". In the specific work, I insisted on putting price work into the overall situation of economic work, firmly establishing the overall awareness and service awareness, being a good government's staff, and resolutely implementing the district committee and district government. Major decision-making measures to ensure the smooth flow of government decrees and prohibitions; to solve difficult problems in work with a pragmatic attitude; to adhere to administration according to law, to open and transparent policies, to handle justice, to make collective research decisions on major issues; to persist in emancipating the mind, to keep pace with the times, to unite and Leading cadres and workers, broadening their thinking, striving for innovation, constantly improving working methods and improving work efficiency.
In the past year, despite my efforts in doing my job well, there are still many shortcomings, such as insufficient research on price theory, more daily affairs, and insufficient comprehensiveness in team building and cadre education. In response to the above problems, I will proceed from the following aspects and rectify:
1. Strengthen theoretical study and further improve their own quality. Familiarity with the price business cannot replace the high-level pursuit of personal literacy. It must enhance the ability to analyze problems, solve problems, and control price management through the study of Deng Xiaoping Theory, market economy theory, laws and regulations, price policies, and business knowledge. ;
2. Further strengthen price research and promote the work of the price level and the upper grade. Do a combination of theory and practice to better promote business work;
3. Strive for innovation in your work. Concentrate on solving the outstanding problems of strong social reflections and loud voices in the work of price. Further implement the price publicity system. Vigorously promote price integrity work and actively create a good price environment;
4. Increase the price propaganda and seek understanding and support from all sides. Adhere to the timely reporting of price work to the party committee, the people's congress, and the government, and use various forms to report and publicize the management service work and the price situation objectively and timely;
5. Continue to do a good job in building the individual's ideological and work style, conscientiously implement the party's style and clean government responsibility system, and create a good image.
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