Insights on life

I can’t understand that others are not enough to cultivate themselves.

The moment when people are angry, the IQ is zero, and it returns to normal after a minute. The key to human elegance is to control your emotions. It is the most stupid behavior to hurt someone with your mouth. --Inscription

We are often controlled by emotions, and I don't know how to explain how to control emotions again.

I once wrote that the process of growing up is the process of continuous freedom, and the process of learning to manage one's emotions. Our lack of freedom is usually because the bad emotions from the heart affect us. A person who can control bad emotions is stronger than a person who can win a city.

The bad emotions hidden in the heart always appear in life: In the past, in a pool, there was a bad-tempered turtle, and he became a good friend with the two geese who came here to drink water. Later, one year, the drought was over, the pool water dried up, the turtle had no choice, and had to decide to move. It wanted to go to the South with the geese. But it won't fly, so the two geese used a branch, called the tortoise biting the middle, and the geese each told the tortoise not to talk, and they flew high.

They flew over the green fields and flew over the blue lake. The children on the ground saw that the combination was very interesting. They clap their hands and smiled: "Look, the turtle is very funny." The turtle was proud of it. After hearing the sneer, he was furious and wanted to blame them. When the mouth opened, it fell and fell to the stone.

The big geese sighed and said, "How bad is the bad temper."

In fact, when the mood is bad, one person is disarmed in psychological power.

What's more, emotions may even hurt others and cannot be restored: there is a boy who is very self-willed and often loses temper to others. One day, his father gave him a bag of nails and told him: "Every time you lose your temper, nail a nail on the wall of the backyard."

On the first day, the boy made 37 tempers, so he nailed 37 nails. Slowly, the boy found that controlling his temper was easier than nailing the nail, so the number of tempers he made every day. It has been reduced a little bit. Finally, one day, the boy was able to control his emotions and no longer lose his temper.

The father told him: "From now on, every time you hold back your temper, pull out a nail." After many days, the boy finally pulled out all the nails.

The father took his hand and went to the wall of the backyard and said, "Child, you are doing very well, but now look at the wall covered with small holes, it is no longer possible to return to the previous look. If you are angry when you say something that hurts others, you will leave a wound in the heart of others like a nail. No matter how much you say sorry afterwards, those scars will always exist."

Can emotions be controlled?

We can do a test: if you make a smiling face, then your mood will immediately feel a little more joy. Psychological research shows that not only can emotions affect people's behavior, but in turn can affect people's emotions. Not only can people control their emotions psychologically, but modern physiology studies show that people can control their blood pressure, heartbeat, and so on. What about emotions?

There are many ways to control emotions. I think that at least the following methods are feasible:


Turn your attention to something pleasant.


Distract your troubles and break them down. Don't tie this trouble to other troubles. Don't worry about it, artificially enlarge it. Specific troubles, specific solutions, do not count the general ledger.


To weaken your troubles, for non-principled stimuli, we must learn to hold the gate tightly, not to listen as much as possible, not to see, not to feel, to let it enter. If you type it, don't associate it as much as possible, don't think, don't remember.


Being angry is to punish yourself for the fault of others. Forgive others and spare yourself. In addition, treat each other as an objective existence.


Just look at the problem from another angle. Look at the problem from a deeper, broader, longer-term perspective, and make a new understanding of it in order to jump out of the original limitations. Free your spirits so that you can transfer your energy to the goals you are pursuing. For example, Sayong loses his horse, knowing that he is not a blessing, is the classic liberation thinking.


Use strong emotional impulses and direct it to a positive and beneficial direction, making it constructive and meaningful.


Seek another stimulus. If the neighbors next door loudly open the music, make themselves upset, when using the previous method is invalid, you may wish to turn on the sound and play your favorite music...


Turn bad things into good things. The first is to use the timing and objective conditions, and the second is to use the emotion itself to sublimate the emotion into power.


Write, talk about the heart.

With the effective management and utilization of emotions, people will become more and more free and more chic. The tree wants to be calm and the wind is not only the real freedom is manifested in: the firmness of the roots, the strength of the tree poles and the swaying of the branches, and the three are harmonious.

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