Work Plan > Health Work Plan

Main points of health work in xx city in 2019

The overall requirement for health work in the city in the year of 200x is: guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the First Session of the Municipal Party Committee, adhere to the people-oriented and health care development, and focus on protecting the general public. The center of life safety and physical health highlights the three tasks of public health, rural health and health reform and development, and effectively implements major disease control, health law enforcement supervision, emergency public health emergency response, personnel training, patriotic health and hygiene . The wind has built six jobs. Emancipate the mind, transform functions, innovate mechanisms, supervise according to law, continuously improve the city's health administrative capacity and quality of medical and health services, and make positive contributions to protecting the health of the people and promoting the construction of the three major industries of medicine, water and tourism.
First, strive to do a good job in public health services in accordance with the general objectives of the public health system, complete the task of disease prevention and control and medical rescue system construction. The CDC under construction must complete all construction and equipment tasks by the end of June; the county has strengthened the construction of laboratories with infrastructure tasks. In accordance with the principle of combining peacetime and warfare and focusing on capacity building, the construction of infectious disease hospitals, emergency centers and infectious counties in 10 counties must be completed and put into use before the end of October, and gradually establish diseases that are compatible with the economic and social development level of the city. Control system and medical treatment system to improve emergency response mechanism for public health emergencies.
We will do a good job in the prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases such as SARS, human avian influenza, AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis. Establish and improve a long-term mechanism for prevention and control, and implement prevention and control measures to prevent the spread and spread of major infectious diseases. Focusing on iodine deficiency diseases and soot-type fluorine and arsenic poisoning, the task of prevention and control of endemic diseases in the "10th Five-Year Plan" and 95,000 anti-fluorine and stove-changing stoves was completed, and assessment and acceptance were organized. The implementation of the program of immunization of the immunization of the program, the regular inspection and recognition and accountability system, the formulation of the target responsibility assessment method, the accountability method and the immigration plan for immigration planning. The organization carried out the plan to exempt the standardization of townships and the establishment of “reaching the standard” counties and districts, and the first batch of the three counties of Xunyang and Xunyang and Pingli reached the construction standards. Further standardize the program of immunization technology services, municipal and county CDCs and more than 80% of township hospitals to complete the task of standardized vaccination clinic construction, improve the quality of inoculation, the "seven seedlings" effective vaccination rate maintained above 90%. Strengthen the prediction, early warning and forecasting of key diseases, establish and improve the network direct reporting system for infectious diseases, improve the quality of direct reporting, and prevent false reports, late reports, false negatives and misreports.
In accordance with the "reform and development, legal supervision, network regulation, hospital delivery" work ideas, organize the "maternity work year" activities of maternal and child health . Further standardize the construction of grassroots networks, standardize maternal and child health care technology service market, and improve maternal and child system management, with management rates of more than 85%. Give play to the role of obstetrics and gynaecology and pediatrics in maternal and child health care at all levels of hospitals, strengthen the construction of obstetrics in general hospitals, maternal and child health institutions, increase the rate of hospital delivery, and take effective measures to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Do a good job in the implementation of the "depletion" project.
Extensively carry out the patriotic health campaign. Take active measures to increase the efforts and progress of the establishment of provincial-level health cities in Ankang City. Continue to create a health county town, a health market town, a health demonstration village, and do a good job of maintaining the honor of a health county. Organize the implementation of rural toilets to change water, and continuously improve the living environment and sanitary conditions of urban and rural residents. Improve the organization of the Red Cross Society at the municipal and ten counties, and give full play to the role of the Red Cross in disaster relief and disaster relief.
Second, earnestly strengthen rural health work and conscientiously implement the spirit of the "Decision on Strengthening Rural Health Work" in the provinces, provinces and municipalities, and insist on the focus of health work in rural areas, and continue to lean toward the countryside in terms of policies, funds, and projects. Improve the situation of rural health is relatively weak. Effectively implement the rural health economic policy, and “one long and two” of the township hospitals organized by the CDC, maternal and child health care, health law enforcement agencies and the government.
The retirees’ wages shall be subject to full fiscal budget management; if the headcount funds of the remaining township hospitals are temporarily less than 80% of the subsidy standards, they may be gradually achieved in different years; the village-level “two-members” remuneration shall not be low monthly. It is guaranteed by the standard of 600 yuan. The Municipal Disease Control Center and the Baihe, Hanyin, Sui and Ningshan County CDCs must realize the full management of the budget.
Deepen rural health reform. We will continue to improve the management of the township health centers , towns and villages, and the management of the county and district health bureaus, formulate management measures and measures, increase management, and improve two benefits. The non-established township hospitals will be restructured and reorganized, and will be leased, contracted, joint-stock or joint-stock cooperative, state-owned private, custody, auction and other forms of restructuring to enhance the vitality of development. Vigorously implement the system of public elections for the president and the public examination system for women and children of epidemic prevention to ensure the quality of personnel and improve service capabilities.
We will increase the construction of rural health infrastructure and enhance the awareness of project construction to promote the rapid development of rural health in our city. Organize and implement key projects such as the construction of township hospitals, the construction of hospitals in poverty-stricken counties, the construction of Chinese medicine hospitals, the construction of special health projects, and the construction of AIDS demonstration counties, implement project supporting funds, and complete construction tasks on schedule. Do a good job in the accounting, fund return, personnel training and equipment management of health loan projects, and actively strive for the state to improve the rural health service capacity building projects in the central and western regions.
Do a good job in the pilot project of new rural cooperative medical care in Xunyang County. In accordance with the principle of "government-led, peasant voluntary participation", we will do a good job in publicity and mobilization, program formulation and organization and implementation, and strive to increase the participation rate of farmers. It is necessary to sum up experience in a timely manner and improve management methods to ensure the smooth operation of the pilot work.
Third, vigorously promote the reform of urban medical and health system In accordance with the principle of integrating resources and complementing each other's advantages, rational planning of existing health resources, highlighting their respective characteristics, strengthening advantages and building strong specialties, and maximizing the efficiency of health resources. Do a good job in the establishment of the city infectious disease hospital, children's hospital, maternity hospital and first-aid, leprosy prevention, occupational disease prevention and treatment of integrated Chinese and Western medicine. Do a good job in the local management of railway hospitals and health centers .
In accordance with the idea of ​​separation of ownership and management rights, further deepen the reform of the operation mechanism of public hospitals, establish a public hospital investor system and corporate governance structure, and clarify the relationship between government, asset management organizations and hospitals, and expand the hospital's operational autonomy. The right to ensure the realization of the government's goal of providing basic medical services.
It is necessary to vigorously develop non-public medical institutions, support social forces to set up medical and health undertakings, break the monopoly of public hospitals, and promote orderly competition among medical institutions with multiple ownerships. For the state-owned hospitals that are not well-managed, the reform of property rights and management rights such as shareholding system and state-owned private ownership will be implemented.
The government-sponsored public welfare hospitals should further deepen and improve the personnel distribution system reform, actively implement the fiscal compensation policy, conscientiously implement the separate management of medical service prices and drug costs, separate drug procurement, drug selection, doctors, and hospitalization expenses. Medical fee publicity system. Held a seminar on hospital management and management system reform.
Vigorously develop community health services. Develop community health services in accordance with the diversification of investment, standardization of work, and diversification of services. Gradually guide some secondary hospitals to extend community health services. The health administrative department strengthens access, supervision and guidance according to law.
Organize the implementation of a new round of hospital creation level work, complete the level review task. Further establish and improve the hospital's clinical quality control system, reduce medical disputes and accidents, and carry out medical quality inspections. We will do a good job in the construction of special hospitals for the demonstration of Chinese medicine and key Chinese medicine hospitals, and the Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Building of the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital will be completed and put into use. Do a good job in cross-infection management in hospitals. Continue to work on the creation of a demonstration center health center .
Fourth, do a good job in emergency public health emergency work, earnestly implement the "Regulations on Emergency Treatment of Public Health Emergencies", and establish and improve the working mechanism for major public health emergencies such as outbreaks of infectious diseases, food poisoning, disaster prevention and disease prevention, and safe production. Work plan, do a good job in material reserve and personnel training, establish a responsive medical and health emergency team, organize regular simulation exercises to ensure the smooth completion of various emergency tasks.
Strictly implement the management measures for information reporting of public health emergencies to ensure unimpeded, timely and accurate information. It is necessary to attach great importance to work safety, improve mechanisms, implement responsibilities, carry out regular warning education, and resolutely put an end to serious and serious safety production accidents.
V. Strengthening the supervision of health law enforcement to further strengthen the comprehensive supervision of health law enforcement, and effectively supervise key areas such as infectious disease prevention, food hygiene , medical and health and occupational health , and strengthen measures such as legal education and training, supervision and inspection, monitoring of convulsions, and investigation of cases. Improve the ability to manage according to law. Full implementation of food supervision quantitative grading management. Strengthen the guidance, training and supervision functions at the municipal level in accordance with the principles of territorial management and consistency of authority. Strengthen the construction of health supervision institutions and teams, and complete the construction project of health supervision and law enforcement system. Exploring the supervision mode of setting up health supervision agencies in towns and towns, and enriching the health supervision and law enforcement forces at the grassroots and rural areas. Extensively carry out publicity of blood donation, strengthen clinical blood supply and blood supply and blood supply supervision, and prevent the occurrence of blood-borne diseases. Organize and implement special rectification activities such as prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, medical market and food hygiene to ensure public health, food hygiene , medical and occupational health and safety.
Sixth, increase the training of health personnel, firmly establish the talent resources is the first resource and the concept of science and education, and effectively grasp the three links of training, attracting and using talents. Organize and implement the "235" talent development strategy. Strengthen the construction of key disciplines and specialties, and establish a team of talented personnel with reasonable structure. Strengthen continuing medical education and improve the management system for continuing medical education credit system. Focus on the construction of high-level health personnel, and strengthen the construction of rural and public health talents. Continue to organize urban medical institutions, from the aspects of equipment, technology, personnel, management, etc., to take the "one-on-one" counterpart support to help rural health institutions develop. Do a good job in supporting the province, Xi'an and municipal hospitals. Actively carry out medical and health research work, promote new technologies, and expand new businesses.
7. Transforming functions and making every effort to promote the construction of spiritual civilization in the health industry. We will continue to focus on correcting the unhealthy trends in drug purchase and sales and medical services, and establish and improve the long-term mechanism for rectifying the work of both the discipline, the law, and the supervision. . Local and medical institutions that have strong public reactions must be held accountable for the health administrative department and the person in charge of the hospital. Organize the pilot program of centralized bidding for drugs and single-species charges, increase the investigation and punishment of irrational drug use, and effectively reduce the burden of patient expenses. Carry out Chuangjia's evaluation, create a civilized demonstration unit and "people's assured hospital" activities. Strengthen the medical ethics education, strengthen the people-oriented and "all patient-centered" service concept, create a professional ethics of honesty and honesty, and strive to shape a new image of the health industry.
Health administrative departments at all levels must conscientiously study, emancipate their minds, change their functions, and work hard on innovative work ideas, working methods and working mechanisms. We must dare to break through the institutional constraints of the planning economy on the development of health care , and think about and promote health reform in accordance with the laws of the market economy; we must effectively change the style of work, often go to the grassroots level, investigate and study, grasp and discover the difficulties and problems in the work, The government should report well and solve it in a timely manner; be good at discovering and summarizing good experiences and adopt effective measures to promote it; it should learn from and absorb good practices in health reform in the field, combine local realities, find breakthroughs in solving problems, and actively explore Boldly practice and promote the continuous development of health reform; it is necessary to carry out in-depth activities to create "learning, service, and ability to do things", and continuously improve the ability to govern according to law, scientific governance, and master the overall work, with full enthusiasm, Good working conditions, solid work style, organization and leading the cadres and workers to concentrate on construction, single-minded development, and make new contributions to speeding up the development of the city's health .

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