Work Plan > School Work Plan

Work plan of the General Affairs Office of the first semester of the 2013 school year of Jiulonghu Town Center School, Zhenhai District

Work plan of the General Affairs Office of the first semester of the 2005 school year of Jiulonghu Town Central School, Zhenhai District

First, the guiding ideology:
Taking the important thought of General Secretary Jiang’s "Three Represents" as the guide, guided by the school work plan, under the unified leadership of the school party branch and the principal's office, earnestly study and fully implement the archival spirit of the higher education work, and further clarify the school. The school's direction of teaching and educating people, managing education, and educating people. Focusing on the school work center, focusing on the logistics work for education and teaching, serving the life of teachers and students, constantly researching the new situation, seeking new development, further strengthening the internal management of logistics, and comprehensively improving the ideological quality and professional quality of logistics personnel, and strive Enhance service awareness, improve service quality and service level, and strive to make the logistics service "diligent, pragmatic, high-quality, efficient" work style, and further improve the daily work of teachers, students, learning, activities, life, teaching and research. Make new breakthroughs in the standardization, institutionalization, and socialization of logistics work, and then take a new step to create a new situation in the education of our town.
Second, the main work of this semester:
Taking "people's satisfaction" as the school 's educational goal, according to the school's overall arrangement, we will actively explore new ways of logistics service logistics management, and continue to summarize and gradually improve and improve, and strive to do a good job. Efforts have been made to make the Jiulonghu Town School a good education quality, a strong faculty, a dynamic student, and an excellent educational environment. Firmly establish the concept of service as the first line of education, in line with the idea of ​​serving the teachers and students wholeheartedly.
1. Resolutely do all the charging work according to the regulations of the District Education Commission. At the beginning of the school, the fees and the reduction policy will be announced to the parents. When you charge, you can get one person, one vote. There are certificates and tickets in the accounts. There are accounts to check, and the reimbursement of the bills is handled by the person. After being approved by the principal, it can be placed at the accounting office.
2. Do a good job of making books and ordering books, so that the number is correct and not wasted. Resolutely set according to the items stipulated by the Education Commission. Student fees are charged as required and are not charged.
3. Earnestly implement the reasonable use of education funds for this year's budget. First of all, to ensure the needs of the first line of education. It is up to the school administration to purchase large objects, and purchase according to the government procurement department, daily office supplies, maintenance, etc., please ask the principal to agree, then do the goods, and have a list, proof of the bill, try to be cheap and good. . Pay attention to the principle of diligence and thrift.
1. Further improve the various systems of logistics work and conscientiously formulate and implement the post responsibility system. On the basis of the revision of the logistics system in the previous school year, we will further refine the job responsibilities and workload assessment. Refine the assessment criteria for each link and improve the assessment and evaluation regulations. The responsibilities of the sub-tools are clear, and there are standards for the assessment, so as to supervise each other, to ensure the logistics service work, everything is done, everyone has something to do, and at the same time, irregularly and regularly collect the attitudes and service quality of the teachers and students on the logistics staff. Comments and requirements.
2. Grasp the campus environmental sanitation management. This semester, we will strengthen the management of the cleaning areas in the campus on the original basis, strengthen supervision, strengthen the organization and guidance of class hygiene and cleaning activities, refine the tasks and personnel allocation of various parts to ensure the cleanliness of the teaching area around the clock. At the same time, through various forms to educate teachers and students to protect public property, protect the environment's propaganda and education, create a public interest in the teachers and students, care for the public opinion of the campus, and actively carry out the beautification of the campus, the activities of the bright campus, the creation of civilization Campus activities are combined with the development of good hygiene and living habits.
Since the work of the canteen is related to the physical and mental health of teachers and students, ensuring the smooth development of education, further improving management, strengthening health supervision, improving the service of the perpetrators, and improving the environment of the canteen. Increase safety awareness, rationally match dishes, and improve the nutrition of teachers and students. Efforts to make the canteen a teacher and student satisfaction, parents can rest assured.
1. The dining hall of our school has reached the B level. During the semester, we must strengthen supervision and management, give full play to the functions of the equipment already deployed, and often check the operation of the canteen staff under the canteen to maintain the original level.
2. Further play the role of the Board of Trustees. Listen to the opinions of teachers and students, organize the cooks once a month to strengthen the food hygiene law, and learn about the knowledge of food safety law to further establish a sense of law and a sense of wholeheartedly serving teachers and students.
3. Continue to perform the assessment system for teachers in the canteens and the assessment rules for the canteens by the school once a month.
4, to ensure the physical fitness of teachers and students, the canteen weekly recipes nutritional mix under the guidance of a doctor to buy.
5. Further implement the legal knowledge of fixed-point procurement of food. To avoid arbitrariness, you must purchase a unit with a business license and a health permit, and sign a contract with the purchase point. And to do the purchase of goods, there are in and out of accounts and shopping when two people walk. Regularly do the physical examination of the cook.

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