Work Plan > School Work Plan

The National Primary and Young Pioneers Work Plan in the Fall of 2019

First, the guiding ideology:

With the tenet of "people-oriented, morality first", the core content of cultivating children's innovative spirit and practical ability is to promote the education of vegetarianism. Guided by the implementation outline of civic morality construction, we will pay close attention to fostering education, take patriotic education as the main line, and carry out various educational activities with the activities of the Young Pioneers as a carrier to push the work of the Young Pioneers of our school to a new level.

Second, the work focus:

1. Strengthen the team building of the Young Pioneers. Grasp the construction of the counselor team, work hard on character cultivation, knowledge ability, education and teaching, and build a team with strong cohesiveness and strong fighting ability. Improve the overall quality of the squadron counselors and improve the level of team building.

2. Improve the thinking of the young pioneers. We will conscientiously implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and earnestly strengthen the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents. Taking patriotism as the leader, we will continue to educate students on patriotism, teamwork, and socialism. From the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the height of talent demand in the new century, we must pay close attention to Develop education, discipline and legal education, and the traditional Chinese virtue education. Through the implementation of the "National Small Student Code of Conduct" and "National Rules for Students", we will strive to transform the basic principles of doing and doing things into the inner qualities of children and children, and cultivate students' love. Nature, love the collective, love others, love your own emotions, be a good citizen from childhood. In the school 's moral education, it is necessary to advocate guided education, highlight the initiative of the participation of training participants, change the unilateral infusion of teachers into the teacher's bilateral interaction, and change the normative education to impart knowledge to the students. Specifically grasp:

Environmental sanitation. The squadrons must organize students to do a good job of cleaning and sanitation every day. It is necessary to focus on clearing the corners of hygiene, educating and urging students to do well in class preparations. The inside and outside of the classroom must be kept clean and tidy throughout the day.

Civility. All classes must educate students to be civilized, polite, behavioral, and educated, both on campus and off campus. It is necessary to strengthen the inspection of dressing, personal hygiene, red scarf and student card wear.

Interdisciplinary discipline. It is necessary to educate students to consciously abide by the various regulations of the inter-class activities. "Politeness, obedience, and cleanliness" must become the conscious actions of every student.

Deepen the "cultivation education series" activities. Various forms of "good study habits, good labor habits, good living habits, good health habits, good habits of self-protection, good habits of good faith and law-abiding," training series of training activities.

3. Practically strengthen the construction of the school's Young Pioneers. At the beginning of the period, the brigade committee members were reelected. Further consolidate the construction of the Young Pillars, the middle and small teams, carry out good team meetings and team day activities, and actively play the important role of the Young Pioneers in the class building and comprehensive practical activities. Actively advocate the construction of a happy Young Pioneers collective, and guide the Young Pioneers to study diligently, live happily, and develop in an all-round way. Give full play to the role of publicity and education of the newspaper, and constantly improve the quality of the position construction.

4, the team work. Each class squadron counselor requires strong sense of responsibility, has a certain number of young pioneers work experience, and has carried out activities in a down-to-earth manner, giving full play to the role of the Young Pioneers organization in moral education.

5. Mental health education. Our school will continue to do psychological counseling for students, and psychological counseling teachers are responsible for the psychological counseling of students. Timely help students to properly handle interpersonal relationships, correctly handle difficulties and setbacks, and improve psychological endurance.

6. Focus on vulnerable groups. Special attention should be paid to the education and management of special family children such as single-parent families, divorced families, poor families, left-behind children, etc., earnestly do a good job of "two exemptions and one subsidy", establish archives of students with learning difficulties, take practical and effective measures, and do well in learning difficulties. Conversion work.

8. Strengthen safety education to ensure the safety of teachers and students. Mainly focusing on safety laws and regulations, with safety common sense as the content, for the characteristics of teachers and students, there are plans, multiple forms of safety regulations, safety common sense education, road safety education to ensure student safety.

9. Make full use of major festivals and carry out various forms of the Young Pioneers theme education activities.

Make full use of major festivals and anniversaries, such as Teacher's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, 10, 13 Team Days, etc., and organize a series of various theme education activities, such as Teacher's Day to carry out various respects, National Day. The festival carries out a series of related activities to educate the majority of the team members on patriotism, team spirit and revolutionary tradition, and help them firmly establish the ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. During the construction of the team festival, new and old players will join hands to hold a new team member's enrollment ceremony, and extensively carry out the education of the young pioneers' glorious sense to help the young pioneers understand and continuously deepen their understanding of the Young Pioneers team, clarify their rights and obligations, and understand the Young Pioneers organization. The basic nature and mission, clear the position and role of the Young Pioneers in the organization, familiar with the organization life of the Young Pioneers, and guide the Young Pioneers to be proud of the Young Pioneers and willing to add brilliance to the Young Pioneers.

Our school is a farmer's school model second school , which is a teaching point for optical disc equipment. In order to maximize the role and resource advantages of modern distance education equipment, in order to further improve the utilization of the school's farmer satellite reception and CD-ROM playback, our teachers and students can fully enjoy better and better education. I know that education and teaching achievements have been greatly improved. I have specially formulated a work plan for the use of agricultural distance teaching in this semester.

First, the guiding ideology

Work in accordance with the spirit of modern information technology education and distance education at the higher authorities. Based on school-based training, one-disciplinary audio-visual teaching is the main body, research and promotion of secondary development of distance education resources, and the use of agricultural equipment to promote the comprehensive modernization of our school's teaching work.

Second, the basic situation

There are 46 in-service teachers in our school, more than 1,000 students and 14 classes. There is a set of modern distance education equipment mode 2, and the school supporting construction has one CD player and one satellite receiving device.

Third, the work target task

The goal of this semester is to use modern distance education technology as the mainstay, supplemented by conventional audio-visual means, make full use of distance education resources, and use modern education methods to further improve the quality of education and teaching in our school.

Fourth, specific measures

1. Strictly follow the requirements of the rural far-reaching teaching plan, and arrange at least 20 lessons or activities for each week of CD-ROM broadcasting and satellite receiving resources.

2. Teachers of all disciplines are required to use distance education equipment and resources to use the resources of CD-ROM broadcasting and satellite reception for classes. Each teacher should book the content of the class next week. The school's teaching director will arrange the class of the farmer's curriculum according to the schedule. When scheduling the class, fully consider the class hours of each class, so that each class has the same time. Class in the electric classroom.

3. Before the class, the teacher should use the farm resources to prepare the lesson carefully, write the special lesson plan for the farmer, and prepare the courseware resources. The resource administrators after the class should be archived and shared by other teachers.

4. School-based teaching and research in this semester Our school mainly focuses on the use of agricultural resources, and requires classroom teaching to make full use of modern scientific and technological means to assist teaching, improve teaching effects, and reflect modern educational concepts.

5. Do a good job in regular audio-visual work. Manage and use regular audio-visual equipment to enable them to continue to play a role in teaching to make up for the shortcomings of modern distance education resources.

6. Regularly carry out modern distance education teaching exchanges to create a more modern modern distance education atmosphere.

7. Each time during the semester, a farmer resources quality evaluation activity will be carried out to better play the educational function, training function, information function and guiding function of the farmer.

5. The schedule of activities for the use of agricultural equipment.

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